Prepare the Way of the Lord
- Why do we not hear more "straight" preaching from the pulpit? Does it drive away people? Can it attract more people like John the Baptist's preaching? Do we need a preacher to tell us what in our lives needs changing, or does the Spirit of God do that?
- Since baptism is only a symbol, why is "sprinkling"not enough? Can "sprinkling" be used for people who are bedridden? "What about when there is no water available, like in a desert?
"You Are My Beloved Son"
- To what extent did Jesus acknowledge that Joseph and Mary were his parents? To what extent could he be accused of denying it?
- Since the Bible describes God as our father, why did the Jews take exception to the claims of Jesus to be the "son of God?" Is there a difference in being "a son of God," and "the son of God?"
Not by Bread Alone
- Were the temptations of Jesus arranged by God, or did Satan have a free hand?
- Why might it have been wrong for Jesus to turn the stones into bread?
- Is it a sin to doubt for a while?
"Worship Me"
- What would have been wrong if Jesus had redeemed us back from Satan by worshiping him?
- Is there always a way out or does one sometimes have to compromise with the devil?
- Do the evil angels worship Satan?
Christ the Victor
- Is the order of the temptations significant?
- Is it wrong to test God, such as Elijah did on Mt Carmel?
- What does God mean by "stating that He would not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear?