Seat of Moses
- Are all pharisees hypocrites or are some sincere?
- Who fights more for what they believe, conservatives or liberals? Why?
- Are people born with pharisaical characteristics or do they acquire them?
- Is there such a thing as major and minor laws? Are all the ten commandments equally important? Is love to God more important than love to man?
- Did Jesus obey some man-made rules?
- Does the Adventist church have some man-made rules?
Traditions of the Elders
- Was non-observance of Mosaic laws a sin or just unhealthful?
- Is it a sin to be unhealthful?
- Who is eligible or authorized to explain God's law to others?
The Precepts of Men
- Are we expected to observe laws even if we cannot discern any sense in them?
- What the apostles instructed--such as women keeping silent in church, from God or from themselves?
- Are our services too traditional? Should they be less structured and more informal? Is there a reason we follow more or less the same format for each service?
Excessive Righteousness
- Is it possible to be too righteous?
- What did Solomon mean (Eccl 7:16), when he advised people not to be overly righteous or overly wicked?