What other words besides "disunity" are opposites
of "unity?"
Answering Christ's Prayer for Unity
- Why would disunity among the disciples trouble Jesus so much?
- Does disunity come in the way of witness? If so, how?
- Why did the disciples not unite while Jesus was with them?
New Testament Illustrations of Unity
- Why did the early church try to bring unity without equality of genders and race and caste?
- Which of Paul's many images of the church (building, army, body) illustrate unity best?
Elements of Unity: Our Mission and Our Message
- How do we get a common enemy and how does that unite us?
- Do we in the Adventist church have a common mission and message? What is it?
Church Organization: The structure for Unity
- Did Jesus intend to leave behind an organization? Why did he not designate a leader? How did Jesus respond to the disciples' desire for position? How can we make leaders truly like servants in attitude?
- Was James like president or chairman of the first council? What is the difference?
- How does the presence of officers and hierarchy bring unity and disunity?
Achieving Unity
- What are some of the tools Satan uses to destroy unity?
- Do we need unity in all aspects or certain ones? Is it possible to proceed fully with our mission while we have disagreements in some areas, or do we need perfect harmony?
- Why does our lesson not include the Old Testament for lessons on unity?