God Created Man And Woman
- Is there too much similarity between mankind and animals?
- What are the dissimilarities between mankind and animals?
- Which is greater the similarities or the dissimilarities?
- Why do you think God created mankind personally?
Free Will
- Could God have created humans with free will and yet who would not sin?
- Is conscience a safe guide?
- Can we be sure of the will of God in every choice we make?
The Fall
- At what point in the fall can we say that Eve had sinned, when she bit the fruit, or before that?
- At what point did Adam commit sin?
- Was eating the fruit the sin or symptom of sin?
God's Initiative to Save Us
- Did God "know" that Adam and Eve were going to sin, or was God truly "open"?
- What emotions can you imagine God going through when Adam and Eve's sinned?
- Why did the solution to sin have to take thousands of years?
Metaphors of Mission
- To what extent can humans imitate the love of God as motivation for mission?
- To what extent do missionaries have to become part of the world they hope to witness too? To what extent did Jesus become part of our world?
- To what extent do Christians have to accept the evil in the world? To what extent do they have to correct it?