
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Through a Glass, Darkly

Job's friends illustrated from nature that life had order and justice.  Job argued that creatures would deny that life had order and justice.  Who was right? Would creatures state that God/life was just or unjust?

The Earth is the Lord's

  1. What claim does Satan have to this earth? If any, how valid is that?
  2. Who has a stronger claim to ownership of this earth, God, for creating us, or Satan because we humans choose to side with him?   

A Fallen World 
  1. Was God's curse on this earth active or passive? Did God wreak havoc on the earth or did He just allow sin to take it's effect?
  2. Can Satan do what he wants on this earth or is he restricted in any way by God? 
  3. How involved was God in landscaping the earth after the flood? Did He merely allow things to grow as they happened to, or did He supervise regrowth?
  4. What remnants of God's handiwork in nature survive?  

The Ruler of This World
  1. If as the book of Job suggests, Satan was the representative of this earth, how much access did God have to this earth and its creatures? 
  2. After the cross, did God reclaim any further control of this earth?  Why did God not resume full control of this world then? 
  3. Does Satan have power to heal?  

The "Wisdom" of the World
  1. What is the difference between knowledge, understanding, and wisdom? 
  2. If there is a geo-scientific explanation for some miracles of the Bible, such as the sun standing still, the parting of the Red Sea and that of the Jordan, would that render those events as non-miraculous?  

Through the Eye of Faith
  1. Can faith heal? Can doubt prevent one from getting well even though one takes the same treatment as that which makes another well?  Do placebos work?  Why or why not?
  2. To what extent can we rely on faith and at what point does one need some evidence before committing one's self?