Why did God keep reminding Israel that He brought them out of slavery?
David, Solomon and the Monarchy
- What aspects of the David history in the Bible makes it believable?
- Why is there no archaeological evidence of giants like Goliath?
- Are there sufficient details in the David-Goliath story to make it convincing?
Isaiah, Hezekiah, and Sennacherib
- Why did God permit the capture by Assyria of so many cities of Judah? Why did He spare Jerusalem?
- Of what benefit is it for God to give a sign that would be fulfilled in part over a three-year period?
- How concerned is God about His reputation?
- How significant is it to find a name on an ancient tablet that matches the Bible record?
- Was Daniel a vegan? How important is it to be a vegan?
- Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
The Historical Jesus
- Was Caiaphas sincere in his attitude towards Jesus? Was he living up to the light he had?
- Why do you think God did not see fit to preserve evidence of Jesus life on earth as proof that He really lived?
- What is the best evidenced that Jesus was a real person?
Faith and History
- Have all nations of the earth been blessed through Abraham as was prophecied?
- What do we learn about salvation through the life and experience of Rahab?
- Is it true that everyone in heaven will need to have "stars in their crown?" That is, do those hoping to go to heaven have to have witnessed successfully to others?