
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Boasting in the Cross

Paul’s Own Hand
1.       How can you make a letter to a person you are not on good terms with sound sincere?
2.       Is a handwritten letter superior to an email? Why or why not?

Boasting in the Flesh
1.       Is it alright to seek the support of non-church members in your struggles within the church when you are in the right. In other words is it alright to use outsiders to fix problems inside the church?
2.       Do any forms of persecution exist within my church?

Boasting in the Cross
1.       What are things that I boast about myself, my family, my church?
2.       Have I ever boasted about the cross?  How does one do that?
3.       How did Paul’s life and preaching demonstrate boasting in the cross?

A New Creation
1.       How does the experience of baptism contribute to becoming a new creature?
2.       Can the rite of circumcision accomplish the same thing?
3.       What does it mean or feel like to be a new creature? How will you know if you are a new creation?

Final Remarks
1.       What are some of the different standards by which people determine what is right or wrong in church?
2.       What kinds of scars do believers have as a result of their relationship with Jesus?

Monday, 19 December 2011

The Gospel and the Church

Restoring the Fallen
1.       What are various ways Christians respond to a fellow-Christians moral fall?
2.       Disfellowshipping a fallen believer seems to be going out of style.  Is that good or bad?
3.       How often do we see real compassion for the fallen member?

Beware of Temptation
1.       Are we immune to temptation if we keep alert?
2.       Why do say “pride goes before a fall?
3.       Does the fact that we may have fallen into the same sin make us more compassionate when another falls to temptation?  Can you think of more examples to support this or to contradict it?

Burden Bearing
1.       How can we help bear the burden of one who has fallen into sin?
2.       What factors influence whether or not we go to another person for help when we have fallen into sin?
3.       What are some examples of burdens that nobody can help us bear?

The Law of Christ
1.       How can helping bear another person’s burden be fulfilling the law of Christ?
2.       How can Adventists in India get rid of prejudices relating to caste, class, gender, and tribe that  plague our church?

Sowing and Reaping
1.       How can we say that people reap what they sow when righteous people suffer equally or more than the wicked; and the wicked seem to prosper more than the righteous?
2.       Is a harvest always in proportion to the amount of hard work put into the field?
3.       What is the general response of a person who is offered help by his/her enemy?
4.       What if there were no judgement day or harvest? Would it still be worth “sowing?” 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Living by the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit
1.       Why do we use the metaphor of “walking” for the paths we choose to follow?  Can you think of other terms in an extension of the same metaphor?
2.       Why do OT Wisdom books describe the good way as broad and level and the wrong way as slippery and crooked, while the NT describes the way to heaven as narrow and rugged and the way to destruction as broad?

The Christian’s Conflict
1.       Do only Christian’s feel guilty when they do wrong or do unbelievers also feel guilt?  What about non-Christians?
2.       If a person feels guilty even after confessing, is it an indication that the wrong has not been forgiven yet?

The Works of the Flesh
1.       Why do we give credit to the “Spirit” for good works, but blame the “flesh” for bad behavior?
2.       Is it easier to do wrong than right?  Why or why not?

The Fruit of the Spirit
1.       Is it possible to observe the Ten Commandments and at the same time not love God and our neighbour?
2.       What can we as Adventists do so that we will be known as a people of “love,” “joy,” “peace,” “patience,” “kindness,” “goodness,” “faithfulness,” “gentleness,” and “self-control” instead of people of the Ten Commandments?

The Way to Victory
1.       Do we have to crucify the “evil humanness” in us or will Christ do it for us?
2.       Can it ever become easier to do right rather than wrong even before going to heaven?

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Freedom is Christ

Christ Has Set Us Free
1.       What is the difference in being a slave to the law and being a servant of Christ?
2.       What are the differences between bondage to the law and bondage to sin?
3.       How would you feel about a person freed from jail who because he could not handle freedom, desired to go back to the familiar life of prison?

The Nature of Freedom
1.        Are those who are free really free?
2.       Are there limits to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.? Why or why not?
3.       Is there something in my life enslaving me?  How badly do I desire freedom from it?

The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism
1.       Are we Adventists happy with our tag of “people obsessed with the law?”
2.       Would it be better to be known as “people of love and compassion?”
3.       Is it possible to be both?
4.       Why wouldn’t God appreciate a slavish servitude to keeping His law?

