Possible Reasons for Apparent Contradictions
- If there were errors in the Bible would that be proof that it was not inspired?
- What kinds of errors do translators make?
- What kinds of errors would copyists make?
Dealing with Difficulties
- Who has the final say on what a Bible text means?
- Why is the Bible sometimes used by both sides of an argument?
- How should a difficult text be handled?
- Why is it important to have humility when studying difficult passages?
- Why is there the saying "little knowledge is dangerous?"
- What Biblical grounds is used to reject the Biblical Sabbath?
- Why does the Holy Spirit not enlighten a Bible reader immediately?
- Are there texts which are impossible to understand?
- What legitimate tools can help us to understand the Bible?
- What are ways in which we can let the Bible interpret itself?
- What does prayer do that makes it important when studying the Bible?
- Is it advisable to seek the help of another individual when understanding Scripture? How can they help?