
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Lesson 10 (Nov 29-Dec 5), Weep and Howl

Justice Will Be Done

  1. Why can God not punish the wicked and reward the righteous before they die?
  2. Why are the rich in general condemned when there are many good rich people?
  3. Are rich people more selfish than the poor?

When Wealth Becomes Worthless

  1. Why do people hang on to stuff that they do not use?
  2. Why do people not use things they hang on to?
  3. How does sudden wealth affect a person? Can those effects be avoided?

Cries of the Poor

  1. Are the rich obliged to help the poor? If so, how?
  2. Is an employer obliged to give advances on salary to a poor employee?
  3. Is it possible to get rich without being greedy? 
  4. Is it possible to get rich without being oppressing others? 

Fat and Happy (for Now)

  1. Why are fat people considered prosperous? Aren't there many rich people who are fit, ad many poor who are fat?
  2. Can wealth be created and destroyed or does it just move around?
  3. Why was the lesson Jesus told of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?

Blame the Victim

  1. Why are the poor poor? 
  2. Is there aways someone to blame when something goes wrong?
  3. Why are people anxious to avoid being blamed?
  4. Why do try to place the blame on others?

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Lesson 9 (Nov 22-28), One Lawgiver and Judge

Judgement or Discernment

  1. Is it possible or even if it is, is it advisable to live without judging? Isn't it dangerous to trust everyone?
  2. Isn't the ability to judge people's motives a gift from God? Is that what discernment means?

The Lawgiver is Judge

  1. Is God neutral as a judge or is He biased?  
  2. Why do people mistrust lawyers? 

Planning Ahead

  1. Should believers sell all they have for the sake of the gospel?
  2. For how many years ahead should one plan? Can we safely assume Jesus will probably not come within a year?

A Mist

  1. In what way is vapour or mist or cloud not a good analogy of life?
  2. What makes time pass quickly or slowly?
  3. Why did Solomon say life is meaningless?

Knowing and Doing What is Good?

  1. We condemn fat people for not changing their eating habits, but why do most of us not exercise when we know we will live longer if we keep fit?  Is it a sin not to exercise?
  2. Can prayer strengthen our resolve to change behaviour? Can one change behaviour for the better independent of God?

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Lesson 8 (Nov 15-21), The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom

The Meekness of Wisdom

  1. How does one acquire wisdom?
  2. Does much learning make one proud or humble? Or does it not make as much difference as other factors?

Two Kinds of Wisdom

  1. Are children born selfish and assertive or do they become that way?
  2. What makes some people meek and others assertive? Is it possible to change frm one to the other? 
  3. Can one be too meek? Moses was said to be the meekest one who ever lived: was he always that way? If not, what changed him?

Cause of Conflict and Quarrels

  1. Why have so many wars been fought in the name of religion? Is it justified?
  2. Was Buddha right in teaching that desire causes suffering? What will be the result if one gets rid of desire?  
  3. What does Paul mean by exhorting us to covet earnestly the best gifts?

Friendship with the World

  1. Why does God ask us to live in the world but not love it? Why can't we abandon the world and live in the wilderness away from sin and temptations?
  2. Why does God ask us not to love both Him and the world? Is it possible to love both?

Submission to God

  1. Why is it hard to resist the devil? Would it be easier if we could see him and know who  was tempting us? Would we knowingly follow behind the devil if we could see him and know who he was? 
  2. Why do both God and the devil work unseen through our minds?

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Lesson 7 (Nov 8-14), Taming the Tongue

Why is "tongue" used s a synonym for speech rather than "mouth?"


  1. Why is a teacher called a "master" in the KJV?
  2. Who makes better teachers, smart students or students who had to struggle to get by? Why?
  3. Why are teachers trusted more than parents by children?

Word Power

  1. Though we treasure words of praise, why are we slower to praise than to criticise?
  2. What lingers longer in our minds, commendation o condemnation?

"Little" Things that are the Big Things

  1. On what basis can James state that controlling the tongue is the hardest body part to control?
  2. Is it true that if one can control his or her tongue, one can control his or her eyes, stomach, etc?
  3. If a soft answer can turn away wrath why do we not use it more often?

Damage control

  1. Can ideas like "sorry" and "thank you" be expressed equally well non-verbally as verbally?
  2. Should a person who apologises be forgiven even if he is not sincere?

Blessing and Cursing

  1. Why do you think the word for "curse" in Hebrew is the intensive form of the word "bless?" Can one discern any relationship?
  2. Can one person's mouth dispense spiritual truth at one time and filth at another time?
  3. How completely true is it that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks? 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Lesson 6 (Nov 1-7), Faith That Works

Dead Faith

  1. Since all sin and must die daily, how much good works must be done in order to demonstrate that one's faith is not dead?
  2. What kind of works demonstrates that our faith is alive?
  3. Is works only in deeds or can it be in the head too?

Saving Faith

  1. If we have to demonstrate our faith through some works does it mean that Christ's atonement was not adequate?
  2. How do we explain that even though we are not saved by works, but we can be lost by the absence of works?

The Faith of Demons

  1. What is the difference between "faith," and "belief?"
  2. Why cannot the demons who believe be allowed to rejoin God's side?

Abraham's Faith

  1. Why did God rescue Abraham and Sarah the times when they failed to exercise faith?
  2. What were the "works" of Abraham that illustrated his faith?
  3. What causes humans who have at times shown remarkable faith, to doubt God at other times?

The Faith of Rahab

  1. Is prostitution sin?
  2. Was it okay for Rahab to lie to the soldiers?
  3. Was Rahab's example as described in the Bible a good model for for us, or do we have to assume that she lived a sanctified life after her rescue, in order to get to heaven?