Liberty Not Licentiousness
1.       Why would God not appreciate a generous use of His grace by people not bothered to keep the law?
2.       How does freedom from bad habits affect our relationship to others?

Fulfilling the Whole Law
1.       Is it necessary to keep the whole law or is loving God and our fellow humans enough?
2.       Is it easier to obey the law or to love God and our neighbors?

Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Two Covenants

Is anybody around you causing you to suffer in any way for your religion? 
Is your religion causing anybody around you to suffer?

Covenant Basics
1.       If Abel was so much more meticulous than Cain about his offering to God, why do we not consider him legalistic and “under the old covenant?”
2.       Is something wrong with our relationship to God if it does not inspire us to give him our very best?”

The Abrahamic Covenant
1.       How does Abraham’s experience with Sarah and Hagar illustrate “faith” and “works?” 
2.       Could Paul have picked another Bible character as an example of both faith and works?  Why was Abraham picked?

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar
1.       Had Hagar done anything wrong? Is it necessary to examine her side of the story to understand “faith and works?”
2.       Was Sarah an example of faith?  Was it necessary for her to have had faith or was Abraham’s faith enough for them to have a son?”

Hagar and Mt Sinai
1.       Why was Abraham compelled to reject Ishmael?
2.       Why did God give the law on Mt Sinai, if the Israelites were not expected to keep it?

Ishmael and Isaac Today
1.       In what way are judaizers, those who emphasize the keeping of the law, not true Jews?
2.       Is it easier to prove that we are still under the law rather than free from it?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Paul’s Pastoral Appeal

When trying to reach people with the gospel, after sharing doctrines, how much of personal appeal is appropriate?

The Heart of Paul (Gal 4:12, 20)
1.       Is it an advantage or disadvantage to become like brothers or a father to the people we are trying to convert?
2.       Can I say now that “Christ is formed” in me, as Paul was longing for in the Galatians?  If not, what is it that might be keeping me from feeling so?

The Challenge to Become (Gal 4:12)
1.       Are Adventists in general we experiencing love, joy, freedom, and certainty of salvation like Paul did?
2.       Am I a good enough example for other people whom I am trying to reach? If not, why not?

I Have Become as You ((Gal 4:12)
1.       How much of traditional Adventism are we prepared to surrender in order to convert people of another background and culture?
2.       Have we compromised any essential part of the gospel in the name of contextualization?

Then and Now (Gal 4:13)
1.       Is there anything that I am using as an excuse to avoid reaching others as Paul could have used his illness as an excuse?
2.       Do my trials and infirmities draw me closer to God or do they drive me further away?

Speaking the Truth (4:16)
1.       What are the situations that prompt me to “be frank” with others?
2.       When does “being frank” result in making people enemies?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

From Slavery to Heirs

Why do some people will their wealth to servants or even pets when they have children?

Our Condition in Christ
1.       How does it feel to be freed from rules of childhood (baby sitter, chaperone) to join the adults as equals?
2.       Does “putting on the garment of Christ” make us wolves in sheep’s clothing?”
3.       What is the connection of “baptism” to spiritual maturity?
4.       Does Freedom in Christ enable me to dress however I want, eat what I want, and behave how I want?

Enslaved to Elementary Principles
1.       How do you reconcile Jesus’ admonition to “become as children,” on the one hand and on the other hand, Paul’s exhortation to put away childish things?
2.       Does everyone becoming “sons of God” remove all distinctions of race, class, and gender only with reference to the law or in every way?
3.       What is the role of the law in the life of a mature Christian?

God Sent Forth His Son
1.       Why didn’t Jesus come immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, or soon after to liberate humanity from the law?
2.       Could Jesus have felt “under the law” during his life on earth?
3.       Few of us know how it is to be freed from prison, but can being “freed” as in children’s games give us a glimpse?

The Privileges of Adoption
1.       What are the privileges an adopted child receives?
2.       At what point is an adopted child or foster child ready to call a parent “mom” or “dad?”
3.       Why do we not address God as “daddy?”

Why Turn Back to Slavery
1.       What are ways in which a child’s life is secure and safe?
2.       What is wrong if grown up person wishes to return to the security of being a child?
3.       Are there some who prefer the security of being a slave to the responsibility of being a son?
4.       It may be childish, but is it wrong to prefer living under the law and being “guided” by it?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Road to Faith

Considering 1 as the very beginning of an evangelistic series and 10 as the end, at what point in between would you recommend the importance of the “law” be presented?
Those Christians who believe the Ten Commandments are done away with, don’t they believe breaking it is wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery, etc?  What do they really mean when they say the law is done away with?  What keeps us Adventists from saying the Ten Commandments was nailed to the cross?

