
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Lesson 1 (Dec 28 - Jan 3) Disciples and Scripture

Jesus and the Bible

  1. Did Jesus have to memorize Scripture or would His divinity have known it all?
  2. Did Jesus need Scripture or did He just use it to help others?
  3. How well does the devil know the Bible?

The Authority of Scripture

  1. What is Scripture authoritative for?
  2. Why can sometimes both sides of a dispute on faith or practice quote scripture for support?
  3. What makes some people resist the authority of Scripture?

Public Proclamation

  1. In what ways does the recitation of whole chapters of the Bible in public edify the congregation, and/or the reciter?
  2. What makes use of the Bible legalistic? 

Personal Ministry

  1. What evidence do we have that Jesus knowledge of the Bible was thorough?
  2. Is the Bible self-explanatory, or do readers need help?

The Next Generation

  1. Why do scholars question the accuracy, authenticity, and authority of the Bible when Jesus Himself did not?
  2. How can we relate to alleged errors in the Bible?
  3. Why did the Holy Spirit allow so many versions of the Bible?

Monday, 23 December 2013

Lesson 13 (Dec 21-27), Exhortations From the Sanctuary

Access to the Heavenly Sanctuary
  1. Why were common Israelites not permitted to enter the sanctuary?
  2. Why are we allowed direct access to God?
  3. Of Jesus sat down on the right hand of the Father when he ascended after the resurrection, was that the Most Holy Place? 

Cleansed and Sincere
  1. Must we come to the Sanctuary clean or do we come for cleansing?
  2. Do we need special clothes to come to Church? What clothes are appropriate for Sabbath?

Faith: Be Confident
  1. At what point does confidence that we are forgiven become presumption? 
  2. What is the danger of believing that "once saved, always saved?" Why would anyone believe that? 
  3. Should we be more nervous when we come into God's presence?

Hope: Be Steadfast and Unswerving
  1. If sins are forgiven when they are confessed, why do they still bother the sinner?
  2. Why do members backslide? Why do they stop coming to church?
  3. Why can't it be easier to be good than to be bad? 

Love: Encourage One Another
  1. Why are Indians less considerate of others than people of other countries?
  2. Does loving others come naturally or does it need to be cultivated? 
  3. What can one do to develop love for a person one does not love?

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Lesson 12 (Dec 14-20),The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character

Revolt in the Heavenly Sanctuary

  1. Can the origin of evil be explained without excusing it?
  2. Can the fact that a creature sinned in a perfect environment mean that it was imperfect? Is the inability to sin mean a person is perfect or imperfect?
  3. Why is pride such a horrible evil?

The Accusations

  1. Is Satan correct that Job and all of us serve God for His blessings? Would we still serve God if we didn't receive blessings?
  2. Is God's law too difficult for humans to keep?
  3. Is God unfair in saving people who are not keeping the law?

Vindication at the Cross

  1. What is the role of the cross on vindicating God? Humans?
  2. What qualifications are needed to be merciful?
  3. How did the sanctuary and its services teach God's mercy?
  4. How did the cross affect Satan's authority and activity on this earth?

Vindication in the Judgement?

  1. Does God deal justly? Or is whatever He does termed "just?"
  2. If everyone concedes that God is just, can they all be saved?

The Cosmic Spectacle

  1. Why did Jesus tell us to let our lights shine that men may see our good works? Aren't our good works like filthy rags?
  2. How does God help us in the judgement? How do we help God in the judgement? 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Lesson 11 (Dec 7-13), Our Prophetic Message

Time of Disappointment
  1. Haven't Christians of every generation been disappointed when Jesus didn't come in their lifetime? What made the disappointment of 1844 a fulfillment of prophecy?
  2. What makes something that was sweet in the mouth bitter in the stomach?
  3. From time to time Christians set dates for the second coming: are those sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly? 
Fear God
  1. Adam heard God's voice and was afraid: what is the difference between that fear and this fear? Why did Bible writers instruct people to fear God?
  2. DoesGod want humans to fear Him? Will we fear Him in heaven?
The Rage of Nations
  1. Why does God keep the door of mercy open even while the judgement is going on? Why was the ark shut before the rain came? 
  2. Why did God see fit to tell us when the judgement was to begin, but not when it would end? 
Worship the Creator
  1. Can anyone besides the creator be justified in asking to be worshipped?  Does God demand worship or request for it?
  2. Why do Adventists link worship of the creator with Sabbath observance? Can't we worship on any day of the week
The Patience of the Saints
  1. Why should we worry about the fall of Babylon when the nation fell thousands of years ago? Who was a worse enemy, Babylon or Rome?
  2. Is the testimony of Jesus the Spirit of Prophecy? Ellen White said that it was the message of righteousness by faith: is that the same thing?

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Lesson 10 (Nov 30-Dec 6), The Eschatological Day of the Atonement

The Little Horn's Attack

  1. What makes something an anti-Christ?
  2. Why does Satan try to subvert Christ's work as priest instead of bringing in a fake messiah and a fake sacrifice?

How Long?

  1. Why didn't the angel tell plainly that the sanctuary would be cleansed in 1844?  Or, at least why didn't the angel say 2300 "years" or even "days," instead of "evenings and mornings?"
  2. Could God have wanted every generation to believe that 2300 prophecy was ending in their time?  How can we be sure that there will not be another interpretation much later?
  3. How can we know that one day is equal to one year in Bible Prophecy?

The Restoration of the Holy

  1. How do we know that the cleansing or restoration of the sanctuary means the investigative judgement? Can this be demonstrated from the service of the earthly sanctuary?
  2. Why didn't the angel make it clear that the judgement was to begin? Why use language that is not so clear in meaning?

