
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Lesson 5 (April 25-May 1), Christ as Lord of the Sabbath

As His Custom Was
  1. What is the difference between a synagogue and the temple?
  2. Does the fact that Jesus worshiped with the Jews prove that Saturday is the Sabbath?
  3. Was everyday like Sabbath for Jesus
  4. Did Jesus need the Sabbath?
  1. Why does the fourth commandment say nothing about going to the synagogue or to church?
  2. How important is it to have a sermon on Sabbath?  Is it necessary to have a sermon each Sabbath? 
Sabbath Healings at Capernaum
  1. Is it appropriate for doctors and nurses to work on Sabbath?
  2. is it appropriate for anesthetists, receptionists, electricians, plumbers, etc., to work on Sabbath in hospitals?
  3. Is it okay for nurses and doctors to write exams on Sabbath?
  4. What is the key to determining what is appropriate on Sabbath?
The Lord of the Sabbath
  1. When Jesus asserted that He was "Lord of the Sabbath" did that enhance or reduce the significance of the Sabbath?
  2. Are Adventists as a church too strict about Sabbath observance or not strict enough?
  3. Did Jesus support the Law or not?
The Sabbath
  1. If Jesus had postponed healing people till Sunday would that have been better?  What message would that have conveyed?
  2. Why was the object of the pharisees in criticising Jesus for healing on the Sabbath?
  3. What makes a human worth more than an ox or donkey?

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Lesson 4 (April 18-24), The Call to Discipleship

Does being a disciple require more commitment than being a follower?

Fishers of Men
  1. Why do you think Peter agreed to let down his net once more when he probably believed it would be useless?
  2. When Peter hauled in a huge catch why do you think he referred to himself as a "sinful person" ?  Why do you think he asked Jesus to go away?
  3. Why do you think Jesus preceded his call to disciples to follow Him with a miracle for their benefit?
Selection of the Twelve
  1. Does the number twelve have any spiritual significance?
  2. Is there any connection between the words disciple and discipline?
  3. Did Jesus select the twelve on the basis of divine knowledge or on His human relationship and experience? 
Commissioning of the Apostles
  1. Did the twelve go out together or two by two? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  2. What is the value of a commissioning or ordinations service?
  3. Should pastors be paid a salary or should they live off the generosity of their church members?
Sending the Seventy
  1. Does the number seventy have any religious significance?
  2. Why didn't Jesus call all the seventy to follow him like the twelve?
The Cost of Discipleship
  1. Should pastors today call disciples to follow them?
  2. What does discipleship cost us?

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Lesson 3 (Apr 11-17), Who is Jesus Christ

Reactions to Jesus
  1. Is it easier to accept as pastor one whom we knew growing up, or do we prefer an unknown person?
  2. Are we more comfortable riding with a stranger driving or a relative?
  3. Why do you think John the Baptist sent his disciples to inquire whether Jesus was the messiah?  
  4. Is it a sin to doubt whether a person  is a true prophet or not?
Son of God
  1. Is Jesus literally God's son or is that a convenient title?
  2. Could a different person of the trinity have offered to be the son?
  3. Was Adam more a "son of God" than we are?
Son of Man
  1. What does "Son of Man" mean?
  2. Did Jesus prefer to be known as the "Son of God," or the "Son of Man?"
  3. Why was it necessary for Jesus to be born as a human?
The Christ as God
  1. Which title is more important, "Jesus (saviour)" or "Christ (messiah)?"
  2. What was wrong with thinking of Jesus as teacher or prophet as many thought he was? Did some people think worse things about who Jesus was?
  3. Is it possible for us to know personally firsthand who Jesus is?
The Transfiguration
  1. Why did God send Moses and Elijah to Jesus?
  2. Why did God declare on the mountain again that Jesus was his beloved Son?
  3. Why did the disciples keep falling asleep? Would it have made a difference if they had known the importance of what was happening?

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Lesson 2 (Apr 4-10), Baptism and the Temptations

Prepare the Way of the Lord

  1. Why do we not hear more "straight" preaching from the pulpit? Does it drive away people? Can it attract more people like John the Baptist's preaching? Do we need a preacher to tell us what in our lives needs changing, or does the Spirit of God do that?
  2. Since baptism is only a symbol, why is "sprinkling"not enough? Can "sprinkling" be used for people who are bedridden? "What about when there is no water available, like in a desert?
"You Are My Beloved Son"
  1. To what extent did Jesus acknowledge that Joseph and Mary were his parents? To what extent could he be accused of denying it?
  2. Since the Bible describes God as our father, why did the Jews take exception to the claims of Jesus to be the "son of God?" Is there a difference in being "a son of God," and "the son of God?"
Not by Bread Alone
  1. Were the temptations of Jesus arranged by God, or did Satan have a free hand?
  2. Why might it have been wrong for Jesus to turn the stones into bread?
  3. Is it a sin to doubt for a while?
"Worship Me"
  1. What would have been wrong if Jesus had redeemed us back from Satan by worshiping him?
  2. Is there always a way out or does one sometimes have to compromise with the devil?
  3. Do the evil angels worship Satan?
Christ the Victor
  1. Is the order of the temptations significant?
  2. Is it wrong to test God, such as Elijah did on Mt Carmel?
  3. What does God mean by "stating that He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear?