A New Kind of Community
- What would it take to convince members that it is better to sell their properties and share the proceeds with the church than to hang on to it? What would convince them?
- Why did the apostles have to appoint Greek deacons to ensure that Greek widows got their share? Is it necessary and/or advisable to have each language group represented in the administration of the church?
- Why do some leaders resist delegating responsibility?
Dorcas's Ministry and Witness
- If Dorcas were a member of our church today what would she be doing?
- Was Dorcas going beyond the call of duty or is that expected of each of us?
- If the prerequisite for miraculous healing was faith, what was required for raising from the dead?
Giving as a Way of Sharing
- Why is it more blessed to give than to receive? Is it possible go too far in being poor receivers?
- Is it better to help the poor directly or should it be done through the church?
- Since we cannot help all those in need how should we determine who to help?
Paul's Guide to Living and Loving Well
- What did Paul mean when he said we should offer our body as a living sacrifice?
- Is "living and loving well" a gift given to some, or is it expected of all?
- Is God a respecter of persons when it comes to distributing blessings?
James the Just
- Would James have become a leader among the disciples because he was the brother of Jesus?
- Do rich people make better friends?
- Why are the rich preferred over the poor?