
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Lesson 10 (Feb 27-Mar 4), Paul and the Rebellion

Adam and Jesus

  1. What share do we have of Adam's sin? Is it fair for us to have a share it? Does it have to be fair?
  2. Was it necessary for God to provide a way of salvation for humans? Would it have been unfair if He did not?
  3. How great an achievement was it for Satan to succeed in making Adam and Eve sin?
The Church Building
  1. Is Christianity a new religion or a continuation of Judaism?
  2. What are various faulty foundations on which the church might be built?
  3. Do we need to worship in a church building or can we do that just as well at home or in the open? 
  4. Are all parts of a church building equally important? Are some parts of a church building more sacred than others?
The Church as a Body 
  1. Are all parts of a human body equally important? Are some members of a church more important than others?
  2. If Jesus is the head of the church where does the head of the church organization fit into this model?
  3. If a person does nothing but attend church is he or she a part of the church?
The Armour of God
  1. Seeing how David defeated Goliath, does one really need armour?
  2. What do we need in order to defeat the devil?
  3. What do humans do that is equivalent to taking off the armour?
  4. Is it possible that we can sometimes resist the devil on our own?
The Last Enemy
  1. Why was Christ's death inadequate to save us? Why did He have to be raised from the dead in order for us to be saved?
  2. If this present life were the only one, would it be better to enjoy the pleasures of sin?
  3. Does the great controversy end in stages or all at one time?

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Lesson 9 (Feb 20-26), The Great Controversy and the Early Church

The Beginning of a New Beginning

  1. Why could Jesus not succeed in explaining to the disciples that He had not come to defeat the Romans?
  2. What was the purpose of Jesus spending 40 days with his disciples after his resurrection?
  3. Do Adventists baptised just by water or by the Spirit too?
  1. In what way was the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost different from earlier times?
  2. What difference could be noticed among the disciples after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
  3. At what point could it be said that the Kingdom of God had been set up on earth, incarnation, baptism, crucifixion, Pentecost, Second Coming, or Third coming?
Facing the Sadducees
  1. Why would any Jew not believe in the resurrection? Does not the Old Testament teach about resurrection?
  2. Does the performance of miracles indicate that preachers are genuine and their doctrines sound?
  3. Is it more dangerous to be a Pharisee or Sadducee?
The Stoning of Stephen
  1. How is it that Stephen was the first one stoned, rather than one of the disciples? Why does God allow certain people to be martyred and spare others?
  2. Was Saul acting according to the best of his knowledge at the stoning of Stephen? Could he have been saved at that point in his life?
  3. Who was the winner at Stephen's stoning?
Changing Attitudes
  1. Was the attitude of the disciples towards Samaritans racial, religious, or national discrimination? Is religious discrimination excused?
  2. How do we know that Peter's vision did not indicate that all meats were now fit to eat? Why is this portion of the Mosaic law still binding and not other portions?
  3. Are all people really created equal?

Monday, 15 February 2016

Lesson 8 (Feb 13-19), Comrades in Arms

The Call of Peter

  1. What did Jesus see in Peter that He called him to be a disciple?
  2. When impulsive people speak, how sincere are they? In response to the large catch of fish in his net why did Peter say "Depart from me . . .  I am a sinful man?"
  3. Would it have been improper for the Peter, James and John to attend that great catch of fish which Jesus had helped them catch, before following him?
"with Him"
  1. Why did Jesus tell Peter to "Fear not," before he promised him he would become fishers of men?" 
  2. What qualities were uppermost in the selection of disciples? Could others have followed Jesus if they were not selected?
  3. Was Judas selected by Jesus? Why did Jesus ordain him? Is it appropriate to ordain treasurers and others who will not be involved in ministry?
Jesus' Dominion Over Nature
  1. How much control over nature does Satan have?
  2. How can God have more authority over nature than over persons?
  3. Does the fear of the disciples of the storm at sea indicate their doubt that Jesus was truly the messiah?
  4. How much can we today pray about rain or floods?
Who is the Greatest?
  1. Is it appropriate to want to be a leader?
  2. What is in the "cup" that Jesus drank from, that other leaders of the church must also be prepared to drink?
  3. Can a leader really occupy his/her time with serving rather than leading?
Divine Encounter with the Word
  1. After His resurrection, why did Jesus appear to two men we know nothing about rather than to some of His disciples?
  2. Had Jesus "closed the eyes" of the two companions on the way to Emmaus as He talked with them? What does it mean that "their eyes were opened?"
  3. What does this week's lesson have to do with the great controversy?

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Lesson 7 (Feb 6-12), Jesus' Teachings and the Great Controversy

Many Kinds of Rest

  1. What did Jesus mean by asking us to take His yoke upon ourselves? In what ways is it a yoke?
  2. How can His yoke bring rest to our souls?
  3. What is the difference in the rest that the wicked enjoy and that which God's people are promised?
Planting and Harvesting
  1. Can a person be lost because another failed to sow seeds or water them?
  2. Are we justified in overlooking some fields because the harvest is so much more ready elsewhere?
  3. Is all hardening of the heart the result of Satan's work or are people capable of rejecting the gospel on their own?
Building on the Rock
  1. How can people successfully cast out devils and do other "good works" in the name of Jesus and Jesus not recognise them?
  2. Do evangelists who perform miracles in Jesus name believe that they are genuine? Whose fault is it if they are wrong?
  3. How can I ensure that my faith is built on the right rock? How can I ensure that when Jesus returns He will recognise me?
Do Not Judge
  1. Aren't humans expected to judge constantly? What kind of judging are we expected to shun?
  2. What makes one a hypocrite?
  3. What makes it wrong to try to help another even though we ourselves we need help?
I am with You Alway
  1. In what way is Jesus with us that he was not before His incarnation?
  2. What does the presence of Jesus do for us?
  3. How can Satan tell if we have Jesus with us or not?

Monday, 1 February 2016

Lesson 6 (Jan 30-Feb 5), Victory in the Wilderness

Why is it too late for Satan to repent now?

Immanuel to the Rescue
  1. Did Satan know which baby was the Messiah? Why didn't he help Herod know exactly which one?
  2. What did Jesus say and do that exposed the devil?
  3. What did Jesus say and do that showed the people that God was benevolent?
Jesus' Baptism
  1. Why did God pick a relative to be the forerunner of Jesus? Do you think that John knew from childhood that his cousin was the Messiah?
  2. Why did John doubt and send disciples to Jesus to ask if he was truly the Messiah or if they should look for another?
  3. What would have been the effect if Jesus had baptised John instead of John baptising Jesus?
Stones into Bread
  1. Why was it wrong for Jesus to turn the stones into bread?
  2. What does the hunger of Jesus prove?  Would it have been wrong for Jesus to use divinity to erase his hunger?
  3. Are humans expected to fast as Jesus did? What does it accomplish?
Another Temptation
  1. How could the idea to jump off the temple wall be tempting? Why did Jesus follow the devil to that point?
  2. What makes bungee jumping not a problem compared with what Jesus was tempted to do?
  3. What is the difference between trust and presumption?
Devil Worship
  1. Was it in Satan's power to give back all the world to Jesus and back off from his claims?
  2. Why was it safe for Jesus to debate with Satan? Can we do the same? Or should we stay as far as possible from the devil's tempting grounds?
  3. What makes scripture such a powerful tool in resisting temptation?