
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 31 August 2019

Lesson 10 (Aug 31-Sept 6), Living the Gospel

For God So Loved . . . 
  1. What does "world" mean? What does God love so much that He gave His only son?
  2. Did Jesus die for the world or for individuals?
  3. What is the evidence that God loves the population of the entire world?
Compassion and Repentence
  1. What was it that moved Jesus to compassion?
  2. What does Satan get out of creating so much pain and hurt in this world?
  3. What is the connection between sin and suffering?
Grace and Good Works
  1. What is the relationship between grace and good works
  2. What is the relationship between faith and grace?
  3. Does doing good to the poor have any effect upon our mental and physical health?
Our Common Humanity
  1. Were there any that Jesus did not treat with compassion? What about the leaders?
  2. Why are humans respecters of persons? Does every society have a community of people who are looked down upon as somewhat unequal?
  3. Were the Samaritans despised for any fault of their own?
  4. Were the Jews, as the chosen people, justified in feeling superior?
The Everlasting Gospel
  1. Why did "people" have to be included in the list of "every nation, tribe, language, and people?"
  2. Has everyone in the world felt the effects of injustice?
  3. What is the relationship between worship and caring for the disadvantaged? Why does social awareness have to be a religious duty?
  4. If God created all humans equal, how did inequality arise?

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Lesson 9 (Aug 24-30), Ministry in the New Testament Church

A New Kind of Community

  1. What would it take to convince members that it is better to sell their properties and share the proceeds with the church than to hang on to it? What would convince them?
  2. Why did the apostles have to appoint Greek deacons to ensure that Greek widows got their share? Is it necessary and/or advisable to have each language group represented in the administration of the church?
  3. Why do some leaders resist delegating responsibility?
Dorcas's Ministry and Witness
  1. If Dorcas were a member of our church today what would she be doing? 
  2. Was Dorcas going beyond the call of duty or is that expected of each of us?
  3. If the prerequisite for miraculous healing was faith, what was required for raising from the dead?
Giving as a Way of Sharing
  1. Why is it more blessed to give than to receive? Is it possible go too far in being poor receivers?
  2. Is it better to help the poor directly or should it be done through the church?
  3. Since we cannot help all those in need how should we determine who to help?
Paul's Guide to Living and Loving Well
  1. What did Paul mean when he said we should offer our body as a living sacrifice?
  2. Is "living and loving well" a gift given to some, or is it expected of all?
  3. Is God a respecter of persons when it comes to distributing blessings?
James the Just
  1. Would James have become a leader among the disciples because he was the brother of Jesus?
  2. Do rich people make better friends? 
  3. Why are the rich preferred over the poor?

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Lesson 8 (Aug 17-23), The Least of These

Introducing the Sermon on the Mount

  1. What do you think inspired Jesus to expound on the Beatitudes? What appears to be the objective?
  2. What would it take for beneficiaries of our good deeds to give glory to God rather than to us?
  3. What are practical ways in which we can "salt" people around us?
Overcoming Evil With Good
  1. How can we apply "turning the other cheek" to someone who abuses us?
  2. How do we turn the other cheek to verbal assault?
  3. How does carrying a burden an extra distance release us from negativity of the first mile?
The Good Samaritan
  1. How much should I love myself before I love my neighbor as myself?
  2. Whom are my enemies, those whom I dislike or those who dislike me? Which group is more difficult to love?
  3. Why are we so reluctant to help victims on the roadside? How can we best help such people?
The Rich Man and Lazarus
  1. Why are the rich so indifferent to the needs of the poor?
  2. Is giving a beggar a few rupees adequate expression of our sympathy?
  3. What was the purpose of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, since Jesus did not say the rich man refused alms to the beggar?
The Least of These
  1. Since many beggars and homeless actually have enough money for food, how can I help them best?
  2. Since we rarely see anyone naked, who actually is in need of clothes?
  3. Do the seriously sick actually desire visits? How can we minister to the sick in the hospital or at home?

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Lesson 7 (Aug 10-16), Jesus and Those in Need

Mary's Song

  1. If you could choose any home to be born into, what features would you wish for? What kind of parents would you want?
  2. What kind of following would Jesus have had if he had chosen to come from a royal home?
  3. How welcome would the poor/poorly dressed feel in our Adventist churches today?
Jesus' Mission Statement
  1. What do you think disturbed the priests in the temple when Jesus said he was the one Isaiah had written about?
  2. How well were the Jews taking care of the poor and needy at the time of Jesus?
  3. How well did the disciples of Jesus fulfil His mission to the poor?
Jesus Heals
  1. Did Jesus purposely heal the sick on Sabbath or was it a coincidence?
  2. Why did Jesus instruct those he had healed to not tell others about it?
  3. Did Jesus heal all those who came to him or did he select only those who exhibited the right attitude?
Clearing the Temple
  1. Why did the priests wish to do away with Jesus? What threat did He pose?
  2. Why couldn't the priests learn from Jesus?
  3. How well did priests and prophets get along in Bible times? 
The Cross of Christ
  1. What types of terrible suffering did Jesus undergo? What types if any did He not face?
  2. What examples are there of Jesus ministering to the rich and more powerful? Why are there so few of those who responded to Jesus?
  3. What keeps us from responding to the needs of the poor more than we are?

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Lesson 6 (Aug 3-9), Worship the Creator

Idolatry and Oppression

  1. What could have made idolatry tempting for the Israelites? How could they have forgotten the awesome scene of God having spoken to them at Mt Sinai so quickly?
  2. Does worship of idols made with gold and silver show deeper worship than that to idols made of stone wood and clay? 
  3. How might worship of idols affect our behavior and conduct?
  4. On what basis do people select an image to worship?
A Reason to Worship
  1. What draws people to worship? Is worship inherent in humans or is it learnt?
  2. What makes people give credit to God for their successes? Is He blamed for failures also?
  3. Why does God instruct us to help the poor and needy? Why doesn't He take care of them Himself?
Religous Oppressors
  1. What could inspire worshipers such as the Israelites to combine elements of paganism with their worship of Yahweh. Can the true God be worshiped in ways other than He instructs?
  2. What is connection between worship and social obligations?
  3. Are Adventist members doing enough social work to satisfy our obligations? Do members need to get personally involved or is giving offerings and contributions to ADRA adequate?
A Way to Worship
  1. Is it wrong to give to a beggar who might not be needy?
  2. Is it possible to give to the needy in the wrong spirit?
  3. Why have Adventists discontinued the practice of giving individual reports "home missionary" activities between Sabbath School and the Divine Service, such as persons helped, meals given away, articles of clothing donated, etc?
Mercy and Faithfulness
  1. Is a caring attitude inherited or cultivated?
  2. Does Mat 23:23 suggest that we can use tithe to help the poor and need?
  3. Does the parable of the goats and sheep indicate that helping the poor and needy is more important than observing the right doctrines?