
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Lesson 14 (Dec 24-30), Some Lessons from Job

How By Faith and Not by Sight

  1. Would have it been unfair for Job to have known about the wager between God and Satan?
  2. Why is "seeing" "believing" for humans? What are some realities that cannot be seen? What are some things that we see that are not real?
  3. What enables a person to believe without seeing?
Evil Being
  1. If, as we believe, the book of Job was the first of the Bible books to be written, what themes might have deemed it important to be the first?
  2. How much does nature reveal God? How much does nature reveal Satan?
  3. How does order in the universe buttress belief in the justice of God?
With Friends Like These
  1. What made Job's friends believe like they did--that suffering was because of sin?
  2. How much of the character of Job would the three friends have been aware of?
  3. Why did God condemn the three friends for speaking wrong about him? What did they say about God that was wrong?
More Than Thorns and Thistles
  1. Did Satan create thorns and thistles, the mosquito, etc?
  2. Why would God permit Satan to mar nature?
  3. How much can science wipe out thorns, thistles and creatures like mosquitos?
Jesus and Job
  1. Why didn't God place Job in the Garden of Eden instead of Adam? Would history have been different?
  2. Assuming that Satan tried his hardest to hook Job and Jesus what made their trials the severest?
  3. If you were arranging the rewards for Job's success would you have made it any different?

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Lesson 13 (Dec 17-23), The Character of Job

Does the Bible intend for us to understand that Job was a real historical figure, or is it an inspired parable intended to teach us important lessons?

The Man from Uz
  1. Does the absence of any known site indicating the geographic location of Uz which means "wisdom," prove anything either that the story is not meant to be understood literally or that further research could discover the location?
  2. Does the fact that the names of the characters in Job mean nothing significant suggest that the story is not a parable but meant to be taken literally? 
  3. What do the words "blameless" and "upright" really mean considering that these words have been used for Noah, Abraham, Joseph and David?
  4. What should we understand from the terms "feared the Lord" and "shunned evil?"
Steps Bathed in Cream
  1. Is it easier to have the right relationship with God in prosperity or in adversity?
  2. Who has more to do with a person's prosperity in life--Satan, God, or the individual?
  3. What can a prosperous person do to provide for a time in later life when adversity strikes?
Heart and Eyes
  1. Is it possible for others to know enough about individuals to make basic judgements about their characters--whether they are  generally good or bad enough to deserve blessings or curses?
  2. At what point if any does "seeing with the eyes" and "sinning in the heart," become as bad as actually committing sin?
  3. How much of a duty does a prosperous person have towards those less fortunate? How much less-fortunate should a person be to deserve help from another person?
A House on the Rock
  1. What does the "house" stand for in the parable of the men who built on the rock and on the sand? What does the "rock" and the "sand" stand for?
  2. What is it that a person can be credited for that enables them to remain faithful and obedient through prosperity and adversity? 
  3. How much adversity is required in order to prove the character of a person? Why do some get more than their fair share?
The Manifold Wisdom of God
  1. What benefit is it to God when humans remain faithful to him either in prosperity or in adversity?
  2. What does it matter to God if one individual fails?
  3. What are things that an individual can do to attract God's transforming work?

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Lesson 12 (Dec 10-16), Job's Redeemer

