The Exile
- What qualities enable a politician to survive when taken to a foreign country and also when the government changes hands?
- Can a politician be clean and survive? Does the term "politician" have negative overtones? If so, why?
- Would we have excused Daniel if had to compromise his principles (such as in food), in order to survive?
- How can a government official engage in witnessing and yet not endanger his or her position?
- If the three Hebrew companions had bowed to the image but prayed to their own God Yahweh in their minds, would that have been wrong?
- What are different ways the three Hebrews could have avoided being at the Plain of Dura where the image was? Why did they cooperate and get into a difficult situation?
Daniel in Persia
- Why did Daniel insist on praying in front of his open window after the decree was made? Would it have been wrong to kneel by his bedside where no one could observe him?
- Was it okay for the King to make a decree enforcing worship of the God of Daniel?
- Why did the king agree to decree that everyone should worship him? What makes a person think that he or she is better than everyone else?
Daniel and God's Eternal Kingdom
- Why would God have been interested to reveal the future history of the world to a heathen king?
- Why would God be interested to reveal the future right up to the Second Coming of Jesus?
- Is the formation of the European Union against the prophecy of the feet of iron and clay? Can that prophecy be conditional?
More Exiles as Missionaries
- Do we have as clear purpose to our lives as Daniel and Esther? How can we know if we are fulfilling God's purpose for our lives?
- Why should some people go as missionaries when so many in their own country have to be converted?
- Does India need missionaries today? Why or why not?