Why is "tongue" used s a synonym for speech rather than "mouth?"
Word Power
"Little" Things that are the Big Things
Damage control
Blessing and Cursing
- Why is a teacher called a "master" in the KJV?
- Who makes better teachers, smart students or students who had to struggle to get by? Why?
- Why are teachers trusted more than parents by children?
Word Power
- Though we treasure words of praise, why are we slower to praise than to criticise?
- What lingers longer in our minds, commendation o condemnation?
"Little" Things that are the Big Things
- On what basis can James state that controlling the tongue is the hardest body part to control?
- Is it true that if one can control his or her tongue, one can control his or her eyes, stomach, etc?
- If a soft answer can turn away wrath why do we not use it more often?
Damage control
- Can ideas like "sorry" and "thank you" be expressed equally well non-verbally as verbally?
- Should a person who apologises be forgiven even if he is not sincere?
Blessing and Cursing
- Why do you think the word for "curse" in Hebrew is the intensive form of the word "bless?" Can one discern any relationship?
- Can one person's mouth dispense spiritual truth at one time and filth at another time?
- How completely true is it that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks?