The Call of Peter
- What did Jesus see in Peter that He called him to be a disciple?
- When impulsive people speak, how sincere are they? In response to the large catch of fish in his net why did Peter say "Depart from me . . . I am a sinful man?"
- Would it have been improper for the Peter, James and John to attend that great catch of fish which Jesus had helped them catch, before following him?
"with Him"
- Why did Jesus tell Peter to "Fear not," before he promised him he would become fishers of men?"
- What qualities were uppermost in the selection of disciples? Could others have followed Jesus if they were not selected?
- Was Judas selected by Jesus? Why did Jesus ordain him? Is it appropriate to ordain treasurers and others who will not be involved in ministry?
Jesus' Dominion Over Nature
- How much control over nature does Satan have?
- How can God have more authority over nature than over persons?
- Does the fear of the disciples of the storm at sea indicate their doubt that Jesus was truly the messiah?
- How much can we today pray about rain or floods?
Who is the Greatest?
- Is it appropriate to want to be a leader?
- What is in the "cup" that Jesus drank from, that other leaders of the church must also be prepared to drink?
- Can a leader really occupy his/her time with serving rather than leading?
Divine Encounter with the Word
- After His resurrection, why did Jesus appear to two men we know nothing about rather than to some of His disciples?
- Had Jesus "closed the eyes" of the two companions on the way to Emmaus as He talked with them? What does it mean that "their eyes were opened?"
- What does this week's lesson have to do with the great controversy?