What makes right right?
Roman Law
Mosaic Law (Civic)
Mosaic Law (Ceremonial)
Rabbinic Law
The Moral Law
Roman Law
- Where do secular lawmakers such as Romans get their ideas of what is right and wrong?
- Since Romans occupied Palestine by force, why would Jesus advocate obedience to their law?
Mosaic Law (Civic)
- If the Mosaic law was from God why would it not be permanent since God does not change?
- Why did the Sanhedrin at the time of Jesus act falsely to condemn Jesus?
Mosaic Law (Ceremonial)
- Why did the Mosaic law not treat men and women equally?
- Since the Old Testament is full of rituals, ceremonies and festivals, should we have more of these in the Adventist church?
- How successful was the sanctuary system in conveying the truths of salvation?
Rabbinic Law
- What do you think prompted the rabbis to multiply the rules for sabbath observance?
- Should Adventists become less strict with sabbath observance?
- What are principles to guide us in determining what is right or wrong to do on Sabbath?
The Moral Law
- Is it possible to keep the ten commandments and still not love people?
- Is it possible to love God and people and still not be keeping the ten commandments?
- Why do you think God gave ten and not more commandments?