Elders in the Early Church
- Does the Holy Spirit transform a person being ordained in any way, or should transformed people only be ordained?
- What authority, if any, does ordination bring with it?
- How large should a church be to need elders and deacons?
The Elders
- What characteristics of a shepherd apply to church leadership?
- What are characteristics of a bad shepherd?
- How old should a person be to be considered for ordination as an elder?
Servant Leadership
- Are there occasions when a local church leader has to exercise authority?
- What examples of servant-leadership may we detect among the disciples/apostles?
- Is it wrong to aspire to local church leadership?
Clothed With Humility
- What is humility? Why is pride so hateful to God?
- How may a person cultivate humility?
- Does the phrase "clothed with" imply that one can put on and take off "humility?
- What characteristics of a lion apply to Satan? Why is the adjective "roaring" used by Peter? What other creatures are used to symbolize Satan and for what characteristics?
- If Satan were to appear visible before us, what would he look like?
- Since "roaring lion" is only a metaphor, how do we actually encounter Satan, and what do we need to guard against?