
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Lesson 5 (July 25-31), Exiles as Missionaries

The Exile

  1. What qualities enable a politician to survive when taken to a foreign country and also when the government changes hands? 
  2. Can a politician be clean and survive? Does the term "politician" have negative overtones? If so, why?
  3. Would we have excused Daniel if had to compromise his principles (such as in food), in order to survive?
  1. How can a government official engage in witnessing and yet not endanger his or her position?
  2. If the three Hebrew companions had bowed to the image but prayed to their own God Yahweh in their minds, would that have been wrong?
  3. What are different ways the three Hebrews could have avoided being at the Plain of Dura where the image was? Why did they cooperate and get into a difficult situation?
Daniel in Persia
  1. Why did Daniel insist on praying in front of his open window after the decree was made? Would it have been wrong to kneel by his bedside where no one could observe him?
  2. Was it okay for the King to make a decree enforcing worship of the God of Daniel?
  3. Why did the king agree to decree that everyone should worship him? What makes a person think that he or she is better than everyone else?

Daniel and God's Eternal Kingdom
  1. Why would God have been interested to reveal the future history of the world to a heathen king?
  2. Why would God be interested to reveal the future right up to the Second Coming of Jesus?
  3. Is the formation of the European Union against the prophecy of the feet of iron and clay? Can that prophecy be conditional?
More Exiles as Missionaries
  1. Do we have as clear purpose to our lives as Daniel and Esther? How can we know if we are fulfilling God's purpose for our lives?
  2. Why should some people go as missionaries when so many in their own country have to be converted?
  3. Does India need missionaries today? Why or why not?

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Lesson 4 (July 18-24), The Jonah Saga

Does God like some countries more than others?

The Flawed Prophet
  1. Could the fact that Jonah had earlier predicted the expansion of Israel's borders have made it difficult for him to swallow the conversion of gentiles? 
  2. Could gentiles be saved as gentiles or would they have had to convert to Judaism?
  3. What were the strongest aspects of Jonah's character? Why do you think Jonah did not present his side of the story better in his book by justifying his actions and attitudes?
An Early Missionary
  1. Which is better for a missionary to introduce the gospel or for a local to learn it and return?
  2. Why did Jonah run in the opposite direction? Is it possible to decline the call to be a missionary without punishment? Does God force people to do His will?
  3. Does God speak through casting of lots today?
In the Belly of the Big Fish
  1. Was Jonah swallowed by a whale or a fish? Does it make a difference?
  2. Was Jonah in the belly for three literal days and nights or could it be a figure of speech?
  3. Did Jonah pray for deliverance before he was swallowed by the fish or after? Why did Jonah consider that his prayer was answered even while he was in the belly of the fish?
The Nineveh Generation
  1. What would have been more effective to convert the Ninevites, Jonah's sermon or his experience at sea?
  2. Why did Jonah only proclaim destruction? Why did he not appeal to them to repent?
  3. Is it appropriate to convert people through threats of destruction?
Jonah's Lament
  1. Why are the sea, the wind, plants, fish, more obedient to God than humans?
  2. Why did Jonah get angry when the vine withered? Did Jonah have a reasonable excuse to be really upset with the whole Nineveh episode? 
  3. Considering that Jonah wrote the story could his final attitude have been positive?  How do you think the story really ended?

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Lesson 3 (July 11-17), The Unlikely

He Had It All  . . . But

  1. Was Namaan a good or bad man?
  2. Why do certain illnesses such as cancer, leprosy, and AIDS evoke stronger reactions than other illnesses that are equally fatal?
  3. Do all illnesses have a higher purpose, such as to bring a person to God?
An Unlikely Witness
  1. What do you think made the captive Israelite girl such a winsome maid?
  2. Why do you think Namaan and his wife believed the captive girl?
  3. Why do you think the Syrian king was convinced by Namaan's report and request?
  4. Why do you think the Israelite king did not think of Elisha when Namaan came with the letter from his king for healing?
Elisha the Prophet
  1. Why do we picture Elisha as inferior to Elijah when he had a double portion of his spirit and performed twice as many miracles?
  2. Did Elisha conjure up the process of healing for Naaman or was he guided by God?
  3. Why do you think Namaan was not healed on the spot by Elisha? Didn't he demonstrate enough faith by coming all the way to Israel?
The Healing of Namaan
  1. Did Namaan have a right to feel insulted when Elisha did not come out to see him but sent his servant to instruct him? Why do you think Elisha chose to do it that way?
  2. Why do you think Naaman's ego was targeted so many times in his quest for healing?
  3. Why do you think Naaman was asked to dip "seven" times for healing?
A New Believer
  1. Should Elisha have given Naaman a Bible study?
  2. Would it have been wrong for Elisha to accept gifts that Naaman was giving?
  3. What would you have done for the captive girl if you were in Naaman's place after the healing?
  4. Is it all right to bow before one god and pray to the true one at the same time?

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Lesson 2 (July 4-10), Abraham

The Call of Abraham
  1. Was Abraham the only one called during his time, or are all called and only few respond?
  2. Does God test everyone's loyalty as Abraham's was tested or are do some live their entire lives without tests?
  3. Why did God change Abraham's name? Should we all change our names when we are converted?
Abraham's Testimony To The Kings
  1. Are there times when it is okay to fight in an army when our country is in the right?
  2. Why did God permit Lot to be captured and then delivered? Could He not have prevented the capture in the first place?
  3. Does a nation have the right to occupy land gained in a war? Does an army have a right to the wealth of a conquered nation?
Exemplar of Faith
  1. How can Abraham be upheld as the father of those who have faith when twice he lied about his wife to save his life, and who laughed when informed he would have a son?
  2. Which requires more faith, to move to an unknown country or to sacrifice your son?
  3. How do we know if a test is from God or just circumstantial?
Abraham the Wanderer
  1. Why do you think God required Abraham to keep moving? 
  2. Did God give Abraham sufficient wealth that survival on the move did not require faith?
  3. Was Abraham's culture as described in the Bible normative for us today--removing shoes on holy ground, headship in the home, etc.?
  1. Can a person be a missionary at home or does one have to be in a cross-cultural setting to be termed a missionary?
  2. Does one have to be active in witnessing to be a missionary, or is merely living a good life such as is described by Ellen White "a kind courteous Christian being the greatest argument in favor of Christianity" adequate? 

Friday, 3 July 2015

Lesson 1 (June 27-July 3), The Missionary Nature

God Created Man And Woman

  1. Is there too much similarity between mankind and animals?
  2. What are the dissimilarities between mankind and animals? 
  3. Which is greater the similarities or the dissimilarities?
  4. Why do you think God created mankind personally?
Free Will
  1. Could God have created humans with free will and yet who would not sin?
  2. Is conscience a safe guide?
  3. Can we be sure of the will of God in every choice we make?
The Fall
  1. At what point in the fall can we say that Eve had sinned, when she bit the fruit, or before that?
  2. At what point did Adam commit sin?
  3. Was eating the fruit the sin or symptom of sin?
God's Initiative to Save Us
  1. Did God "know" that Adam and Eve were going to sin, or was God truly "open"?
  2. What emotions can you imagine God going through when Adam and Eve's sinned?
  3. Why did the solution to sin have to take thousands of years?
Metaphors of Mission
  1. To what extent can humans imitate the love of God as motivation for mission?
  2. To what extent do missionaries have to become part of the world they hope to witness too? To what extent did Jesus become part of our world?
  3. To what extent do Christians have to accept the evil in the world? To what extent do they have to correct it?