Jesus in the Old Testament
- Can the Servant Songs of Isaiah be applied to others, besides Jesus, who also demonstrated the same servant leadership?
- What kind of assurance was Isaiah giving the king if the sign of a baby to be born would be fulfilled after six hundred years?
- Can Isa 42 "I will put my Spirit upon Him" be used as evidence of the Trinity in the Old Testament?
- Can a prophecy have multiple fulfillments?
The Desire of Ages
- Why did Jesus not tour all the countries of the world preaching salvation?
- Did the prophecies of the Messiah have to be fulfilled or could they have been considered conditional (upon the responses of people and Israel)?
- Why was a "cousin" selected as the forerunner of Jesus? Wouldn't it seem like conflict of interest to keep it within the family?
Mission to the Jews
- Why do you think Jesus instructed the disciples on their first tour without Him, to avoid the gentiles and samaritans?
- How successful was Jesus in establishing a strong base in Israel as centre from which to reach out to the world?
- How well has the plan worked for Adventists--to establish a mission base before launching out?
Mission to the Gentiles
- Who was Jesus referring to as the "salt of the earth?"
- When Bible writers used words like "whole world" how much could they have comprehended the whole globe?
- Who could Jesus have meant by those "from the highways and byways" who were finally invited to the banquet? How can we say that Jesus is not partial?
The Great Commission
- Why do you think Jesus spent several weeks on earth after His resurrection when He could have instructed His disciples accordingly before His crucifixion?
- Why did Jesus appear only to His disciples after the resurrection and not to His enemies?
- Could the apostles have completed their mission in the first century itself? Are we closer to completing it in our generation that they were? What needs to happen if we are to finish it within our generation?