My Redeemer Liveth
  1. What are things that people redeem? What makes it necessary for a person to be humanly redeemed?
  2. Why do you think God chose to reveal himself in the book of Job through a cyclone/hurricane/typhoon/whirlwind?
  3. Why did God point out himself as creator to Job? What is the connection between "creator" and "redeemer?"
The Son of Man
  1. Why did God feel it necessary to experience the travails of human beings personally?
  2. Did the fact that Jesus preserved his divinity even during his incarnation dilute the value of his assuming human nature?
  3. Could we have become sons and daughters of God without Jesus becoming the Son of Man?
The Death of Christ
  1. Can the perfect life of Christ serve as a practical example for us since we do not have the divine nature he had? Did Jesus have an advantage over human beings in living in obedience to God successfully?
  2. Is Jesus' perfect life less important for the salvation of humans as is his death?
  3. Considering that Job was blameless and upright, did he need a redeemer?
The Sufferings of the Son of Man
  1. What does Isaiah mean when he says that "He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows?" Aren't we still bearing them? What griefs and sorrows of mine is Jesus bearing?
  2. What made Satan in the book of Job accept God's role in the story?
  3. How did God remind Job that he understood the sufferings of creation?
Satan Unmasked
  1. Did God unmask Satan and his role to Job?
  2. What purpose did God have in describing the behemoth and leviathan to Job? What indicates that those are earthly creatures? What characteristics of those creatures inform us that those are describing something supernatural?
  3. Why was it necessary for Job to understand the great controversy? 
  4. How does a knowledge of the existence of Satan help us to understand life on  earth?

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Lesson 11 (Dec 3-9), Out of the Whirlwind

Out of the Whirlwind
  1. Do we need a voice to know God's power and might through a cyclone?
  2. Does a cyclone appear suddenly or is there warning?
  3. Could Job's friends also hear the voice that Job heard?
  4. Why did God not answer Job earlier?
God's Question
  1. Why does God ask humans questions? What did he hope to achieve through questioning Job?
  2. Were God's questions for Job's benefit or for the friends' benefit?
  3. Does God expect humans not to question him?
The Lord as Creator
  1. Why would God discuss creation with Job rather than justice and fairness?
  2. Does order in creation, the physical universe prove order in the moral universe?
  3. Does it make any difference that Satan was present when the world was created?
The Wisdom of the Wise
  1. Do we today know more than any other generation in the history of the universe?
  2. Is the Bible supposed to be accurate in everything that it says about science?
  3. Will God allow humans to migrate to other planets?
Repenting in Dust and Ashes
  1. What did Job mean by saying he repented?
  2. What did God communicate to Job that silenced him, or was it just being in the presence of God that quieted him?
  3. Are the Leviathan and Behemoth real animals or symbolic?

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Lesson 10 (Nov 26-Dec 2), The Wrath of Elihu

Miserable Comforters
  1. Why did Job's friends change from their purpose to comfort him to accusing him?
  2. In any argument why do people want to have the last word? Does keeping silent mean one accepts the other's arguments?
  3. What is the best way to end an argument?
The Entrance of Elihu
  1. Does the fact that Elihu is not mentioned in the beginning mean that he was not present all along? Is there any evidence that he has been listening to the other three?
  2. Was Elihu right in stating that Job was justifying himself rather than God?
  3. Did Elihu need to wait till the others had finished or should he have interrupted them if he had better arguments?
Elihu's Defense of God
  1. Why was Elihu angry with the failure of the three friends to answer Job successfully when he was saying essentially the same thing?
  2. Is there anything wrong in believing that God is not in total control of the events on this world?
  3. How did the friends of Job learn about God?
The Irrationality of Evil
  1. Is the statement correct, "To explain the origin of sin (evil) would be to excuse it?"
  2. Does life have to be fair?
  3. Does life have to make sense?
  4. Would anything be wrong if God created the universe to run without sin?
The Challenge Evil
  1. Did Job and his friends know about the devil?
  2. Does God have to give the devil permission for all the misfortunes in our lives?
  3. How can we develop the kind of trust in God that Job had?

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Lesson 9, (Nov 19-25), Intimations of Hope

Forgers of Lies
  1. From where did Job's friends get their information about God?
  2. How can we know if what we believe about God is true or not?
  3. What does Satan want us to believe about God? What does God do to counter false information about himself?

Though He Slay Me
  1. What enabled Job to have that strong faith that even the threat of death could not shake?
  2. What did Job have to gain by remaining steadfast in his loyalty to God, considering that he appeared headed for death?
  3. How did the friends of Job hope to help him by their arguments?