The Law and the Promise
1.       Do you feel good when you follow rules?  Why or why not?
2.       Could God have made things simpler by giving us an easier law to keep?
3.       If we were never expected to really keep the law (or were we?), was it given just to show us how far short we are of what God expected?

Kept Under the Law
1.       What do you understand of the term “under the law?”
2.       Does righteousness by faith put one “above the law?”
3.       How far can we go in emphasizing the importance of the law till we are in danger of rejecting grace?

The Law as Our Guard
1.       Gal 3:23 likens the law to a guard.  How would you like to have a guard with you constantly?  What circumstances would make you like to have one?
2.       Gal 3:23 also talks of being locked up by the law.  Under what circumstances would you like to be locked up?  Does this help see some negative things in a positive light?

The Law as Our Schoolmaster
1.       What are the advantages of having a supervisor?
2.       If you were to have to supervise a hostel/dormitory student 24/7, would you expect to be liked?  Would it be possible to do your job properly and still be liked?

The Law and the Believer
1.       Have you ever had such a bad dream it was a relief to awaken?  What made it a bad dream?  Is condemnation by the law something we can get such sudden relief from?
2.       Imagine if you could hear Jesus say to you as he said to some persons, “Neither do I condemn you,” or “Your sins are forgiven,” how would you feel?  Does it make it more real to hear from Him in person, than to read it in the Bible? 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Priority of the Promise

What impression of God would you have got at the giving of the Ten Commandments with thunder and lightning?
What impression of God do you have of the One who made a covenant with Abraham.

Law and Faith
1.       What is the difference between a promise and covenant?
2.       As a human can you enter into a contract with God? What could you promise?

Faith and Law
1.       If we are not saved by keeping the law, why do we have to keep it?
2.       How will breaking the Ten Commandments affect one’s life?

The Purpose of the Law
1.       What can a mirror do and not do for you?  How does it help you understand the function of the law which is said to be like a mirror?
2.       [Paul says that the law is like a paidagogos (usually translated “schoolmaster”, “teacher” or “tutor” because of the English word pedagogy.  But it really signified a slave who needed to escort a student till he reached a certain age.]  How is the law like a “chaperon?”Do you like having a chaperon? 

The Duration of God’s Law
1.       Understanding the Ten Commandments to be eternal, how did Sinai affect our understanding of those commandments?
2.       Unlike some other Christians, Adventists understand it was the Ceremonial Law and not the Ten Commandments which were nailed to the cross.   Is it all right to believe that somehow the way humans relate to the Ten Commandments was nailed to the cross?

The Superiority of the Promise
1.       Have you made a promise you did not keep either because (a) you changed your mind or because (b) changed circumstances didn’t allow you to?  How much difference does it make?
2.       How much do you trust God to keep His promise?  What can you do more to increase your faith in His promise?

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Old Testament Faith

The Foolish Galations
1.       Which would you imagine happens more often (1) shifting from believing in righteousness by works to righteousness by faith or (2) shifting from believing in righteousness by faith to righteousness by works like the Galatians.
2.       Can you blame wrong theology on being “bewitched” or having had a spell cast on you, like Paul inquires of the Galatians?

Grounded in Scripture
1.       Why do people have trouble accepting justification by faith – free salvation?
2.       On what basis should Old Testament scripture be authoritative for Christians?
3.       Are some parts of the Bible more inspired than others ?

Reckoned as Righteous
1.       Why is Abraham so important as an example for Jews?
2.       Is it legal to be considered righteous when in fact you are guilty?
3.       Is it easier to give grace or accept it?

The Gospel in the Old Testament
1.       Do you think God ever expected humans to live in obedience to the law, or did He understand from the beginning that it would be “impossible” and that therefore they would have to receive salvation by grace?
2.       Was Abraham an example of salvation by faith or also of salvation by works?

Redeemed from a Curse
1.       How would you feel if you had done something you thought commendable (like trying to obey the rules  and also getting others to do the same), and then being condemned for the very thing?
2.       Many Christians view Adventists as believing in salvation by works.  Is this true?  If it is not, on what basis could those Christians be forming their opinion? 

