If Satan wins the Great Controversy will the definition of "wisdom" change?
Wisdom Cries Out
Wisdom Cries Out
- How do we hear the call of wisdom? Is it audible or inaudible? How can one know if it is the call of Lady Wisdom or Dame Folly?
- Why do so many reject wisdom and follow stupidity?
- What can one do to be among those who respond to wisdom?
- Did God exist before Wisdom did?
- Did God determine what Wisdom would be or is it independent of God?
Rejoicing in Creation
- What was the difference in creation between being declared "good," and being declared "very good?" Was what was declared "very good" better than what was described merely as "good?"
- Did God create us for His pleasure? If we do not please God is He justified in destroying us? Why does He want to destroy all the wicked.
Wisdom's Appeal
- If there were no such thing as "sin"and "death," would the prescription for happiness change?
- Why do some respond to good sense and some not?
- Is it wrong to seek happiness?
- Why is it that Wisdom has to be pursued, but Folly pursues us?
- Why is it easier to be stupid than to be wise?
- What makes some people unteachable? How can I know if I am unteachable?
- What makes belief in creation smarter than belief in evolution?