God's Will and His Word
God's Love and His Law
Formalism, Fanaticism, and Faith
Ministry and Miracles
Fruits and Gifts
- Can new true revelation ever go against what is in the Bible? In the judgement will it be always safe to defend our beliefs and practices by telling God "I read it in the Bible" ?
- Is the Bible enough or do we need more?
God's Love and His Law
- What was the sin of the five foolish virgins? Why would Jesus tell them "I don't know you when they were waiting for him to come?"
- Why did God reject the rich young ruler who had kept the law all his life? If we are in the same boat how can we correct the situation?
Formalism, Fanaticism, and Faith
- On a scale of 1-10 between formalism/tradition and fanaticism/excitement where would you place Adventists?
- Which would you consider more difficult and why, to convert a Pentecostal to Adventism or to convert an Adventist to Pentecostalism?
Ministry and Miracles
- Can true miracles be experienced in a church or person who is not following all the teachings of the Bible? Is the presence of genuine miracles in a church evidence that it is the true church?
- Why did Jesus perform miracles? How many were converted because they witnessed miracles?
- Are there miracles among Adventists today? what do we need to experience more? Can we say today to people "In the name of Jesus, be healed?"
Fruits and Gifts
- Are gifts of the Spirit given at birth or later in life?
- Are some people given more gifts? If so, is that fair? Would you rather have one or ten? Why?
- Why are fruit of the Spirit - love joy, peace, patience, etc., fruit and not gifts?