Monday, 17 October 2011

Justification by Faith Alone

The Question of Justification (Gal 2:15, 16)
1.       Do we have second class citizens in the Adventist church / the local church?  If so who are they and why are they second class?
2.       Which would you prefer for a verdict in your case and why?  (a) declared innocent, (b) found to be innocent, (c) found to have saving relationship with the judge? 

Works of the Law (Gal 2:16)
1.       What do you desire more from your pet doggie, love or obedience?  Do you love your pet because it obeys you or because it is trying to obey you?
2.       Is it possible for anyone to keep the law well enough to merit God’s favour?

The Basis of Our Justification
1.       Is it legal to allow a person to be punished for another person’s wrongdoing?
2.       What is the role of (a) grace, and (b) faith in our salvation? Can one come before the other or do they come together?

The Obedience of Faith
1.       How is “faith” different from “belief”?
2.       How does “faith” start?

Does Faith Promote Sin
1.       Does the realization that you are not saved by keeping the law result in less keeping of the law, either because we are not on our toes all the time or because we don’t have to be?
2.       If my relationship with Christ does not result in law keeping do I have to be worried about my relationship?
3.       Are there different levels of faith (are some taller and some shorter)?  Is it possible to have faith like Abraham (the father of those who have faith), or was he the very tallest and it is not necessary to be so tall?

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Unity of the Gospel (Oct 8-14)

What is the root cause of disunity?

The Importance of Unity
1.       Who is more responsible for unity, leaders or subordinates?
2.       What are factors that complicate unity between Gentile Christianity and Jewish Christianity?
3.       How important is it for the Adventist church to remain united?

Circumcision and the false Brothers (Gal 2:3-5)
1.       Why is a marriage sign (such as circumcision used to be in the ancient near east) more appropriate for the male? Why would a sign between God and his people be only on the male?
2.       Why would Jewish Christians insist on the ritual for gentiles rather than discard it themselves?
3.       Is there any tradition or ritual that our church is hanging onto unnecessarily?

Unity in Diversity (Gal 2:1-10)
1.       As Christians do we encounter more restrictions or more freedom?
2.       What qualities are required in a person who is going to take the gospel to people of a different culture?

Confrontation in Antioch (Gal 2:11-13)
1.       What was wrong in Peter avoiding eating with gentiles while Jews were around?
2.       If you were Peter and Paul condemned you as a hypocrite, would you defend yourself justifying your behavior or would you submit and apologize?

Paul’s Concern (Gal 2:14)
1.       Was Paul right in confronting Peter in public or should he have done it in private first?
2.       Is it necessary to believe like some commentators that Peter’s hypocrisy consisted of eating unclean gentile meat with the gentiles on one hand and insisting on their circumcision on the other? Is there another way to understand Peter’s hypocrisy? Would mere avoiding associating with gentiles when Jews were around amount to hypocrisy?
3.       How can Peter be held responsible for the hypocrisy which spread to Barnabas?  

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Paul’s Authority and Gospel. (Oct 1-7)

Judaizers countered Paul by appealing to tradition.  How important is tradition?  Considering that Paul used to be a persecuting Pharisee (before his conversion) how would you expect it to influence the way he deals with Judaizers?

Paul the Letter Writer
1.       What makes Paul or any other scripture more difficult to understand?
2.       Why should Paul’s personal letters be considered “inspired” and useful for others?

Paul’s Calling
1.       Why was it important for Paul to be considered an apostle or eyewitness of the resurrection?  Since some books of the NT were not written by apostles, why bother?
2.       Can a person not commissioned by Christ be inspired by the Holy Spirit?

Paul’s Gospel
1.       What is the meaning of “grace and peace” that Paul should wish that for his readers?
2.       What is the essence of the gospel? How many sentences is the minimum required to describe it?

No Other Gospel
1.       In speech and in letters why do some people not get to the point immediately?  What are the some of the merits and demerits of beating around the bush?
2.       Why do some people allow themselves to be swayed by “preachers of another gospel?”

The Origin of Paul’s Gospel
1.       Should a person’s life or motives be taken into account when evaluating the message?   What kinds of facts or rumours can we spread about a person to render his/her message ineffective?     
2.       If you hear rumours about yourself that negative your message, how should you react?

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles (for Sept 24-30)

Do God’s plans for our lives restrict our freedom?