Intimations of Hope
  1. Does Job feel insecure about the "sins of his youth" (13:26)?
  2. How much faith did Job have in the sacrifices that he performed at the beginning and ending of the story? How much peace did those sacrifices bring him?
  3. How safe is the feeling of assurance that we may experience?

Hope Before the World Began
  1. Why would God make provision for salvation from sin even before there was sin? Did that presuppose the entry of sin?
  2. In enduring suffering, do those who do not know the truth have a disadvantage compared to those who do?
  3. How much did Job know about the plan of salvation?

Images of Hope
  1. Why do you think a lamb was selected for sacrifices? How forgiven can one feel after sacrificing an innocent lamb? 
  2. Why does God reveal truth progressively? Why could he not reveal everything to Adam?
  3. Why did God wait a few thousand years before sending Jesus? Why not immediately after Adam and Eve sinned?

Monday, 14 November 2016

Lesson 8 (Nov 12-18), Innocent Blood

Job's Protest
  1. Is Job more correct when he accuses God of being blind (cf 7:28; 9:24) or when he accuses God of watching too closely (7:18,19; 10:14; 13:27)?
  2. Is it wrong to question God sense of justice?
  3. What does Job mean when he refers to the grave as a place of no return?
Innocent Blood
  1. Is anyone on this earth innocent?
  2. Why is blood such a powerful symbol? With today's knowledge of physiology can any more correct symbol of life be proposed?
  3. Is there any evidence that God is holding back Satan from everyday damage?
Unfair Fates
  1. Is there more good or more evil on this earth?
  2. Which is worse, to let a guilty man go free, or to wrongly convict an innocent person and condemn him or her to jail?
  3. Which was a worse for Barabbas to be loosed or for Jesus to die?
  4. What rights do humans have? How did they get these rights?
Sufficient for the Day
  1. Where was God when Job was suffering? Did Job get any support from him?
  2. What enables humans to carry on in the face of suffering?
  3. Do Christians have more endurance than non-Christians?
Things Not Seen
  1. How does trust in God contribute to good health?
  2. How do doubts and fears affect health?
  3. How can a pessimist become an optimist?

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Lesson 7 (Nov 5-11), Retributive Punishment

More Accusations

  1. What drives people to be "traditional," to follow the "faith of the fathers," to be against anything new?
  2. Why does God allow Satan to take the lives of Job's innocent children?
  3. Did Job's sacrifices for his children "in case they have sinned in their hearts," do any good for them?
  4. Is there absolute order in nature or can a plant flourish against all odds--no proper soil, inadequate water, etc?
Less Than Your Iniquity Deserves
  1. Is it appropriate for younger persons to allow older ones to speak first?
  2. Is it profitable to try to understand the mysteries of God?
  3. Is it okay to tell a person Job 11:12 applies to you ("But a stupid man will get understanding when a donkey's colt is born a man")?
Divine Retribution
  1. Why were Job's three friends so anxious to prove that Job was guilty of something or the other?
  2. Why do we want to see the wicked punished?
  3. Do most people consider themselves "good?"
If the Lord Creates a New Thing
  1. Did God uniformly bless Israel with prosperity when they were faithful to him, and send disaster upon them when they were unfaithful? If so why did they lapse into idolatry so often? If not, why not? Had he promised to do so?
  2. Did individual Israelites in the Old Testament get away with unconfessed sin?
The Second Death
  1. Why does God want to burn Satan and the wicked people in hell fire?Why not just mercifully put them to death?
  2. Will hell be of fire, or could God use something more technologically advanced?
  3. Will the new earth automatically be sin free in the absence of a devil, or could humans tempt themselves and dismiss it?

