
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Lesson 6 (Nov 1-7), Faith That Works

Dead Faith

  1. Since all sin and must die daily, how much good works must be done in order to demonstrate that one's faith is not dead?
  2. What kind of works demonstrates that our faith is alive?
  3. Is works only in deeds or can it be in the head too?

Saving Faith

  1. If we have to demonstrate our faith through some works does it mean that Christ's atonement was not adequate?
  2. How do we explain that even though we are not saved by works, but we can be lost by the absence of works?

The Faith of Demons

  1. What is the difference between "faith," and "belief?"
  2. Why cannot the demons who believe be allowed to rejoin God's side?

Abraham's Faith

  1. Why did God rescue Abraham and Sarah the times when they failed to exercise faith?
  2. What were the "works" of Abraham that illustrated his faith?
  3. What causes humans who have at times shown remarkable faith, to doubt God at other times?

The Faith of Rahab

  1. Is prostitution sin?
  2. Was it okay for Rahab to lie to the soldiers?
  3. Was Rahab's example as described in the Bible a good model for for us, or do we have to assume that she lived a sanctified life after her rescue, in order to get to heaven?