The Sustainer
The Generous Provider
Natural Evil
Governing a Damaged Creation
Provider for a Damaged Creation
- On a scale of 1-10 how involved do you think God actually has to be to keep this world running? How involved does He seem to be in reality?
- If God is fully in control of our world how free am I to make my own choices?
- How open is God to my freedom of choice in the light of His knowledge of the future?
The Generous Provider
- If you were Adam or Eve what more would you have asked God for?
- If God is such a generous provider why do we have to keep asking Him for our needs and wants?
- Why do people make their dogs do tricks before giving them food?
Natural Evil
- How free is Satan to cause tsunamis and drought, etc., that kill humans?
- Does Satan get permission from God for all his actions like in the book of Job?
- What is the book of Job trying to teach us about God and Satan?
Governing a Damaged Creation
- Are we more useful to Satan dead or alive?
- Does God sanction each spell of rain? What about the storms?
- What do we mean by the statement that "even the winds and the waves obey Him?"
- Does God work His miracles within the laws of nature or not?
Provider for a Damaged Creation
- What do you think prompted God to provide Adam and Eve their first durable clothes?
- Are we more important to God than a sparrow is?
- Does God want us to have just our basic need or does he wish us to be prosperous?