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Lesson 6 (Oct 29-Nov 4), The Curse Causeless

The Big Questions

  1. Why do people take tests even though they cause so much stress? What does enduring a trial do for us?
  2. Do readers read through the debates in the dialogues of the book Job as readily as they do the prose story in the beginning and the end? If not why not?
  3. What does the Bible mean by saying we will not be tempted above what we are able?
When Have the Innocent Perished?
  1. If you were grieving the loss of all children what would you want friends to say that might comfort you? Would one like to hear that they got what they deserved, that everything is just and fair, or would one like to hear that they were innocent and life is not fair? Give reasons for your answer?
  2. Why did Job's friends remain silent for a week? Do you think they stayed there continuously or just during the day? Should they have said something instead of waiting for Job to speak first. 
  3. Would it have been better for Job's friends to just give him a hug and leave?
A Man and His Maker
  1. Why were Job's friends so anxious to prove that he was guilty?
  2. Why does God have to be right? Why can Satan not be right?
  3. Why is it not possible for a creature to be better than the creator?
The Foolish Taking Root

  1. How much do the wicked enjoy the pleasures of ill-gotten wealth?
  2. Can a righteous person be a victim of an evil curse?
  3. How accurate were the friends of Job who stated that if Job was truly righteous as he claimed that he would be restored?
Rush to Judgement
  1. What are we given the power of reasoning for if we are not to judge others?
  2. To what extent are we justified in making a connection between sin and suffering?
  3. What are signs of extreme grief that suggest one should not say anything to the bereaved?

Monday, 24 October 2016

Lesson 5 (Oct 22-28), Curse the Day

Let the Day Perish
  1. Did Job to avoid breaking the fifth commandment by cursing the day he was born instead of cursing his parents?
  2. Is it wrong to despise the life given us? 
  3. What should one do if he or she has suicidal tendencies?
Rest in the Grave
  1. What makes a person prefer death to life?
  2. Why do believe so many people believe that the soul does not die?
  3. Does a person have a right to live or die?
Other Person's Pain
  1. Is it true that though a person suffers so much, he/she would rather have their own problems than someone else's?
  2. How can we best empathise with another person's suffering?
  3. Can we rank pain and suffering based on what Satan afflicted Job with?
The Weaver's Shuttle
  1. Why did God shorten the life span of humans compared to before the flood?
  2. Is it a sin to engage in bad habits that shorten life?
  3. Is it a sin to not exercise or not eat life-extending diets?
  4. How can we help a depressed person?
What is Man
  1. How valuable are humans to God?
  2. Does God rank his creatures--angels, humans, monkeys, dogs, etc, or are they all equal to him?
  3. What does God do about his creatures that suffer?

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Lesson 4 (Oct 15-21), God and Human

God in Nature

  1. Is there order in nature? Who was correct Job's friends who state "you reap what you sow?" or Job who asserts that even beasts, birds, and fish can testify that life is not fair? 
  2. Does nature reveal God correctly?
  3. How much control does Satan have over nature?
Nothing Came From Itself
  1. How dependent on pre-existing material was God during the creation week?
  2. Can the big bang theory and the Biblical account be harmonised?
The Earliest of Books
  1. Imagine God can finally inspire scripture because humans have finally developed an alphabet and there is a worthy person to inspire, what is the first things God would want to communicate to humans?
  2. What do humans most blame God for and what would be his response?
  3. Why would God convey a message through an experience rather than a sermon?
The Dilemma
  1. Do humans have a right to complain to God?
  2. Is God accountable to humans?
  3. What rights do humans have? Where do they get them from?
  1. Is God in control over the earth?
  2. Is life fair?
  3. How much can Satan interfere in my life?
  4. Does God protect his followers more than atheists?

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Lesson 3 (Oct 8-14), Does Job Fear God for Naught?

