Esther in Persia
- Why did Vashti refuse to appear before the king?
- Was it okay for Esther to join the beauty contest? Does an order from the king make such participation okay?
- Can Adventist girls today join beauty pageants?
Esther in the Court of the King
- Why did Esther and Mordecai conceal their religious and racial identity since apparently it did not matter to the king?
- Were Esther and Mordecai being deceptive?
- Are Adventists too secretive about their identity?
For Such a Time as This
- Was it wrong to bow down to Haman? Are any customs of protocol today equally wrong, such as calling a priest "father," or bowing before a king?
- Was it worth Mordecai endangering his entire race because of his stubborn refusal?
- Is it acceptable for girls to use their beauty to get favours from their husbands?
Mordecai and Haman
- Why do you think Esther did not immediately inform the king of the plot of Haman? What were the advantages in delaying? What could have been the risks?
- How do you think it was possible for Mordecai to conceal his religious identity? Is it possible for a good Adventist to keep his religion secret?
- Is it right for Adventist believers to support the governments of their nations even if they are communist of dictatorships?
When Some Gentiles Became Jews
- How can we defend the inclusion of the Book of Esther in the Bible when their is no mention of God in the entire book?
- If people "convert" out of fear because a king or authority has so commanded, is it valid?
- What makes it acceptable for people to raid possessions of people they may kill?
- Is it all right to kill in self defence?