Dead Faith
Saving Faith
The Faith of Demons
Abraham's Faith
The Faith of Rahab
- Since all sin and must die daily, how much good works must be done in order to demonstrate that one's faith is not dead?
- What kind of works demonstrates that our faith is alive?
- Is works only in deeds or can it be in the head too?
Saving Faith
- If we have to demonstrate our faith through some works does it mean that Christ's atonement was not adequate?
- How do we explain that even though we are not saved by works, but we can be lost by the absence of works?
The Faith of Demons
- What is the difference between "faith," and "belief?"
- Why cannot the demons who believe be allowed to rejoin God's side?
Abraham's Faith
- Why did God rescue Abraham and Sarah the times when they failed to exercise faith?
- What were the "works" of Abraham that illustrated his faith?
- What causes humans who have at times shown remarkable faith, to doubt God at other times?
The Faith of Rahab
- Is prostitution sin?
- Was it okay for Rahab to lie to the soldiers?
- Was Rahab's example as described in the Bible a good model for for us, or do we have to assume that she lived a sanctified life after her rescue, in order to get to heaven?