As His Custom Was
- What is the difference between a synagogue and the temple?
- Does the fact that Jesus worshiped with the Jews prove that Saturday is the Sabbath?
- Was everyday like Sabbath for Jesus
- Did Jesus need the Sabbath?
- Why does the fourth commandment say nothing about going to the synagogue or to church?
- How important is it to have a sermon on Sabbath? Is it necessary to have a sermon each Sabbath?
Sabbath Healings at Capernaum
- Is it appropriate for doctors and nurses to work on Sabbath?
- is it appropriate for anesthetists, receptionists, electricians, plumbers, etc., to work on Sabbath in hospitals?
- Is it okay for nurses and doctors to write exams on Sabbath?
- What is the key to determining what is appropriate on Sabbath?
The Lord of the Sabbath
- When Jesus asserted that He was "Lord of the Sabbath" did that enhance or reduce the significance of the Sabbath?
- Are Adventists as a church too strict about Sabbath observance or not strict enough?
- Did Jesus support the Law or not?
The Sabbath
- If Jesus had postponed healing people till Sunday would that have been better? What message would that have conveyed?
- Why was the object of the pharisees in criticising Jesus for healing on the Sabbath?
- What makes a human worth more than an ox or donkey?