Day of Atonement in Dan 8

  1. How did the Day of Atonement restore the sanctuary and reconcile the people back with God?
  2. Did the Israelites believe that their services pointed forward to judgement in a heavenly sanctuary?
  3. What references in the Bible describe court scenes in heaven?

Dan 8 and 9

  1. How did the layout of the sanctuary, the daily and the yearly, and the annual festivals all connect to the time prophecies of the seventy weeks and the 2300 days?  In other words, what in the sanctuary connected with the 70 week prophecy (first advent), and what of the sanctuary and its services connected to the final judgement and Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary?
  2. Just because one period is "cut off," how do we say that it is connected to the longer time period, and that they have the same beginning?

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Lesson 9 (Nov 23-29), The Pre-advent Judgement

The Vision and the Judgement

  1. What are our records being kept in in heaven, books, cloud? How literal is the judgement scene in heaven?
  2. Are there separate books in heaven or is everything in one book?

Judgement Pattern

  1. Has every person experienced unfairness from fellow humans? From God? From life/fate?
  2. Has every person at some time or other dealt unfairly with fellow humans? With God?
  3. In the judgement are we the defendant or the accuser?
  4. In what ways is God the defendant? Is He in amy way the accuser?

Time of the Judgement

  1. Has every generation believed that theirs would be the last?  If so, why? Would it affect lifestyle if one "knew" that God would not be coming for another hundred years?
  2. Why would God want to give time prophecies to show when the time of the end would be?
  3. Is it possible to interpret the cryptic time prophecies of the Bible to conclude at any period of history?  What makes us think we are truly in the last days?

When the Judgement Ends

  1. Why does God take so long to finish the judgement? Why can't He finish it in an instant?
  2. Why does't God return as soon as the judgement ends and hand out the rewards and punishment immediately?  Why do we have to go through times of trouble?

Responsible Assurance

  1. How can we account for the overconfidence of the psalmists in anticipation of the judgement?
  2. Why do many contemplate the judgement with trepidation?

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Lesson 8 (Nov 16-22), Christ Our Priest

Our High Priest

  1. Since the tithe was for the support of the priesthood, were priests expected to pay tithe or can they be exempted? What about pastors, can they be exempted like some categories of workers have income tax exemption?
  2. How come Melchizedek was superior to Aaron as a priest?

Advocate and Intercessor

  1. Why does Jesus love us so much when we have been disobedient?
  2. Why would Satan still accuse us when he knows our pardon is sure?


  1. If Christ is the only mediator we need, why would some people want to go through additional go-betweens such as saints and Mary?
  2. Could Jesus have been a mediator without becoming human? Did he take on humanity because He could represent us better, or was it compulsory for our salvation?
  3. If your love for Jesus increases will His love for you increase or is it already maximum?

Great High Priest

  1. Was Jesus' divinity an advantage or disadvantage in overcoming sin? Did he use it to overcome the devil?
  2. Is Jesus more on our side or God's side?

The One Sacrifice

  1. Why would Jesus wish to suffer pain and death?  Couldn't He have assigned a sinless angel to die for humans?
  2. Why was it okay for Jesus to be resurrected if His death was in our place?

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Lesson 7 (Nov 9-15), Christ Our Sacrifice

Jesus in Isaiah 53

  1. Is it easier to suffer for your own mistakes or for another's mistakes?
  2. Why did the suffering of the messiah make no impression on his persecutors?
  3. Why do you think God did not kill off some persecutors on the spot to convince people Jesus was the Messiah?  Why was there lightning and earthquake?

Sufficient Substitution

  1. What was the point of Jesus dying, since he was resurrected anyway quite soon?
  2. Since God makes the rules why couldn't He just forgive repentant people withoutJesus having to die?
  3. Did God create humans with the capacity to have children so Jesus could be born as a real human?

Christ's Blood

  1. Is the death of Jesus awful enough to keep one from sinning?
  2. Which is more more important for our salvation, Jesus' life or death?

Spotless Sacrifice

  1. Why couldn't the death of an innocent lamb be sufficient as a substitute for humans' sin?
  2. Why do you think a lamb with only two dark hairs or less in one spot was still considered spotless? Does this mean anything for us or not?
  3. Why is black or brown a symbol of sin when even white marks make dark clothes dirty?

A Great Danger

  1. Does one need to know about Christ to receive the benefits of His sacrifice?
  2. Does one need to know Christ personally to receive the benefits of his sacrifice
  3. Is "trying to be good" wrong because we cannot be saved by works?
  4. Is "not trying to be good" wrong also?

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Lesson 6 (Nov 2-8) The Day of Atonement

The Yearly Cleansing
  1. Why was the sanctuary cleansed with more sacrifices and blood instead of washing all the furniture and curtains?
  2. Why could atonement not be completed at the cross?  Why was it necessary for the heavenly sanctuary to be cleansed?

Beyond Forgiveness
  1. Was forgiveness for sin completed when the sin offering was made, or only when the day of Atonement was over?
  2. What was the general feeling as the Day of Atonement approached? How do you come to this conclusion? Why should they have felt like this?


  1. Would you rather have been the Lord's goat or the scape goat (Azazel) on the Day of Atonement?
  2. Why do you think Azazel was selected by lots?
  3. Was the scape goat a sin bearer or sin carrier? What is the basis for the answer? What is the difference between the two?

On the Day of Atonement
  1. Why were trumpets blown on on the first day of the month, ten days before the Day of Atonement?
  2. Why was this festival taken more seriously than any other--in that members of the community could be kicked out for not taking the part properly? How could it be known if someone was not taking it seriously?
  3. When someone seeks our forgiveness should we seek to determine if that person is sincere?