Persecutor of Christians
1.       What do you imagine Saul’s relationship to God was like while he was a persecutor?
2.       How do you think God felt about Saul as He viewed the Pharisee’s sincerity in persecuting the early Christians?
3.       At the stoning of Stephen why do you think Saul chose to stand by the clothes rather than participate in the throwing of stones?

Saul’s Conversion
1.       What requires greater conviction, to be a persecutor or to be persecuted? How easy is it to change your opinion about something?  How does it feel to suddenly realize you have been on the wrong side? 
2.       Why does God not use such extreme measures to convert people today as he used for Saul?

Saul in Damascus
1.       How was inflicting Saul with blindness more appropriate than other things for example loss of hearing?
2.       What qualities would God have desired in a person whom he could send to Saul?
3.       Why do you think the record is silent on the effect of Saul’s conversion on his associates?

The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles
1.       During persecution which is a better place to hide, a city or a wilderness?
2.       Why do you think Saul changed his name? What challenges do you think Paul encountered as he began his ministry?
3.       Which is more challenging, establishing a new church or preserving members in an established one?

Conflict Within the Church
1.       Why do you think Jewish Christians were unhappy with gentiles joining the church?
2.       Considering that all of them had been expelled from the synagogue why would Jewish Christians still insist on Gentile members adopting their customs?
3.       Do those who have been in the church a long time have some right to preserve the “faith of our fathers?” 
4.       In conflict how can we be sure that we are on God’s side? 

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Worship in the Book of Revelation

Why does our memory text and so many other texts stress “learning a new song?” What is there about learning a new song?  Does God appreciate a well-sung song better than an off-key one?

I Fell at His Feet as Dead
1.       How can we combine the need to maintain a view of God’s sovereignty and majesty on one hand with the other need to view him as a close friend?
2.       Why did Job keep quiet after observing all that God showed him in creation?  What did nature tell him?  Why did he not see all that before?
3.       Is it true that one cannot create anything greater than one’s self?

Holy, Holy, Holy
1.       What is the connection between praise and worship?  Can you have one without the other?
2.       How do you think you would feel in God’s presence?  How can you best prepare for such an encounter?
3.       Are we going to get punished for being so irreverent in his unseen presence?

Revelation 13
1.       Would you like to be worshipped?  Why or why not?
2.       Why is Satan so anxious to recruit people to his side?  What does he get out of it?

Revelation 14
1.        Why is Sabbath observance so important to God?
2.       Can a sincere Sunday-observer get the same blessing as a Sabbath-keeper?
3.       Is only Sunday worship the mark of the beast or is Friday, Thursday, etc, worship the same?

Worship God
1.       Why are angels not worthy of worship?
2.       Why do humans have an inclination to worship?
3.       Have this quarters lessons impacted your worship?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Worship in the Early Church

Is the apostolic church the correct model for the form of worship today? (Wasn’t the church in that era evangelistic?) Is there an ideal format for worship or does the ideal change according to time and location?  How much has the format of Adventist worship adjusted to situation?

Many Proofs
1.       The personality of the disciples at Pentecost was a far cry from that which they displayed at the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus.  What were reasons that contributed to this drastic change in them? 
2.       Observe the women and the disciples at the tomb: Why were they so slow to comprehend that Jesus had risen from the dead?
3.       Even after the disciples accepted the fact of the risen Savior, why was there no attempt to preach till Pentecost weeks later?

The Preaching of the Word
1.        Why is it that in many parts of the world public evangelism is giving way to personal evangelism?  Are we missing anything because of this?
2.       Why do many members prefer the conversational style of preaching to the “evangelistic” style?
3.       Can we and should we have the “Spirit” of Pentecost in our worship services?
4.       Do we have anything to learn from the worship of Pentecostals?

Paul on Mars Hill
1.       How appropriate is it to quote uninspired sources in sermons?
2.       How wise or unwise is it to use illustrations from non-Christian mythology?
3.       Paul used logic and reason but did not have much success.  Why does emotional appeal often bring more results than logic and reason?

Worship Contrary to the Law
1.       Was it necessary for Christianity to be a new religion?  Could it have dovetailed Judaism?
2.       When is it necessary for an “offshoot” to separate?
3.       Why were the Jews so blind to see Christ as the fulfillment of all they were hoping for?

Love Conquers All
1.       What is the relationship between love and worship?  Does my dislike for anyone in the church affect my worship?
2.       How do others come into the picture of worship which is between you and God?
3.       Jesus instruct hearers (Matt 5:23) to leave their gifts and make things right with persons who had aught against them before proceeding with giving their offering.  Does that apply only to the giving of offerings or even to other aspects of worship?

