Jesus in the Old Testament
- If the Messianic prophecies were so clear, why didn't the Jews discern the fulfilment in Jesus?
- Were Old Testament prophets inspired with word-to word predictions or were they given thoughts they understood and then put into words?
- How much of the future do angels know?
Eyewitnesses of Majesty
- How much of the Messiah did the disciples discern in Jesus as they moved about with Him? What events would have impressed them the most?
- What about the Messiah did they fail to understand and why?
- What could Peter be referring to by the majesty of Jesus that he was witness to?
The Morning Star in Our Hearts
- Why did Bible writers use figures of speech which make it difficult to pinpoint the meaning? If Peter meant "second coming" why didn't he say so instead of saying "day dawn?"
- Why is darkness viewed negatively? Are there any positive aspects of darkness?
- Is the "morning star" Jesus or Satan?
The More Sure Word of Prophecy
- Has the Adventist church erred in interpretation of prophecy? Could we be making wrong applications of some of the prophecies as we teach them today?
- Why is it that when we use newer versions of the Bible we get into trouble with our interpretation of prophecy because the words are different?
- What's the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher?
The Word in Our Lives
- Why does the Bible speak more intimately to some people when they read it in their native language than when they read it in the King James Version?
- What difference does it make if we pray before we read the Bible? What should we be praying for? How should we read the Bible after that?
- What is involved in letting the Bible be its own interpreter?