Does being a disciple require more commitment than being a follower?
Fishers of Men
- Why do you think Peter agreed to let down his net once more when he probably believed it would be useless?
- When Peter hauled in a huge catch why do you think he referred to himself as a "sinful person" ? Why do you think he asked Jesus to go away?
- Why do you think Jesus preceded his call to disciples to follow Him with a miracle for their benefit?
Selection of the Twelve
- Does the number twelve have any spiritual significance?
- Is there any connection between the words disciple and discipline?
- Did Jesus select the twelve on the basis of divine knowledge or on His human relationship and experience?
Commissioning of the Apostles
- Did the twelve go out together or two by two? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
- What is the value of a commissioning or ordinations service?
- Should pastors be paid a salary or should they live off the generosity of their church members?
Sending the Seventy
- Does the number seventy have any religious significance?
- Why didn't Jesus call all the seventy to follow him like the twelve?
The Cost of Discipleship
- Should pastors today call disciples to follow them?
- What does discipleship cost us?