Thursday, 8 September 2011

In Spirit and in Truth: Worship in the New Testament

The Song of Mary.  Lk 1: 46-55
1.       Do you think this praise was spontaneous response or composed carefully? Does it matter? Why is Mary singing? Why do we sing other people’s songs instead of composing our own?
2.       How would I have responded to the announcement if I were in Mary’s place?

The Temptation.  Lk 4:5-8
1.       Satan wanted Jesus to “fall down –prostrate (in Hebrew)” and worship him.  Jesus replied that we should (fall down prostrate in) worship only to God.  Is this the correct posture for worship? Or is prostrate in attitude enough?  What are the reasons for your answer.
2.       Why did Jesus not take the easy solution to achieve what He wanted?  What did He really want and would He have gotten it this way?

The Samaritan Woman.  Jn 4:1-24
1.       Was the Samaritan Woman a true worshipper?
2.       What did Jesus accomplish by engaging her?
3.       Since Mt Gerazim was where Abraham and Isaac built altars and where God proclaimed blessings, what makes a spot sacred at one time and ordinary at other times?
4.       Is our church more sacred than our homes or offices?  Is a dedicated church more sacred than one not dedicated? Why or why not?
5.       Why do we go to church every Sabbath.  Can’t we worship better in different nature.  

True Worshippers.
1.       Jesus said the hour “will come” and “has now come” when we would worship neither in Mt Gerazim or Jerusalem.  When was that?
2.       If the location or forms of worship are not important why do we retain the same form week after week?  Should our worship be more spontaneous?

Who is Jesus
1.       Why would some Christians deny that Jesus is God?
How would our worship be affected if Jesus is not God?

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Worship: From the Exile to the Restoration

(Keeping in mind the capture of the Israelites by the Babylonians and the destruction of the temple) How do you accept defeat whether in a game, a test, or a fight? How do you cope with defeat in the thing most important to you?

(Not in the lesson, but very very important.) Jeremiah was shown two baskets of figs – one good and one bad.  One represented those who were taken captive to Babylon, and the other basket represented those left behind.  Which one do you think the good figs represented?  Compare your answer with Jer 24:4-9.  Can you account for this fact?

1.     The apostasy of the Israelites as shown in vision to Ezekiel included installation of a statue of jealousy (8:5), inscription of graffiti on the walls (8:10), lamenting by women of the annual death of Tamuz (8:14), and sun worship by the men (8:16).  Is it fair to compare these with what occurs in our churches – jealousies, graffiti in the hymnals, letting our minds wander during the sermon, the prayer, the offertory to the unholy? 
2.     What is the difference or relationship if any between apostasy and carelessness?

Daniel 3
Adventists believe that Seal of God and Mark of the Beast kick into effect when the Sunday law is passed and Sabbath observance becomes a life and death issue.
1.     Would a person believing with all his/her heart that Sunday is the Sabbath and laying down his/her life rather than break that (erroneous) “Sabbath,” could that person obtain the Seal of God through such martyrdom? 
2.     Is it fair to say that the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace had the Seal of God for being willing to give up their lives rather than worship the image? Can you think of other doctrines have been issues of life and death in Bible history?

JERemiah 29
1.     When you want to return from captivity in a year or two, how do you come to terms with a prophecy that declares it will be seventy years? What can we do to ensure we survive a long period of darkness in our lives – sickness, joblessness, poor family relationships?  Where is God in all this?
2.     How can recognizing God’s sovereignty and submitting to it help us to endure?  Can our response postpone or hasten recovery?

1.     The Israelites were told so often that the captivity had been sent because of their idolatry and Sabbath breaking that they never lapsed into those sins again.   To prevent recurrence they multiplied rule upon rule to guide proper Sabbath observance.  How did that contribute to true worship?
2.     Most of us are less strict in our Sabbath observance (and perhaps in other matters such as adherence to health principles) today than we were a decade or two ago.  Are we becoming less legalistic or more liberal? What makes this either good or bad?

Nehemiah 1
1.     Can one person—a leader or reformer, always make a difference in rousing the people out of apathy?
2.     Will a reformer always incur the displeasure of leadership?
3.     Can the ills that plague the Seventh-day Adventist church be tackled by ordinary members?
4.     Reformers often acquire the tag of “self righteousness.”  Why is this, and can it be avoided?