The Living Word of God and the Holy Spirit
- If God works in humans both to will and to do, what do WE need to do to "work out our own salvation?"
- If the Holy Spirit is desirous for us to understand the Bible correctly, why do we need to pray for His guidance?
- How does one "hold fast to the Word of God?"
Learning from Jesus
- Why does quoting Scripture help one to resist temptation?
- How well does Satan know the Bible?
- If there were no Bible is there any way humans could have identified Jesus as the Messiah?
Jesus Versus Scripture
- If we use Scriptures to identify Jesus are we place the Bible above Jesus?
- Did Jesus reject or minimize portions of Scripture by saying "ye have heard it said . . . but I say unto you?
- What doctrines of the church would suffer if we rejected the entire Old Testament?
Quiet Times with the Word of God
- What factors cause one to neglect Bible study and prayer?
- What is the solution to "problems" that crowd out Bible study?
- When is the best time to study the Bible and why?
Memory and Song
- Why is memorizing Bible passages better than carrying a Bible around?
- Which version should one memorize from and why?
- How does music help in memorizing words?