Isaiah's Personal Yom Kippur
  1. Do you agree with the lesson authors that Isaiah's experience was a Day of Atonement?
  2. Is our personal Day of Atonement  (a) completed event in 1844, (b) taking place daily as needed, or (c) yet to take place?
  3. Was the thief on the cross justified and sanctified?
  4. Why is the Day of Atonement message as understood by Adventists so important? Why has no other Christian church understood it? What are they missing? 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Lesson 5 (Oct 26-Nov 1), Atonement: Purification Offering

Sin and Mercy
  1. Does sin cause separation from God, or is it a result of separation from God? Why is the answer significant?
  2. Why can't God show mercy without a penalty being paid? Does He make the rules or is He subject to some laws? Did He want it this way?

Laying on of Hands
  1. Was forgiveness guaranteed if the sacrifice ritual was followed, or was forgiveness conditional on a right attitude?
  2. Is sin today forgiven just for the asking, or must one be careful to have the right attitude?
  3. What is the difference in laying on of hands for confession and for ordination?
  4. If you had to kill a lamb for each sin, how would that affect your yielding to temptation?

Transfer of Sin
  1. What is the meaning of remission?
  2. How can blood defile and cleanse at the same time?
  3. Why is the heart and blood equated with life and death more than the brain, liver or stomach?

Bearing Sin
  1. Why was the sin of a ruler or priest handled differently? Is it more serious for a pastor to sin than for a lay-member? If so, why?
  2. If the tithe is for the support of pastors, why do pastors have to return tithe?


  1. Why can't God forgive without the death of an animal or of Jesus? Doesn't He make the rules?
  2. When on the cross Jesus prayed "forgive them for they know not what they do," were the persecutors forgiven?
  3. How essential is it for you to forgive another who wronged you for him or her to be forgiven?
  4. What makes God so compassionate and merciful and ready to pardon?

Monday, 21 October 2013

Lesson 4 (Oct 19-25), Lessons from the Sanctuary

Did every part of the sanctuary teach a lesson or only the main furniture?

Place of the Presence

  1. Why did God desire to dwell with humans? 
  2. How does living with humans compare with living with angels? Can God be with both at the same time?
  3. Why are some people loathe to associate with others of a different community? 

Be Ye Holy
  1. Was it the anointing oil that made the furniture of the tabernacle or what? Why do we not use oil when we dedicate churches today? 
  2. What does it mean for a person to be holy? 

Instruments of the Sanctuary
  1. Why was the common worshipper allowed in the synagogue, but not inside the tabernacle?
  2. Why did God need a sanctuary to dwell among humans?
  3. Should more care be taken when making the furniture and instruments of modern worship?

Centre of Divine and Communal Activity
  1. Is it worth spending large sums of money to construct churches that will be used only once a week?  Is a owned church more conducive to worship in than a rented one? 
  2. How can we make use of our churches more than just once a week? should we keep it open for passers by to enter and pray?
  3. Is it okay to rent a church from sunday-keeping denomination for an Adventist congregation to worship in on Sabbath? Is it okay to rent out our church to another denomination for their congregation to worship in on sunday? 

Until I Went Into the Sanctuary of God
  1. What made David long to dwell in the sanctuary? 
  2. What was it about the sanctuary that enabled Asaph to understand God's justice--the fate of the wicked and rewards of the righteous?

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Lesson 3 (Oct 12-18), Sacrifices

Why does God not allow us now to obtain forgiveness through sacrifices? 

The First Sacrifice

  1. How likely is it that Adam and Eve sinned again? Were they horrified enough to refrain, or once they sinned, did it became easier and easier?  Could they take God at His word better after the fall?
  2. Though they didn't die immediately, what effect would the death of the lamb to provide skins for their clothing, have had on them?

Types of Offerings

  1. Why do you think God required only the grain or flour for sacrifice and not the whole plant?  Why do you think milk was not acceptable for offering?
  2. Was not the sacrifice of bulls, goats and sheep a waste of animals? Why were not unclean animals and birds required which could not be be eaten? 

Sacrifice at Moriah

  1. What do you think would have been God's reaction if Abraham had reasoned that it was Satan tempting him to sacrifice his son?
  2. Why do you think Isaac agreed to be sacrificed?
  3. Why do you think God felt that Abraham needed to be tested?

Life for a Life

  1. Why was the death and sacrifice of a plant unacceptable for a ransom?
  2. What is the difference in the monetary thank offerings we give to day and the animal offerings the Israelites gave, other than "blood?"
  3. What a the dangers of money offerings?

Sacrifices Today/Living Sacrifices

  1. Which is easier, to bring an animal sacrifice, or to give our body as a living sacrifice?
  2. In what way is it a sacrifice to give our bodies to God? In what ways is it not?

Monday, 7 October 2013

Lesson 2 (Oct 5-11), "Heaven" on Earth"

What makes heaven, heaven? 

The First "Sanctuary" on Earth

  1. If God dwelled on this earth, would it be heaven? Is He more present in some places (as in church) than others, or equally everywhere? 
  2. Why did God not leave Eden on earth so that humans could always see what they had lost and repent? 

Copy of the Pattern

  1. What made the Israelite tabernacle unique among all the tents for the gods that many ancient peoples of the middle east had? 
  2. How can we call the Hebrew tabernacle a model of the heavenly when other Canaanites also had tabernacles? What unique truths did the Israelite one teach?

Jesus as the Sanctuary

  1. How many of the things of the earthly sanctuary symbolized Jesus?
  2. How did the presence of Jesus on earth fulfil the purpose of the sanctuary?

