Is culture good or bad?
The Samaritan Woman
The Samaritan Woman
- Are Adventists justified in evangelising Christians first when they enter a new country, or should they target the non-Christians there?
- What makes women more receptive to the gospel than men?
- What made the disciples marvel that Jesus would talk to a Samaritan woman? Did they not know Him that well?
The Roman Army Officer
- Why do higher ranking officers seem better-mannered than lower ranking soldiers?
- Is it good for Adventists to support the local government and army even if they are not Christian?
- Did the Centurian who believed in distance healing have more faith than the widow who struggled to touch the hem of Jesus' garment?
Dealing with Demons
- Did Jesus demonstrate any preference for His own people? Is there room for "community" feelings among Christians?
- What does the devil get out of possessing people?
- What did the demons gain out of causing the pigs to drown?
Ten Lepers
- Is the attitude of gratitude inherited or cultivated? What can parents or teachers do to promote it?
- Why did Jesus say that He was sent only "to the lost sheep of Israel?
- Is it necessary to 'like' all comments and posts on your wall on FB?
The Greeks and Jesus
- What makes people feel that they must approach God through a human intermediary?
- Is approachability a desirable trait?
- Why do you think Philip talked to Andrew first before approaching Jesus with Him about the Greeks who wanted to see Jesus?
- Did the Greeks end up meeting Jesus?