The Beginning of Wisdom
True Education
The Call of Wisdom
The Benefits of Wisdom
Do Not Forget
- How can you reconcile "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and "perfect love casts out fear?"
- Why is fear of the Lord usually associated with shunning evil?
True Education
- Are children in India shunted off to school too early?
- Do children have to suffer socially if they are home schooled?
- When is the right time for children to leave the nest?
- Is "tied to mother's apron strings" a positive or negative image, and for what reasons?
The Call of Wisdom
- Is wisdom inherited or acquired? Why is it wrong to be "simple?"
- Why would anyone reject wisdom?
The Benefits of Wisdom
- On a scale of 1-10 where would you place the Indian system of education in succeeding to go beyond memorization?
- If God grants wisdom, how can a human be faulted for being foolish?
- Why is wisdom personified as a woman and instead of a man?
Do Not Forget
- What is the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence?
- What do you think Eccl 7:16 means by cautioning against being overrighteous and overwise?
- How can I know if I am really wise or just wise in mine own eyes?