The Church as the Sanctuary

  1. In what ways is the church similar to the tabernacle? In what ways is it different?
  2. Does corruption in the church drive away the presence of God? What about in the Old Testament sanctuary? 
  3. Is the platform of the church more holy than the main floor?  
  4. Is the divine service more holy than Sabbath School or AY?

New Creation

  1. In the new earth why do we have to live in the city (New Jerusalem), instead of a garden (Eden)?
  2. Will we need to go to church in the new earth?
  3. How can we arrive at the right balance in not making the heavenly sanctuary neither too symbolic, nor too literal?

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Lesson 1 (Sept 28-Oct4), The Heavenly Sanctuary

Which existed first, the earthly sanctuary or the heavenly? Does the earthly help us understand the heavenly or vice versa?

God's Residence

  1. How can God be a person and be omnipresent at the same time?  What do we mean by omnipresent? Is God a physical being or a spirit or both?
  2. Why does God need a dwelling place? 

Throne Room

  1. Does God have a throne and a room for it, or is it symbolic? 
  2. What do we imagine goes on in God's throne room?
  3. How does God rule over the universe from heaven?

Worship in Heaven

  1. Why does God want everyone to worship Him and praise Him? Why does God need so many creatures in heaven?
  2. Should our worship imitate that of the living creatures, the twenty four elders, and all the angels? Should our worship on earth be like that in heaven?
  3. How did the earthly sanctuary help humans to understand what worship was about?  Did the forms of the earthly sanctuary interfere in any way with true worship?  If so, how?  why would God introduce forms that deteriorate into formality?


  1. Are there different rooms in heaven for different functions?
  2. Has God been a judge from the beginning or is that only for the end of time?
  3. Why do people question God's justice?

Place of Salvation

  1. What kind of picture of God does the Old Testament give? Does the Old testament teach love, mercy, and grace?  If so, how?
  2. Does our salvation occupy all of God's time? Is salvation confined to a location in heaven or is all of heaven involved? 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lesson 13 (Sept 21-27), The Promised Revival: God's Mission Completed

What makes us think that Jesus will come in our lifetime? Hasn't every generation believed there's would be the last?

The Promised Power

  1. Was the promise of power for the disciples only? for believers in the last days? for believers in all ages? Have we received the power?
  2. Do we today have people as empowered to spread of the gospel as the apostles, or is that not expected, not required, and not possible? 
  3. Were the missionaries of the last century more successful than this century? If so, why?

The Early and Latter Rain

  1. Why should there be early and latter rains?  Why can it not rain all the time?  
  2. Is it possible that we will not recognise the rain when it falls?

Prerequisites for the Latter Rain

  1. Do we have to do something first to receive the power, or do we just have to wait?
  2. Do people of this generation pray less, read the Bible less than the previous generation? If so, has it always been that way? 

The Baptism of Fire

  1. If a Pentecostal asks you if you have been baptised of the Spirit, what should you say?
  2. What is the difference between the baptisms of water and fire?  Are both necessary?  

The Great Controversy Ended

  1. Is the world getting better or worse? Is it better in some ways and worse in others? 
  2. Under what circumstances would you be willing to give up everything to proclaim the gospel and the second coming in the same priority as the apostles?

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Lesson 12 (Sept 12-20), Reformation: Healing Broken Relationships

Why do we hurt people we loved?

From Fracture to Friendship

  1. Since Paul's criticism of Mark was not for personal reasons but for mission, did he need to apologise?
  2. Would you rather travel with Paul or Barnabas? What can people do to make themselves better friends and companions?
  3. How do we restore relationships when someone thinks we have wronged them but whom we do not feel we have wronged?

From Slave to Son

  1. Is relationships more important than social justice? How do we explain Paul sending a runaway slave back to his master, Paul's friend?
  2. Did the apostles avoid combatting slavery because being a desired institution, fighting it might have put barriers in the way of their witness? Does the spread of the gospel override social justice for an individual?

From Comparison to Complement

  1. Why does the church struggle with poor relationships with many independent ministries when we are all doing God's work?
  2. What should I do if I find myself jealous of another person?  Is envy the same as jealousy?
  3. Is it okay to be envy someone good?
  4. What should you do if someone is jealous of you?

From Friction to Forgiveness

  1. Is it okay to ask forgiveness from one you do not feel you have wronged but who feels you have wronged, just to restore the relationship?
  2. If I cannot forget does it mean I have not forgiven?
  3. If I forgive one who has not asked forgiveness, is he or she forgiven?
  4. If I refuse to forgive one who has asked for forgiveness, can that person be forgiven?

From Rancour to Restoration

  1. What is the advantage of taking two or three people with you when you go to confront a person, over going alone? Why does Jesus counsel going alone first?
  2. When all the options Jesus recommended are exhausted, is taking a church member justifiable?  Why or why not?  What about a neighbour who is not a Christian?

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Lesson 11 (Sept 7-13), Reformation: Thinking New Thoughts

Does the devil know what we are thinking?

Why did God not give us the ability to perceive what another person is thinking like we can through speech?

The Mind Matters

  1. What comes first--thought or action?  Always?
  2. What do we mean by "By beholding we are changed?" Is looking thought or action?

The Mind's Filters

  1. How many of our senses can Satan use to approach us?
  2. Is it possible to shut all avenues for temptation?
  3. Which of our senses do marketers target the most most? Why?

The Mind's Safeguard

  1. How long can one consider temptation (such as lust), before it becomes sin?
  2. How does God assist us in resisting temptation?

