The God Who Hears
- Why would God keep His people in slavery for four hundred years? Wouldn't a few years have been enough for a lesson?
- Does God pick a leader who fits his needs best, or does he prepare one over the years?
- What difference to the Israelites did the experience of slavery make?
The Ten Commandments
- Why did God wait till the Exodus to deliver to humans the Ten Commandments?
- What did God wish the Ten Commandments to accomplish?
- Why did God wait till the time of Jesus to explain the extent of the commandments to cover thoughts and intentions?
- What does the experience of the Rich Young Ruler tell us about the Ten Commandments?
Slaves, Widows, Foreigners, Fatherless.
- What about the risks in housing strangers and foreigners?
- Do obligations to widows include divorcees and single old spinsters?
- Should servants today be treated as Israelites treated Hebrew servants or foreign servants?
Second Tithing
- How is a second tithe different from the first tithe?
- What is the "storehouse" that we are supposed to bring all the tithes into according to Malachi?
- Are Adventists the only denomination to practice tithing? What do clergy of other denominations live on?
- Why does misuse of tithe by the church not release one from the obligation to return tithe to God?
The Year of Jubilee
- What can we infer, if anything, from the fact that there is no record of observing a Year of Jubilee in the Bible?
- How did inequity come about in Israelite society? Didn't Joshua distribute land equally? And didn't the Year of Jubilee restore equality?
- What is the message of the Year of Jubilee for us today?