Introducing the Sermon on the Mount
- What do you think inspired Jesus to expound on the Beatitudes? What appears to be the objective?
- What would it take for beneficiaries of our good deeds to give glory to God rather than to us?
- What are practical ways in which we can "salt" people around us?
Overcoming Evil With Good
- How can we apply "turning the other cheek" to someone who abuses us?
- How do we turn the other cheek to verbal assault?
- How does carrying a burden an extra distance release us from negativity of the first mile?
The Good Samaritan
- How much should I love myself before I love my neighbor as myself?
- Whom are my enemies, those whom I dislike or those who dislike me? Which group is more difficult to love?
- Why are we so reluctant to help victims on the roadside? How can we best help such people?
The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Why are the rich so indifferent to the needs of the poor?
- Is giving a beggar a few rupees adequate expression of our sympathy?
- What was the purpose of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, since Jesus did not say the rich man refused alms to the beggar?
The Least of These
- Since many beggars and homeless actually have enough money for food, how can I help them best?
- Since we rarely see anyone naked, who actually is in need of clothes?
- Do the seriously sick actually desire visits? How can we minister to the sick in the hospital or at home?