Mind/Body Relationships

  1. Which is stronger mind or matter?
  2. To what extent is our intellect controlled by our physiology?
  3. What sins are influenced by defective genes, chemical imbalances, mental illnesses?
  4. Can the Holy Spirit help with all temptations, even addictions and homosexuality?

Images of Influence

  1. Why is light a positive image, and darkness a negative one?
  2. Can Satan control our thoughts?  Can he read our thoughts?
  3. Can God control our thoughts?  Does He? 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Lesson 10 (Aug 31-Sept 6), Reformation: The Willingness to Grow and Change

The Grace to Grow

  1. Does "sons of thunder" mean that James and John had bad tempers, or did their father? 
  2. Is it alright to lose your temper for a good reason (righteous indignation some people call it)?
  3. Is there anything wrong with being very meek?

The Power to Choose

  1. Does sin come with the plan to act or the act? Did Eve sin when she ate the fruit or before that?
  2. Does reformation come with the plan to reform or when change is made?
  3. What does Phil 2:13 mean (God works in you both to will and to do)? Who gets the credit when I repent? Who gets the blame when I sin?

Confidence and Doubt

  1. Who will make it to heaven easier, the ones who show overconfidence or lack of confidence?
  2. Who will make it to heaven easier, the gullible or the doubters?

The Conviction to Return

  1. Why is it easier for the Holy Spirit to reach a person in adversity?
  2. At what point was the prodigal son "saved"?

The Faith to Act

  1. Is there any merit in stating one's intent or desire, such as "I will arise and go," or "Lord heal me?" Doesn't the Lord know our intent or desire?
  2. Why did Jesus say, "Your faith has healed you?"

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Lesson 9: (August 24-30), Reformation: The Outgrowth of Revival

What is the difference, if any, between a revivalist and a reformer? How would each be treated by our church?

The Prophet's Appeal for Reformation

  1. When Israel backslid so often could their reformations be questioned?
  2. Were Israel's reformations because of appeals of prophets or because of punishments? If the latter, how genuine could their repentance be?
  3. Does God punish people so that they will return to Him?

Paul's Appeal for Reformation in Corinth

  1. Are feelings of remorse and repentance compulsory prerequisites for reformation?
  2. How important is a pastor's personal prayers for his congregation?
  3. Is a pastor a failure if he cannot produce a revival in his congregation?

Revelation's Appeal for Reformation in Ephesus

  1. What factor's cause a person to lose his/her first love?
  2. What factors lead to spiritual decline?
  3. What causes a church to lose the fervor it had when it first started?

Luther's Appeal for Reformation

  1. Is there a difference in the reformation of Luther and what we are seeking now?
  2. What was Martin Luther's sin that he needed revival and reformation?
  3. Were the churches of the Middle Ages reformed?

Heaven's Appeal for an End-time Reformation

  1. Does the Adventist church need revival or reformation or both? If both, what needs reformation? Is our church reformable if necessary?
  2. What tools does Satan employ to block revival from leading to reformation?

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Lesson 8 (August 17-23), Discernment: The safeguard of Revival.

God's Will and His Word

  1. Can new true revelation ever go against what is in the Bible? In the judgement will it be always safe to defend our beliefs and practices by telling God "I read it in the Bible" ?
  2. Is the Bible enough or do we need more?

God's Love and His Law

  1. What was the sin of the five foolish virgins? Why would Jesus tell them "I don't know you when they were waiting for him to come?"
  2. Why did God reject the rich young ruler who had kept the law all his life? If we are in the same boat how can we correct the situation?

Formalism, Fanaticism, and Faith

  1. On a scale of 1-10 between formalism/tradition and fanaticism/excitement where would you place Adventists?
  2. Which would you consider more difficult and why, to convert a Pentecostal to Adventism or to convert an Adventist to Pentecostalism? 

Ministry and Miracles

  1. Can true miracles be experienced in a church or person who is not following all the teachings of the Bible? Is the presence of genuine miracles in a church evidence that it is the true church?
  2. Why did Jesus perform miracles? How many were converted because they witnessed miracles?
  3. Are there miracles among Adventists today? what do we need to experience more?  Can we say today to people "In the name of Jesus, be healed?" 

Fruits and Gifts

  1. Are gifts of the Spirit given at birth or later in life?
  2. Are some people given more gifts? If so, is that fair?  Would you rather have one or ten? Why?
  3. Why are fruit of the Spirit - love joy, peace, patience, etc., fruit and not gifts?

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Lesson 7 (August 10-16), Unity: The Bond of Revival

What other words besides "disunity" are opposites of "unity?"

Answering Christ's Prayer for Unity
  1. Why would disunity among the disciples trouble Jesus so much?
  2. Does disunity come in the way of witness?  If so, how?
  3. Why did the disciples not unite while Jesus was with them?

New Testament Illustrations of Unity
  1. Why did the early church try to bring unity without equality of genders and race and caste?
  2. Which of Paul's many images of the church (building, army, body) illustrate unity best?

Elements of Unity: Our Mission and Our Message
  1. How do we get a common enemy and how does that unite us?
  2. Do we in the Adventist church have a common mission and message? What is it?

Church Organization: The structure for Unity
  1. Did Jesus intend to leave behind an organization? Why did he not designate a leader?  How did Jesus respond to the disciples' desire for position? How can we make leaders truly like servants in attitude?
  2. Was James like president or chairman of the first council? What is the difference?
  3. How does the presence of officers and hierarchy bring unity and disunity?

Achieving Unity
  1. What are some of the tools Satan uses to destroy unity?
  2. Do we need unity in all aspects or certain ones?  Is it possible to proceed fully with our mission while we have disagreements in some areas, or do we need perfect harmony?
  3. Why does our lesson not include the Old Testament for lessons on unity?

