Would we avoid doing wrong if the punishment was severe or immediate?
The Law in Our Lives
The Law in Our Lives
- Might it help keep the law if we had portions of the law tied to our wrist or hanging from our necks to serve as reminders like strict Jews still do? Why or why not?
- How much good does a rosary do for the devout?
- Why do Adventists shy away from wearing a cross from the neck? Some Adventist churches are now placing crosses on their pulpits--is this good or bad?
- What do you think of the empty space shaped like a cross in the Adventist logo?
Light and Life
- How is the law related to light?
- In what way was Jesus a light?
- What does it mean for us to "let our light shine?"
Fighting Temptation
- How might the law be used to justify a sin?
- What is more effective in temptation--appearance or words? What attracted Eve more, the "forbidden fruit," or the words of the serpent?
You Shall not Steal?
- What is the connection between adultery and theft?
- Can one be "starving" for sex?
- Why is adultery much more serious than stealing?
- Why did Jesus say lust was equivalent to adultery when no has gotten hurt?
The Threat of Death
- Is it possible for us to remember that the wages of sin is death when we are faced with temptation?
- Why is a person who wakes up before dawn considered better than one who stays up at night after dark?
- When we yield to temptation do we abandon reason or misuse it? What is the opposite of "wisdom?" What is folly, ignorance or false wisdom?