Manna Enough
- Why were Israelites restricted to an omer each of manna a day? Don't some people need more food than others?
- Was collecting manna such a chore that it could not be done on Sabbath morning?
Two Reasons for Sabbath
- Does the Sabbath commandment need a reason?
- Does the week make the Sabbath or the Sabbath makes the week?
- Does the new reason (deliverance from slavery) release non-Israelites from Sabbath observance?
A Day of Equality
- Why is the fourth commandment so long? Why does this one have clarifications and qualifications that the other commands don't have?
- Why does the fourth commandment mandate rest for servants but not for the wife?
- What are some things that visitors to our homes are not to engage in on Sabbaths nowadays?
A Day of Healing
- Is it okay to perform acts of benevolence which can be done on other days of the week be on the Sabbath?
- Are nurses and doctors to work on Sabbath? What about other workers in hospitals without whom the hospital could not function, or not function as efficiently?
- Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath when he could have done it on any other day of the week?
Sabbath Rest for the Land
- Why would there be no record of a jubilee or sabbatical year in Israelite history?
- Is the Sabbatical year to be followed today also?
- How should the principle of the jubilee year apply to caring for employees in the workplace or at home?