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Lesson 6 (Aug 3-9), Confession and Repentance: The Conditions of Revival

Why don't we include "repentance" with "revival and reformation?"

Repentance: God's Gift
  1. How do people become "of one accord?"
  2. If repentance is God's gift, is there such a thing as repentance among atheists? How would they define it?
  3. Why is it difficult to accept we've done wrong? Why do we blame others when it is not their fault?

True Repentance Defined
  1. What makes guilt good or bad?
  2. What made Paul say he was the chief of sinners?

True Repentance and Confession
  1. Are the times when it is better not to confess, such as when the wronged person is unaware of the wrong? 
  2. Are there times you would rather not know what your friends have done or said against you? 
  3. Can confession sometimes make things worse? Can one be forgiven without confession?

True and False Confessions
  1. What makes a confession true or false?
  2. Why did Judas hang himself? Could he have been forgiven if his repentance was genuine?
  3. Will Balaam be lost? How do we view his true prophecies allowing God to speak through him?

Confession's Healing Power

  1. How does confession unclog channels to the heart?
  2. How does confession improve a person's attitude to you?
  3. Why does God want us to confess before He forgives us

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Lesson 5 (July 27-August 2), Obedience:The Fruit of Revival

The Transformed Life

  1. At what point in his experience would you say Peter was transformed?
  2. Can you identify transformation points for James and John?  
  3. Is it always possible to identify transformation points for each person?  Do transformations have to be dramatic?
The High Cost of Obedience
  1. Could Stephen have avoided his being stoned by wiser communication?
  2. When threatened how much can we compromise to avoid persecution?  Does the amount of compromise connect to the level of persecution?
When the Spirit Surprises
  1. What made Saul think that God approved his persecuting the earliest Christians?  How would he have felt to discover was the one wrong?
  2. How would Ananias have known that Saul's conversion was genuine?  
  3. What did Saul have to learn from Ananias that he didn't learn from God during his encounter on the way to Damascus?  Why did God send him to Ananias instead of one of the disciples
Sensitivity to the Spirit's Call
  1. How did Paul's conversion experience help him to deal with others in his ministry?
  2. Why do some accept the message, some reject it, and some hesitate?  Is the failure to accept by a person sometimes the fault of the presenter of the message?
Spirit-led Obedience
  1. What made it possible for Jesus to obey absolutely and completely? 
  2. Did Jesus have an advantage in obedience to God?  Did Jesus use any advantage in obedience?  
  3. Is it possible for us to obey God completely and absolutely?
  4. Can the Spirit transform us completely if we let Him? Why do people not allow the Spirit to transform them completely?

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Lesson 4 (July 20-26) Witness and Service: The Fruit of Revival

Can a person witness without having experienced a revival?

Christ's Parting Commission and Promise

  1. Did Jesus intend to set up an organization? Why didn't He appoint officers to carry on his mission?
  2. Are we closer to completing the gospel commission than the disciples were?
  3. How much should a person know in order to be baptized?

Receiving the Promise

  1. Could the disciples have finished spreading the gospel in their lifetime? Why didn't God tell them it would be thousands of years before He returned?
  2. Why does God pour out the Holy Spirit in short spells?  Why can't He give a downpour that will last long enough to finish the work faster?

The Power of Personal Testimony

  1. Can a person be converted without the Spirit's involvement?  
  2. How can we know if we have received the Spirit?
  3. What do we mean by personal testimony?  Is being a good Christian enough witness?

A Witnessing Faith is a Growing Faith

  1. Can one be saved who does not share the faith?
  2. Is it necessary for faith to grow?  If faith is not shared will it die?

Revival, Witnessing, and Divine Intervention

  1. If one does't feel like witnessing is it an indication of deficiency of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Should we force ourselves to witness or should it be inspired by the Spirit?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Lesson 3 (July 13-19), The Word: The Foundation of Revival

Why do we use King James English for communicating with God?
Is daily Bible reading necessary for going to heaven?

Revived Through the Word
  1. How useful is the chapter-a-day method of Bible reading?
  2. Why is it difficult to form the habit of regular Bible reading despite good intentions?
  3. Can a person love the Bible without reading it regularly?

The Word’s Creative Power
  1. How is the Bible like a two-edged sword?  Is it intended to hurt?
  2. What are some wrong ways to read the Bible?

Jesus and the Word
  1. Why is Jesus termed the “Word”?
  2. Does calling Jesus the “Word of God” make him inferior to the Father?
  3. Does Jesus’ humanity make him inferior to the Father?

Revival Faith and the Word
  1. What can a person do to develop faith?
  2. If we cannot move mountains does it mean that we have no faith at all?
  3. Since we don’t expect to move mountains, practically what does faith accomplish?

The Word: Revival’s guardian and Safeguard
  1. Is a person’s revival false if he or she is not following all the doctrines of the Bible?  Can a preacher who is not practicing Sabbath-keeping lead in a genuine revival?
  2. How can one judge if revival is genuine or not?

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Lesson 2 (July 6-12), Prayer: The Heartbeat of Revival

Did Jesus mean for us to memorize the prayer he taught his disciples?

Prayer and Revival in Acts
  1. Is it possible to love God so much that prayer becomes addictive?
  2. Is it possible to pray too much?

Jesus’ Prayer Life
  1. When is the best time of the day for prayer and why?
  2. Why did Jesus spend so much time in prayer—even whole nights?

