Historicism and Prophecy
- What are the marks of the end of one kingdom and the beginning of the next? Are such dates always so distinct? Do they have to be?
- In what ways were the kingdoms of Daniel getting inferior subsequently?
- Why are there no apocalyptic prophecies before the time of Daniel?
- Is there a delay in the final fulfilment of Dan 2?
The Year-Day Principle
- Why is it necessary to have such a thing as a scale, whether for maps or for time charts?
- What makes us think that unrelated texts for local events can provide the time-scale for apocalyptic prophecies?
- How do we know when any prophecy is using symbolic time?
Identifying the Little Horn
- Why is it important to identify the Little Horn precisely?
- Can there be more than one fulfilment of the Little Horn?
- Can it be an individual? Can it be me?
The Investigative Judgement
- Are Adventist scholars the best on Daniel and Revelation?
- Why does it matter when the judgement is?
- Why was the book of Daniel not interpreted properly earlier?
Typology As Prophecy
- If only Bible writers can identify antitypes, how can we interpret prophecies not fulfilled in their lifetime?
- Can there be more than one antitype?
- How did the Israelites miss the typology of the sanctuary, or did they not?