For God So Loved . . .
- What does "world" mean? What does God love so much that He gave His only son?
- Did Jesus die for the world or for individuals?
- What is the evidence that God loves the population of the entire world?
Compassion and Repentence
- What was it that moved Jesus to compassion?
- What does Satan get out of creating so much pain and hurt in this world?
- What is the connection between sin and suffering?
Grace and Good Works
- What is the relationship between grace and good works
- What is the relationship between faith and grace?
- Does doing good to the poor have any effect upon our mental and physical health?
Our Common Humanity
- Were there any that Jesus did not treat with compassion? What about the leaders?
- Why are humans respecters of persons? Does every society have a community of people who are looked down upon as somewhat unequal?
- Were the Samaritans despised for any fault of their own?
- Were the Jews, as the chosen people, justified in feeling superior?
The Everlasting Gospel
- Why did "people" have to be included in the list of "every nation, tribe, language, and people?"
- Has everyone in the world felt the effects of injustice?
- What is the relationship between worship and caring for the disadvantaged? Why does social awareness have to be a religious duty?
- If God created all humans equal, how did inequality arise?