Why is it too late for Satan to repent now?
Immanuel to the Rescue
- Did Satan know which baby was the Messiah? Why didn't he help Herod know exactly which one?
- What did Jesus say and do that exposed the devil?
- What did Jesus say and do that showed the people that God was benevolent?
Jesus' Baptism
- Why did God pick a relative to be the forerunner of Jesus? Do you think that John knew from childhood that his cousin was the Messiah?
- Why did John doubt and send disciples to Jesus to ask if he was truly the Messiah or if they should look for another?
- What would have been the effect if Jesus had baptised John instead of John baptising Jesus?
Stones into Bread
- Why was it wrong for Jesus to turn the stones into bread?
- What does the hunger of Jesus prove? Would it have been wrong for Jesus to use divinity to erase his hunger?
- Are humans expected to fast as Jesus did? What does it accomplish?
Another Temptation
- How could the idea to jump off the temple wall be tempting? Why did Jesus follow the devil to that point?
- What makes bungee jumping not a problem compared with what Jesus was tempted to do?
- What is the difference between trust and presumption?
Devil Worship
- Was it in Satan's power to give back all the world to Jesus and back off from his claims?
- Why was it safe for Jesus to debate with Satan? Can we do the same? Or should we stay as far as possible from the devil's tempting grounds?
- What makes scripture such a powerful tool in resisting temptation?