The Call of Abraham
- Was Abraham the only one called during his time, or are all called and only few respond?
- Does God test everyone's loyalty as Abraham's was tested or are do some live their entire lives without tests?
- Why did God change Abraham's name? Should we all change our names when we are converted?
Abraham's Testimony To The Kings
- Are there times when it is okay to fight in an army when our country is in the right?
- Why did God permit Lot to be captured and then delivered? Could He not have prevented the capture in the first place?
- Does a nation have the right to occupy land gained in a war? Does an army have a right to the wealth of a conquered nation?
Exemplar of Faith
- How can Abraham be upheld as the father of those who have faith when twice he lied about his wife to save his life, and who laughed when informed he would have a son?
- Which requires more faith, to move to an unknown country or to sacrifice your son?
- How do we know if a test is from God or just circumstantial?
Abraham the Wanderer
- Why do you think God required Abraham to keep moving?
- Did God give Abraham sufficient wealth that survival on the move did not require faith?
- Was Abraham's culture as described in the Bible normative for us today--removing shoes on holy ground, headship in the home, etc.?
- Can a person be a missionary at home or does one have to be in a cross-cultural setting to be termed a missionary?
- Does one have to be active in witnessing to be a missionary, or is merely living a good life such as is described by Ellen White "a kind courteous Christian being the greatest argument in favor of Christianity" adequate?