Reactions to Jesus
- Is it easier to accept as pastor one whom we knew growing up, or do we prefer an unknown person?
- Are we more comfortable riding with a stranger driving or a relative?
- Why do you think John the Baptist sent his disciples to inquire whether Jesus was the messiah?
- Is it a sin to doubt whether a person is a true prophet or not?
Son of God
- Is Jesus literally God's son or is that a convenient title?
- Could a different person of the trinity have offered to be the son?
- Was Adam more a "son of God" than we are?
Son of Man
- What does "Son of Man" mean?
- Did Jesus prefer to be known as the "Son of God," or the "Son of Man?"
- Why was it necessary for Jesus to be born as a human?
The Christ as God
- Which title is more important, "Jesus (saviour)" or "Christ (messiah)?"
- What was wrong with thinking of Jesus as teacher or prophet as many thought he was? Did some people think worse things about who Jesus was?
- Is it possible for us to know personally firsthand who Jesus is?
The Transfiguration
- Why did God send Moses and Elijah to Jesus?
- Why did God declare on the mountain again that Jesus was his beloved Son?
- Why did the disciples keep falling asleep? Would it have made a difference if they had known the importance of what was happening?