Praying Together
  1. What was the reason Peter, James, and John fall asleep when Jesus asked them to pray?
  2. Is group prayer more effective than individual prayers?  What does group prayer accomplish?
  3. What does it accomplish when we repeat the Lord’s prayer together in public? Would you rather people asking you a favour do it with a memorized group request or spontaneously from the heart?

Our Freedom
  1. What happens to our freedom when we pray “Thy will be done?”
  2. How do we know when we have received the Holy Spirit?

Effective Prayer
  1. Is prayer more effective when you close your eyes?  Why or why not?
  2. Is prayer more effective when you kneel down?  Why or why not?
  3. Is it possible to treat God too much like a friend?  Is it wrong to chat with him like a friend?  How did Bible characters talk to God?
  4. Are there some prayers that God will refuse to hear?

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Lesson 1 (June 29-July 5) Revival: Our Greatest Need

Hope for Lukewarm Laodiceans
  1. Why is Jesus called the Amen?  What does amen mean? Could we end our prayers with any other word or phrase besides amen? When we like a special song why do we say amen instead of clapping?
  2. Do we want Jesus to be a “faithful and true witness,” when defending us?  Wouldn't that be bad for us?
  3. Do you prefer the ABSG's translation of “first of creation” as Creator, or the NIV translation – ruler (first in rank) of creation?  

A Loving Rebuke
  1. Can a child tell if a rebuke is “loving?” How can we make the love evident in the rebukes we have to give? 
  2. Why is a lukewarm spiritual condition worse than being hot or cold? Isn’t it better to be a lukewarm Christian than to be at the extremes -- a red-hot fanatic or a stone-cold backslider?

Perception and Reality
  1. How can we know our real spiritual condition?
  2. What conditions can give people the false impression that they are “spiritually rich?” Can churches or denominations also suffer from that delusion? 
  3. Are there ways in which the Adventist church is spiritually rich? Are there ways in which the Adventist church is spiritually poor?

The Divine Remedy
  1. In what way can we take comfort in being disciplined or corrected?
  2. What does the scripture here mean by stating that we have to “buy” the white raiment? Isn't it offered free? 

A Relentless Love
  1. If Jesus were to be present at our supper table this evening what changes in plans would we make, and if any, why?
  2. Does Jesus expect us to make any preparations to fellowship with Him?  If so, what?

Monday, 24 June 2013

Lesson 13 (June 22-28), Lest We Forget (Malachi)

Great is the Lord
  1. Is it worse to bring diseased animals for sacrifice or to place damaged currency notes in the offering in church?
  2. Is reverence inward or outward? What might be examples of inward and/or outward irreverence? Which one influences which?

Loving and Respecting Others
  1. Can partiality ever be justified? Why or why not?
  2. Does God’s declaration “that He will not pay attention to our offerings if we are guilty of divorce,” still hold true?  When God declares that He “hates divorce,”what does he mean? Is He against divorce in all circumstances?

Tithe in the Storehouse
  1. Which is the storehouse? Is it all right for a person living in one country to send their tithes to a church in another?
  2. Can one donate their tithes to support church construction?
A Scroll of Remembrance
  1. Of what benefit can it be for those who "fear the Lord," to form an association? How can they control membership?  How will they know who fears the Lord?
  2. Why does God allow the evildoers to prosper in the present when He can prevent that from happening?
The Sun of Righteousness

  1. Who is this “Elijah” who will appear before the second coming? Has he already come or is that in the future still?
  2. Why are the righteous described by Malachi as those who revere God’s name? Is that the only criteria or the most important criteria for salvation?  Why didn’t Malachi describe them as those who obey God?

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Lesson 12 (June 15-21), Heaven’s Best Gift (Zechariah)

“The Robe of a Jew”
  1. Is the happy imagery of old men and women (with walking sticks) watching children playing in the streets of the holy city to be fulfilled literally or figuratively?
  2. How will the prophecy of ten gentiles hanging on to the robe of a Jew be fulfilled?  Do we expect that non-Christians will ever beg to join the Christian church?

The King of Peace
  1. Did Jesus ride on a donkey to fulfill Zechariah’s prophecy?
  2. Why did Jesus accept the homage of the people when he rode into the city on a donkey? Didn’t many people misunderstand that move?

The One Pierced
  1. How can we explain Jesus as the fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy concerning (1) cornerstone, (2) tent peg, and (3) battle bow?
  2. Did Judas sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver to fulfill Zechariah’s prophecy?
  3. What were the chances that Zechariah’s prophecy of the 30 pieces of silver thrown into the temple to the potter crossed the mind of any priest when they purchased the potter’s field for 30 pieces of silver that Judas threw before them?

The Good Shepherd
  1. What is the difference between a shepherd and a cowboy?
  2. What can be done so that an Adventist congregation will not be scattered when their shepherd is struck?

King of the Whole World
  1. How important is it to have a house of worship for spiritual development?
  2. What course do you think the plan of salvation and history would have been like if Israel had done everything God hoped for?

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Lesson 11 (June 8-14), Visions of Hope (Zechariah)

What enables one person to continue hoping when all others have given up?

Comforting Words of Life
  1. Why does God require one to return to Him before He returns to that person? What does "God returning to us" mean?  Why did He leave in the first place?
  2. What is the unpardonable sin? How does one know if he/she has committed the unpardonable sin?

The Lord is Coming
  1. Is the modern state of Israel a fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy that God’s people would be restored to Jerusalem and that His people would flock back from many countries to their land?
  2. What does Zechariah mean by stating that Israel was the “apple of God’s eye?”  Is the apple the best of all fruits?  How can the Bible refer to apples so many times when apples do not grow in the Middle East?

