"One Jot and Tittle"
- What does jot and tittle symbolize?
- Will the reign of the law end when heaven and earth are no more?
- When does dislike become hate? Can we avoid disliking some people?
- What should you do if even after trying to make things right someone holds a grudge against you?
- Why is hate and murder the most serious of sins?
- Why is adultery considered one of the most serious sins, perhaps next only to murder?
- At what point does admiration become lust?
- Is a woman ever to be blamed perhaps through dress (or lack of it), for being lusted after?
Promises, Promises
- What is the difference between a promise and an oath? Is breaking an oath more serious? Why or why not? Does it make a difference if it was a good thing or bad?
- Is a spoken vow more binding than an unspoken one?
- Is it good or bad to include God's name in an oath?
Lex Taliones
- Why did Moses prescribe revenge, such as an eye for an eye? Did that not obstruct love and forgiveness?
- Can we really love everyone, especially our enemies?
- Is it good to keep questioning our religious and social traditions, and consider changing them?