
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Lesson 5 (Jan 24-30), The Blessings of the Righteous

Why does the Sage describe the good results of choosing wisdom by deriding the bad results of choosing folly.

Righteousness is Holistic

  1. Why is it important for people to love their neighbors?
  2. Why must we suffer for other people's wrong choices or deeds? Why do have to suffer for Adam's wrong choice? 
  3. Why is lust and hate wrong if it is only in the mind? 
The Mouth of the Righteous
  1. Why did God not give us an "undo" button for our speech and actions?
  2. Why is the parts of the body--mouth, heart and foot blamed for sins of an individual? Can the eyes be blamed for a person's lust?
  3. Why do we sometimes speak irresponsibly when we know the rewards of carefully chosen out words.
The Hope of the Righteous
  1. If there is no future, no life after death, would the definition of "good life"change?
  2. What is the value of "hope" for (a) a prisoner, (b) for a dying person, or for (c) the average person?
  3. What is the meaning of "penny wise and pound foolish?" 
The Truth of the Righteous
  1. Why do people tell lies?
  2. How would life be if we could not determine the veracity of a person's speech?
  3. Is successful deceit ever commendable? What about Rahab misguiding the police?
The Reward of the Righteous
  1. Why are there only two camps--the righteous and the wicked?  Why can't there be a middle path?
  2. If the wicked were to just expire and not be raised to burn in hell, would more people not mind being lost?
  3. If there were no future reward, what makes it worth being good?

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Lesson 4 (Jan 17-23), Divine Wisdom

If Satan wins the Great Controversy will the definition of "wisdom" change?

Wisdom Cries Out
  1. How do we hear the call of wisdom?  Is it audible or inaudible? How can one know if it is the call of Lady Wisdom or Dame Folly?
  2. Why do so many reject wisdom and follow stupidity?
  3. What can one do to be among those who respond to wisdom? 
Wisdom and Creation
  1. Did God exist before Wisdom did?
  2. Did God determine what Wisdom would be or is it independent of God?
Rejoicing in Creation
  1. What was the difference in creation between being declared "good," and being declared "very good?" Was what was declared "very good" better than what was described merely as "good?"
  2. Did God create us for His pleasure? If we do not please God is He justified in destroying us? Why does He want to destroy all the wicked.
Wisdom's Appeal
  1. If there were no such thing as "sin"and "death," would the prescription for happiness change?
  2. Why do some respond to good sense and some not?
  3. Is it wrong to seek happiness?
  1. Why is it that Wisdom has to be pursued, but Folly pursues us?
  2. Why is it easier to be stupid than to be wise?
  3. What makes some people unteachable? How can I know if I am unteachable?
  4. What makes belief in creation smarter than belief in evolution?

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Lesson 3 (Jan 10-16), A A Matter of Life and Death

Would we avoid doing wrong if the punishment was severe or immediate?

The Law in Our Lives

  1. Might it help keep the law if we had portions of the law tied to our wrist or hanging from our necks to serve as reminders like strict Jews still do? Why or why not?
  2. How much good does a rosary do for the devout?
  3. Why do Adventists shy away from wearing a cross from the neck? Some Adventist churches are now placing crosses on their pulpits--is this good or bad?
  4. What do you think of the empty space shaped like a cross in the Adventist logo?
Light and Life
  1. How is the law related to light?
  2. In what way was Jesus a light?
  3. What does it mean for us to "let our light shine?"
Fighting Temptation
  1. How might the law be used to justify a sin?
  2. What is more effective in temptation--appearance or words? What attracted Eve more, the "forbidden fruit," or the words of the serpent?
You Shall not Steal?
  1. What is the connection between adultery and theft?
  2. Can one be "starving" for sex?
  3. Why is adultery much more serious than stealing?
  4. Why did Jesus say lust was equivalent to adultery when no has gotten hurt?
The Threat of Death
  1. Is it possible for us to remember that the wages of sin is death when we are faced with temptation?
  2. Why is a person who wakes up before dawn considered better than one who stays up at night after dark?
  3. When we yield to temptation do we abandon reason or misuse it? What is the opposite of "wisdom?" What is folly, ignorance or false wisdom? 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Lesson 2 (Jan 3-9), From Ears to Feet


  1. Why do you think that Proverbs stresses more on listening to the father's instruction rather than the mother's? Practically who has greater influence on a child's development? 
  2. Who is more responsible for the right development of a child, the parents or the child?
  3. How early is the trend of a person's life established?
Protect Your Family
  1. What do you think Solomon means by exhorting readers to "drink from their own cistern?"
  2. Is it wrong to flirt especially if no one gets hurt?
  3. How ready should we be to counsel another person who seems to be in danger of getting swept into an extra-marital affair?
  4. How can one rekindle the flame of love in a dying marriage relationship?
Protect Your Friendship
  1. Why does Solomon warn against standing guarantee for a friend in debt when Jesus taught us to help our neighbor?
  2. How can I help my neighbor in debt if I don't help him/her financially? Is friendship threatened more by giving or by not giving?
Protect Your Work
  1.  Is the ant truly hard-working or mostly just wandering around? What is the real lesson to learn from ants?
  2. Is it wrong to once in a while just lounge around doing nothing, or must one be doing something productive all the time?
  3. Is it possible to rest and relax too much on the Sabbath or is that what the day is meant for? Why does the fourth commandment say nothing about going to church?
Protect Yourself
  1. Why do you think Solomon associates haughtiness with the eyes?
  2. Is it wrong to think wrong things if we do not act them out?
  3. What are ways that individuals stir up dissension among people? If this is my problem, what can I do to arrest such activity?

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Lesson 1 (Dec 27- Jan 2), The Call of Wisdom

The Beginning of Wisdom

  1. How can you reconcile "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and "perfect love casts out fear?"
  2. Why is fear of the Lord usually associated with shunning evil?

True Education

  1. Are children in India shunted off to school too early? 
  2. Do children have to suffer socially if they are home schooled?
  3. When is the right time for children to leave the nest?
  4. Is "tied to mother's apron strings" a positive or negative image, and for what reasons?

The Call of Wisdom

  1. Is wisdom inherited or acquired? Why is it wrong to be "simple?"
  2. Why would anyone reject wisdom?

The Benefits of Wisdom

  1. On a scale of 1-10 where would you place the Indian system of education in succeeding to go beyond memorization?
  2. If God grants wisdom, how can a human be faulted for being foolish?
  3. Why is wisdom personified as a woman and instead of a man?

Do Not Forget

  1. What is the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence?
  2. What do you think Eccl 7:16 means by cautioning against being overrighteous and overwise?
  3. How can I know if I am really wise or just wise in mine own eyes?