Persecution of Early Christians
- When persecution of Christians arrives, should we hide our Christianity (crosses, logos), or do we need to be like Daniel who continued praying before an open window?
- In order to preserve their lives could early Christians have offered incense to the emperor only outwardly, while inwardly denying that he was god? Is that different from Naaman going with the king to worship their god?
- Could the Adventist church turn out to be persecutors of those who worship differently though genuinely?
Suffering and the Example of Christ
- Are those who are persecuted for Christ's sake blessed in any way in this life itself?
- What makes some people persecute others?
- Do some people deserve persecution?
- What can Adventists do to prepare for persecution?
The Fiery Trial
- Why would Christians persecute other Christians?
- Why would non-Christians be interested to persecute Adventists?
- Why should a community be so against Adventists if they are good citizens and a helpful and caring people?
Judgement and the People of God
- What does Peter really mean when he asserts that judgment will begin with the people of God? Aren't the dead judged first and then the living?
- In the parable that Jesus told of the judge who took up the widows case only because of her persistence, what do learn about God and how do we learn it from the parable?
- How can I know if someone thinks I am persecuting them? How will I be able to judge impartially if they are right?
Faith Amid Trials
- Do trials and tribulations strengthen or weaken faith?
- Does suffering come more often to good people or to bad people?
- Why do people blame God for what happens in their lives? Are people more apt to credit God for blessings, or blame him for misfortunes?