Adam and Jesus
- What share do we have of Adam's sin? Is it fair for us to have a share it? Does it have to be fair?
- Was it necessary for God to provide a way of salvation for humans? Would it have been unfair if He did not?
- How great an achievement was it for Satan to succeed in making Adam and Eve sin?
The Church Building
- Is Christianity a new religion or a continuation of Judaism?
- What are various faulty foundations on which the church might be built?
- Do we need to worship in a church building or can we do that just as well at home or in the open?
- Are all parts of a church building equally important? Are some parts of a church building more sacred than others?
The Church as a Body
- Are all parts of a human body equally important? Are some members of a church more important than others?
- If Jesus is the head of the church where does the head of the church organization fit into this model?
- If a person does nothing but attend church is he or she a part of the church?
The Armour of God
- Seeing how David defeated Goliath, does one really need armour?
- What do we need in order to defeat the devil?
- What do humans do that is equivalent to taking off the armour?
- Is it possible that we can sometimes resist the devil on our own?
The Last Enemy
- Why was Christ's death inadequate to save us? Why did He have to be raised from the dead in order for us to be saved?
- If this present life were the only one, would it be better to enjoy the pleasures of sin?
- Does the great controversy end in stages or all at one time?