
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Lesson 1 (Mar 27-Apr 2, 2021), What Happened?

 Turtles All the Way Down

  1. Why is it impossible to prove that God created the universe?
  2. Why is it impossible to disprove that God created the universe?
  3. Why do some people still believe in a flat earth? How is this possible to prove or disprove?
In the Image of the Maker
  1. Does the "image of God" include the physical. If we are in God's physical image, then are monkey also in his image?
  2. Do men bear the image of God more than women?
  3. Do individuals bear the image of God or humanity as a whole?
God and Humankind Together
  1. Is procreation part of the "image of God in humans?" 
  2. Why did God bless Adam and Eve? What difference did it make?
  3. How and why did the original relationship between God and humans come to an end?
At the Tree
  1. Had Eve already sinned before she ate the forbidden fruit, or was it at the point of the first bite?
  2. On what basis do we assume that Adam was not with Eve at the tree when she ate it?
  3. Why could Adam and Eve not repent and be forgiven there and then?
Breaking the Relationship
  1. Why do you think Satan took the form of a serpent when he could have appeared as what he is--an angel?
  2. Whose sin was worse, Adam's or Eve's? Is "being deceived," less guilty than sinning without being deceived?
  3. Is fear of snakes a result of the curse, or did God mean fear of Satan?
  4. In the battle between God and Satan who is succeeding in making humans afraid of the other?

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Lesson 13 (Mar 20-26), Rebirth of Planet Earth

 New Heavens and a New Earth

  1. Why do we need a new earth? Why can't God just improve this one to the point it is good enough?
  2. Why do we need a new heaven?
  3. How did some animals become carnivorous? 
  4. What are the ingredients of a perfect life?
Divine Magnet
  1. What about God will attract non Christians to Him?
  2. Why are some people not attracted to God?
  3. What does it mean to "tremble" at his word?
Missionaries and Worship leaders
  1. Why does God want humans to go everywhere and preach about him? Why can't the Holy Spirit do it more?
  2. What prevented the Israelites from evangelizing the world?
  3. Why did God have one tribe of Israel as priests and not have a priesthood of all believers?
Community of Faith

  1. Do we have today a true priesthood of all believers?
  2. What does it mean to become "children of Abraham?" Why is it necessary?
  3. Is God responsible for the Jews' feeling of superiority? What feelings of ethnic / racial superiority exist among us? How does it impact the church? How can we get rid of it?
So Shall Your Seed and Your Name Remain
  1. Which is more desirable, to leave biological descendants or to leave a name that will be remembered? 
  2. Why do we not want to be forgotten?
  3. Why are "new moons" more important than a new sun? Why will we need specific worship days in the new earth? Won't every day be a worship day? 

    Wednesday, 17 March 2021

    Lesson 12 (Mar 13-19, 2021), Desire of Nations

     The Effects of Sin

    1. How do wrong acts affect relationships in families or among friends? Who is more reluctant to meet up, the one committing the wrong or the one wronged?
    2. Why do people not answer phone calls? For what reasons, if any, might God not want to hear a person's prayer?
    3. Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
    Who is Forgiven
    1. At what age do humans become accountable for sin? What makes one accountable? Does one need forgiveness for sins we are not aware of?
    2. What are the requirements in order to be forgiven? Could a person who asks for forgiveness be refused by God?
    3. What made the rich young ruler believe he had kept the law? What evidence is there whether he had kept it or had not?
    Universal Appeal
    1. Why is salvation described in terms of "light?" 
    2. What is meant by the phrase "Arise shine?"
    3. How well are kings and political leaders responding to the gospel?
    The Year of the Lord's Favour
    1. What does "anointed" mean? Who in the OT were in anointed, and for what? What is Jesus anointed for?
    2. How is what Jesus brings similar to what the purpose of the Jubilee year was for?
    3. How well is the Adventist church proclaiming or assisting in the "Lord's favour?"
    The Day of Vengeance of Our God
    1. How is the word "vengeance" related to the word "revenge?" On whom will God take revenge?
    2. How can a God of love cause people to suffer in hell?
    3. For whose benefit is God's vengeance?

    Thursday, 11 March 2021

    Lesson 12 (March 6-11, 2020), Waging Love

     Buy Something Free

    1. If no money is sought or given, how can a transaction be termed "buying?"
    2. What are some ways in which people attempt to buy forgiveness?" How effective is it?
    3. What was the price of our salvation? Who paid it and to whom was it paid?
    High Thoughts and Ways
    1. Why do you think God reminded Israel that His ways and thoughts are different (higher) than human ways and thoughts?
    2. What are some things that are impossible for humans to grasp? Is the plan of salvation one of those things?
    3. How can one explain God's love, forgiveness, redemption to unbelievers?
    Fast Friends
    1. What is the true purpose of "fasting?" 
    2. How would fasting urge God do something that He might not have otherwise?
    3. For whose benefit is fasting? How does it benefit?
    Fast Fight

      1. Is fasting a necessary part of religion and how important is it for salvation?
      2. Why does God say that providing food and shelter to the needy are better than fasting? How are those things demonstrations of true religion?
      3. Is it all right to do social work on Sabbath or should that be done on a weekday?
      A Time for Us
      1. What are some things that might be termed "doing our own pleasure" on Sabbath? What are some things that might not be our own pleasure?
      2. Why does Isaiah refer to the feet and not the hands with reference to breaking the Sabbath?
      3. What are some "idle words" that we may utter on Sabbath?
      4. Why is the connection between acts of benevolence and the true purpose of Sabbath and the Sabbatical year?

      Thursday, 4 March 2021

      Lesson 10 (Feb 27-Mar 5, 2021), Doing the Unthinkable

       Isaiah's Testing Truth

      1. Why would having hairs from your beard plucked be shameful comparable to being spat upon? 
      2. Why is honour and shame a life and death matter?
      3. Why do people mock at those in distress?
      The Suffering Servant Poem
      1. What appeal does the Messiah have by being portrayed as a Servant rather than as a king?
      2. In what way was Jesus disfigured physically beyond recognition as predicted by Isaiah?
      3. How does Jesus bear our infirmities and carry our sorrows?
      Who Has Believed
      1. Why do the innocent have to suffer for the guilty?
      2. Whose loss was greater Jesus' or Job's?
      3. Why do we identify more easily with the innocent that with the guilty?
      The Unreachable is Us
      1. Why is Jesus pictured as a tender shoot rather than a strong tree?
      2. Is all suffering because of sin?
      3. In what way did our sins kill Jesus?
      A Transforming Reparation Offering
      1. What is the difference between "guilt" and "sin?"
      2. How is the servant poems good news?
      3. Why are lambs the ideal animals to represent the Messiah?
      4. In what way is the sacrifice of a lamb not a fit representation of the Messiah's sacrifice of himself?