
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Lesson 1 (June 27-July 3), Why Witness

Providing Opportunities for Salvation

  1. Do people respond better to guidance and correction from other people compared with from the Holy Spirit?
  2. What responsibility do I have (if any) to those who have the light but are not living up to it?
  3. Does imparting the gospel to people who have not heard it before make them more accountable than before they heard it?
Making Jesus Glad
  1. After receiving a stock answer of "fine thanks," what followup questions can one ask to find out how things are really going in a person's life?
  2. How is it that some people are lost within the fold?
  3. What makes God so excited when a person comes to Him?
Growing by Giving
  1. Is not witnessing a sin?
  2. Are there ways of witnessing for those who are anti-social?
  3. Are good witnessers born or developed?
Faithfulness to Christ's Command
  1. Is the gospel commission an invitation or a command?
  2. Can God transform me into desiring to witness, and if so, can I wait till the desire begins?
  3. Are there Christian churches that do not evangelize? How do they grow?
Motivated by Love
  1. What motivated Paul to undertake so many missionary journeys?
  2. Is the lack of witnessing indication of a lack of love for fellow humans?
  3. What does appreciation for one's personal salvation feel like?

Monday, 22 June 2020

Lesson 13 (June 20-26), Living by the Word of God

The Living Word of God and the Holy Spirit

  1. If God works in humans both to will and to do, what do WE need to do to "work out our own salvation?"
  2. If the Holy Spirit is desirous for us to understand the Bible correctly, why do we need to pray for His guidance?
  3. How does one "hold fast to the Word of God?"
Learning from Jesus
  1. Why does quoting Scripture help one to resist temptation?
  2. How well does Satan know the Bible?
  3. If there were no Bible is there any way humans could have identified Jesus as the Messiah?
Jesus Versus Scripture
  1. If we use Scriptures to identify Jesus are we place the Bible above Jesus?
  2. Did Jesus reject or minimize portions of Scripture by saying "ye have heard it said . . . but I say unto you?
  3. What doctrines of the church would suffer if we rejected the entire Old Testament?
Quiet Times with the Word of God
  1. What factors cause one to neglect Bible study and prayer?
  2. What is the solution to "problems" that crowd out Bible study?
  3. When is the best time to study the Bible and why?
Memory and Song
  1. Why is memorizing Bible passages better than carrying a Bible around?
  2. Which version should one memorize from and why?
  3. How does music help in memorizing words?

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Lesson 12 (June 13-19), Dealing with Difficult Texts

Possible Reasons for Apparent Contradictions

  1. If there were errors in the Bible would that be proof that it was not inspired?
  2. What kinds of errors do translators make?
  3. What kinds of errors would copyists make?
Dealing with Difficulties
  1. Who has the final say on what a Bible text means?
  2. Why is the Bible sometimes used by both sides of an argument?
  3. How should a difficult text be handled?
Deal with Difficulties Humbly
  1. Why is it important to have humility when studying difficult passages?
  2. Why is there the saying "little knowledge is dangerous?"
  3. What Biblical grounds is used to reject the Biblical Sabbath?
Determination and Patience
  1. Why does the Holy Spirit not enlighten a Bible reader immediately?
  2. Are there texts which are impossible to understand?
  3. What legitimate tools can help us to understand the Bible?
Deal with Difficulties
  1. What are ways in which we can let the Bible interpret itself?
  2. What does prayer do that makes it important when studying the Bible?
  3. Is it advisable to seek the help of another individual when understanding Scripture? How can they help?

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Lesson 11 (June 6-12), The Bible and ProphecyHis

Historicism and Prophecy

  1. What are the marks of the end of one kingdom and the beginning of the next? Are such dates always so distinct? Do they have to be? 
  2. In what ways were the kingdoms of Daniel getting inferior subsequently?
  3. Why are there no apocalyptic prophecies before the time of Daniel?
  4. Is there a delay in the final fulfilment of Dan 2? 
The Year-Day Principle
  1. Why is it necessary to have such a thing as a scale, whether for maps or for time charts?
  2. What makes us think that unrelated texts for local events can provide the time-scale for apocalyptic prophecies?
  3. How do we know when any prophecy is using symbolic time?
Identifying the Little Horn
  1. Why is it important to identify the Little Horn precisely?
  2. Can there be more than one  fulfilment of the Little Horn?
  3. Can it be an individual? Can it be me?
The Investigative Judgement
  1. Are Adventist scholars the best on Daniel and Revelation?
  2. Why does it matter when the judgement is?
  3. Why was the book of Daniel not interpreted properly earlier?
Typology As Prophecy
  1. If only Bible writers can identify antitypes, how can we interpret prophecies not fulfilled in their lifetime?
  2. Can there be more than one antitype?
  3. How did the Israelites miss the typology of the sanctuary, or did they not?

Monday, 1 June 2020

Lesson 10 (May 30-June 5), The Bible as History

Why did God keep reminding Israel that He brought them out of slavery? 

David, Solomon and the Monarchy
  1. What aspects of the David history in the Bible makes it believable?
  2. Why is there no archaeological evidence of giants like Goliath?
  3. Are there sufficient details in the David-Goliath story to make it convincing?
Isaiah, Hezekiah, and Sennacherib
  1. Why did God permit the capture by Assyria of so many cities of Judah? Why did He spare Jerusalem?
  2. Of what benefit is it for God to give a sign that would be fulfilled in part over a three-year period?
  3. How concerned is God about His reputation?
Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and Babylon
  1. How significant is it to find a name on an ancient tablet that matches the Bible record?
  2. Was Daniel a vegan? How important is it to be a vegan?
  3. Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
The Historical Jesus
  1. Was Caiaphas sincere in his attitude towards Jesus? Was he living up to the light he had?
  2. Why do you think God did not see fit to preserve evidence of Jesus life on earth as proof that He really lived?
  3. What is the best evidenced that Jesus was a real person?
Faith and History
  1. Have all nations of the earth been blessed through Abraham as was prophecied?
  2. What do we learn about salvation through the life and experience of Rahab?
  3. Is it true that everyone in heaven will need to have "stars in their crown?" That is, do those hoping to go to heaven have to have witnessed successfully to others?