God’s Readiness to Forgive
  1. What does Satan and Jesus debate over when a sinner stands before God?
  2. When God places rich garments and a clean turban on us what happens to our filthy garments?
  3. What does it cost God (not talking about Jesus) if anything, when He forgives humans?

Not By Human Power
  1. Aren’t we expected to defend ourselves? On what types of occasions should one not rely on human power but on God’s? What kinds of things does the power of the Spirit add to our feeble efforts? 
  2. Why did the walls of the city and the temple have to be built by human power and not by God’s?

Beyond Fasting
  1. If one has decided to fast, and then gives in and eats, is that a sin?
  2. Why do Christians fast? Is it not putting pressure on God to do something He might not have chosen to do otherwise?
  3. Is there anything one can do that would please God more than fasting? If there is, why do people still fast?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Lesson 10 (June 1-7) First Things First (Haggai)

Planting Much, Harvesting Little

  1. Which takes priority, church building and repair or home building and repair?
  2. Is poor harvests and failing businesses a result of spiritual deficiency?

God's Greatest Promise

  1. If we lack spirit to tackle a huge job, what can we do about it?
  2. Is a positive response to a message indication of how good  a prophet's oratory was?

Do Not Fear

  1. What made Solomon's temple truly glorious?
  2. Why do things of the past (life, cities, colleges, weather, church) seem so much better than the present?  Why do we not speak of the good current days?

The Desire of All Nations

  1. How do we know that the "desire of all nations" is Jesus and not silver and gold?
  2. If Herod rebuilt Zerubbabel's temple entirely (though part by part), how can it be the same temple? If you change the strap of a watch, then mhe case, the machine, is it the same watch in the end? What keeps you as you when all the cells are replaced over a period of time?

The Lord's Signet

  1. What authority does a person given power of attorney have?
  2. How would you like to he given God's seal to authorise whatever you want? what would you do?

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Lesson 9 (May 25-31), The Day of the Lord (Micah)

Is standing by, doing nothing when evil is committed, any better than doing the wicked things?  Why or why not? How much should I get involved against evil around me, and what is not my business?

A Day of Darkness
  1. Is there any judging when Jesus comes back to earth or is that all finished by then?
  2. Why is light considered good and darkness bad?
  3. In what way is the second coming a day of light?

The Humble of the Land
  1. When is the final deadline for salvation?  Why does God not announce when the deadline is so that more people can come to His side?
  2. Why is humility pleasing to God, and what makes pride so detestable? How can one know if one is excessively proud?

A Corrupt City
  1. Is there more corruption among God's people than in the world?
  2. Is it possible to root out corruption? Was Israel and Judah successful in doing so?  Is the church today doing enough to address corruption inside?  What more can be done?

God's Greatest Delight
  1. How can a God who knows everything from beginning to end feel sadness and joy?
  2. What do we mean by the "enemy within"? Why is the enemy within deadly?
  3. Is there any greater relief than the defeat of one's enemy?

God's Answer to Injustice
  1. Does God's mercy go against justice? Why or why not?
  2. Why didn't God destroy Nineveh in Jonah's time and prevent all the coming cruelty?
  3. Why does God not act to prevent injustice rather than wait till it is committed against the innocent?

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Lesson 8 (May 18-24) Trusting God's Goodness (Habakkuk)

Is it possible to worship God when we have doubts about His justice?

Perplexed Prophet

  1. Why did God not give each of us ability to see into the future so we could live without suspense?
  2. How much does a prophet know about the future?
  3. When you consider world events how much in control does God seem to be?

Living by Faith

  1. Are there degrees of goodness and badness for individuals and nations? 
  2. What is the difference in the two statements: "The just shall live by faith;" "The just shall live by faithfulness?" What is meant by "the just?"

For the Earth Shall be Filled

  1. What does "Let all the earth keep silence before Him" mean? Is it speaking about reverence or submission to His will?  Are the two related? Can one question God reverently?
  2. Why is it better to share complaints with God rather than other humans

Remembering God's Fame

  1. How meaningful is it to sing a song composed by someone else? How much of the words are we alert to when we sing in church? 
  2. Why should we today sing about the exodus from Egypt?
  3. Which is more valuable, to look backward or to look forward?

God is Our Strength

  1. How long should I expect to wait for God to answer my questions, complaints and frustrations? What if His answer is just "Trust Me?"
  2. What is the purpose of faith? Why does God want us to trust Him blindly?

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Lesson 7, God’s Special People (Micah)

Is it ever wrong to show mercy?

Agony of the Prophet’s Heart
  1. Which is more difficult and why, to prophesy the final end of your nation or your religious organization?
  2. Would knowledge of your full future make you happy or sad?

Those Who Devise Iniquity
  1. Who was more to blame for Israel’s moral decline, the priests, the kings or the rich people?
  2. How true is it that our church is the final remnant and that it will survive to the very end?  Is it possible that an offshoot might become the true remnant?

A New Ruler from Bethlehem
  1. Why would God reveal that the Messiah would be born in the town of Bethlehem seven centuries before it was to take place?
  2. Would Jesus have had greater chance of acceptance if he was born to a noble family in Jerusalem?

What is Good
  1. Which is easier, to have correct doctrines or to give generous offerings?
  2. Which is harder, to give generous offerings or to love people?
  3. Which is harder, to act justly or to show mercy? What is the difference between showing mercy and loving mercy?
  4. What does it mean “to walk humbly with God?”

Into the Depths of the Sea
  1. In the end, if we don’t make it to heaven will we be punished only for unforgiven sins or will even forgiven ones be called up?
  2. If you had to hide something anywhere on this earth, where would you hide it?
  3. In the final analysis, is God just or merciful?