
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Lesson 10 (May 27-June 2), Prophecy and Scripture

Jesus in the Old Testament

  1. If the Messianic prophecies were so clear, why didn't the Jews discern the fulfilment in Jesus?
  2. Were Old Testament prophets inspired with word-to word predictions or were they given thoughts they understood and then put into words?
  3. How much of the future do angels know?
Eyewitnesses of Majesty
  1. How much of the Messiah did the disciples discern in Jesus as they moved about with Him? What events would have impressed them the most?
  2. What about the Messiah did they fail to understand and why?
  3. What could Peter be referring to by the majesty of Jesus that he was witness to?
The Morning Star in Our Hearts
  1. Why did Bible writers use figures of speech which make it difficult to pinpoint the meaning? If Peter meant "second coming" why didn't he say so instead of saying "day dawn?"
  2. Why is darkness viewed negatively? Are there any positive aspects of darkness?
  3. Is the "morning star" Jesus or Satan?
The More Sure Word of Prophecy
  1. Has the Adventist church erred in interpretation of prophecy? Could we be making wrong applications of some of the prophecies as we teach them today?
  2. Why is it that when we use newer versions of the Bible we get into trouble with our interpretation of prophecy because the words are different?
  3. What's the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher?
The Word in Our Lives
  1. Why does the Bible speak more intimately to some people when they read it in their native language than when they read it in the King James Version?
  2. What difference does it make if we pray before we read the Bible? What should we be praying for? How should we read the Bible after that?
  3. What is involved in letting the Bible be its own interpreter?

Monday, 22 May 2017

Lesson 9 (May 20-26), Be Who You Are

A Precious Faith

  1. How important is the concept of faith in the life of an individual? What would life be like without such a thing as faith?
  2. Are "doubting Thomases" born that way or are they made by environment and circumstances?
  3. What is the relationship between faith and promise? Can either exist without the other?
Love, the Goal of Christian Virtue

  1. Is faith a gift or can one develop it?
  2. Does temperance and self-control originate within or does it come from God?
  3. Is patience inherited or cultivated?
  4. Should love come first in Peter's list of virtues or last?
Be Who You Are
  1. Is it possible to attain all the virtues listed by Peter? Can one achieve absolute temperance, complete patience, full Godliness, enduring kindness, and unconditional love all possible in this life, or will Christ's achievement be counted for us?
  2. How can one become like Christ?
Shedding the Tent
  1. How is a "tent" an apt symbol of this life?
  2. Why is the idea of resurrection not compatible with the teaching of immortality of the soul such as Hindus or Catholics believe? Where was Jesus' soul during the three days that he was in the grave?
Faith in Face of Death
  1. Does facing death strengthen one's faith or weaken it? Do different responses depend on anything?
  2. How are martyrs able to endure undeserving deaths? Is the pain of death reduced for them?
  3. What was it that transformed Peter from a coward to a brave witness?

Monday, 15 May 2017

Lesson 8, (May 13-19), Jesus in the Writings of Peter

Jesus, Our Sacrifice

  1. Why didn't God make forgiveness cost us something like through payment of a certain amount into His "storehouse"? Would that discourage repetition of sins?
  2. How much did sacrifice of animals in the Old Testament accomplish to deter from sin?
  3. What is the difference between redemption and forgiveness?
The Passion of Christ
  1. How is it possible for God to suffer? Doesn't omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence put God above pain and above stress?
  2. Why do humans for whom Jesus suffered also have to suffer? Why can't they be spared all suffering?
  3. What does it mean to "follow in His steps?" 
The Resurrection of Jesus
  1. What indications are there, if any, that God would have been willing to forgo resurrection, if that is what it would have taken, in order to save humanity?
  2. Are Adventists wrong in shunning the celebration of Easter?
  3. How much better is resurrection of the body than immortality of the soul taught by some Christians or the transmigration of the soul taught by eastern religions?
Jesus as the Messiah
  1. How much credit should Peter get when in response to Jesus' question asking who they thought He was, he stated that Jesus was the Messiah? Was that his studied opinion, or did he blurt it out as he often did?
  2. How much did the other disciples comprehend of who Jesus was? Why was there so little application of the messianic prophecies to Jesus before he died on the cross?
  3. How common would miracle workers have been in Israel? Why did Jesus' many miracles not convince people that He was the messiah?
Jesus the Divine Messiah
  1. Could there be such a thing as a human messiah?
  2. Is it wrong to call any human "Lord?"
  3. Why is there debate on the Godhead as "trinity?" How clear is the Bible on this doctrine?

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Lesson 7 (May 6-12), Servant Leadership

Elders in the Early Church

  1. Does the Holy Spirit transform a person being ordained in any way, or should transformed people only be ordained?
  2. What authority, if any, does ordination bring with it?
  3. How large should a church be to need elders and deacons?
The Elders
  1. What characteristics of a shepherd apply to church leadership?
  2. What are characteristics of a bad shepherd?
  3. How old should a person be to be considered for ordination as an elder?
Servant Leadership
  1. Are there occasions when a local church leader has to exercise authority? 
  2. What examples of servant-leadership may we detect among the disciples/apostles?
  3.  Is it wrong to aspire to local church leadership?
Clothed With Humility
  1. What is humility? Why is pride so hateful to God?
  2. How may a person cultivate humility?
  3. Does the phrase "clothed with" imply that one can put on and take off "humility?
Like a Roaring Lion
  1. What characteristics of a lion apply to Satan? Why is the adjective "roaring" used by Peter? What other creatures are used to symbolize Satan and for what characteristics?
  2. If Satan were to appear visible before us, what would he look like?
  3. Since "roaring lion" is only a metaphor, how do we actually encounter Satan, and what do we need to guard against?

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Lesson 6 (April 29-May 5), Suffering for Christ

Persecution of Early Christians

  1. When persecution of Christians arrives, should we hide our Christianity (crosses, logos), or do we need to be like Daniel who continued praying before an open window?
  2. In order to preserve their lives could early Christians have offered incense to the emperor only outwardly, while inwardly denying that he was god? Is that different from Naaman going with the king to worship their god?
  3. Could the Adventist church turn out to be persecutors of those who worship differently though genuinely?
Suffering and the Example of Christ
  1. Are those who are persecuted for Christ's sake blessed in any way in this life itself?
  2. What makes some people persecute others?
  3. Do some people deserve persecution?
  4. What can Adventists do to prepare for persecution?
The Fiery Trial
  1. Why would Christians persecute other Christians?
  2. Why would non-Christians be interested to persecute Adventists?
  3. Why should a community be so against Adventists if they are good citizens and a helpful and caring people?
Judgement and the People of God
  1. What does Peter really mean when he asserts that judgment will begin with the people of God? Aren't the dead judged first and then the living?
  2. In the parable that Jesus told of the judge who took up the widows case only because of her persistence, what do learn about God and how do we learn it from the parable?
  3. How can I know if someone thinks I am persecuting them? How will I be able to judge impartially if they are right?
Faith Amid Trials
  1. Do trials and tribulations strengthen or weaken faith?
  2. Does suffering come more often to good people or to bad people?
  3. Why do people blame God for what happens in their lives? Are people more apt to credit God for blessings, or blame him for misfortunes?