The Meekness of Wisdom
Two Kinds of Wisdom
Cause of Conflict and Quarrels
Friendship with the World
Submission to God
- How does one acquire wisdom?
- Does much learning make one proud or humble? Or does it not make as much difference as other factors?
Two Kinds of Wisdom
- Are children born selfish and assertive or do they become that way?
- What makes some people meek and others assertive? Is it possible to change frm one to the other?
- Can one be too meek? Moses was said to be the meekest one who ever lived: was he always that way? If not, what changed him?
Cause of Conflict and Quarrels
- Why have so many wars been fought in the name of religion? Is it justified?
- Was Buddha right in teaching that desire causes suffering? What will be the result if one gets rid of desire?
- What does Paul mean by exhorting us to covet earnestly the best gifts?
Friendship with the World
- Why does God ask us to live in the world but not love it? Why can't we abandon the world and live in the wilderness away from sin and temptations?
- Why does God ask us not to love both Him and the world? Is it possible to love both?
Submission to God
- Why is it hard to resist the devil? Would it be easier if we could see him and know who was tempting us? Would we knowingly follow behind the devil if we could see him and know who he was?
- Why do both God and the devil work unseen through our minds?