God's Servant Job
  1. What draws humans to serve God?
  2. What drives humans away from serving God?
  3. Why is life not fair?
Skin for Skin
  1. Did God have a right to claim victory after Job remained faithful despite losing all his wealth and children?
  2. Was Satan justified in insinuating that God could not claim that Job's worship and loyalty was without motives as long as God did not give him (Satan) a totally free hand in testing him?
  3. How much is a perfect body or good health worth? Is it true that a person will give up all wealth for health?
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
  1. What is the difference in Job's two responses: (1) God has given, God has taken," and (2) Shall we accept good from God and not evil?"
  2. What enabled Job to remain steadfast in his faith in God?
  3. In claiming that Job would "curse" God to his face, why would Satan actually use the word "bless" to mean curse? Why would Job bless the "name" of the Lord?
Job's Wife
  1. Why do you think Satan spared Job's wife and let her live?
  2. Can we draw any conclusions from the fact that Job's wife did not succumb to the losses of wealth and children and only when her husband's body was afflicted so badly? 
  3. Is there a difference in calling a person "fool," and "foolish?" Is there a difference in calling a person "foolish," and charging a person as "speaking as a fool?"
Obedience unto Death
  1. When the Bible says that Job did not sin with his lips, are we to read beyond that--that his faith might have wavered in his heart?
  2. Is it fatal to have some moments of doubt?
  3. Why didn't God use a person like Job in the Garden of Eden  instead of Adam?

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Lesson 2 (October 1-7), The Great Controversy

Have Adventists overused the term Great Controversy to the point that we don't think of what it really involves? Is there another term (besides "cosmic conflict") which can capture the full meaning?

A Little Heaven on Earth
  1. Do you think Satan had tried to catch Job during his good days? What are some of the things that lead a prosperous person away from God? Why do we associate a saint with austerity? 
  2. By using the adjectives "blameless" and "upright" for Job does the author intend for us to believe that Job had never sinned? 
  3. When does "temptation" become "sin in the heart" which Job was worried about and of which he sacrificed for his children.
  4. What made Job think that his sacrifices for his children would atone for their sin?  How effective are prayers of parents and pastors on behalf of others?
  5. How should I respond when young people text me and say, "pastor pray for me?"  How effective will my prayers be?
Cosmic Conflict
  1. Does Satan still have access to heaven?
  2. Why did God choose to reveal to the readers the debate in heaven between him and Satan?
  3. Why was the debate in heaven hidden from Job? Would it have been wrong for him to know who was responsible for his misfortunes?
  4. Why did God entertain the challenge of one of his creatures? Couldn't he have just dismissed him saying, "I know everything?"
The Conflict on Earth
  1. Why is Satan so intent on fighting with humans? What does he have against us?
  2. Is Satan responsible for all destructive storms, earthquakes?
  3. Is Satan responsible for all wars? Does he get anything out of two non-Christian groups fighting each other?
  4. Does God allow Satan's angels to roam the earth creating mischief as they like?
Job as a Microcosm
  1. How true is the statement: "To explain the origin of sin would be to excuse it"?
  2.  Why would a number of angels have joined Lucifer?
  3. How will life in the new earth be without a Satan? Is sin possible without a tempter?
Answers at the Cross
  1. How does a person who does not know about Jesus find solutions to the problem of the suffering of the righteous? Did Job know about the plan of salvation?
  2. Why does Satan disappear from the book after troubling Job?
  3. How has the cross changed things for Satan? How does he attack humans today?

Monday, 26 September 2016

Lesson 1 (Sept 24-30), The End

Is the story of Job meant to be taken completely literally, or could some parts be exaggerated for the sake of the story, wealth in cattle in exactly whole numbers, number of children in perfect proportions, characters of Job and his wife stretched to opposite extremes, etc?

Happily Ever After
  1. Why does the record not tell of the healing that must have come to Job?
  2. How would you rank the following in terms of importance: (1) public vindication of your innocence, (2) having a happy family again, (3) complete recovery from painful illness, (4) wealth, (5) knowing that you are at peace with God, (6) long life?
  3. Why did God bless Job with double wealth after his trial?
  4. Why were his children not double of those who died?
  5. How long was Job's ordeal?
  6. If Job knew the ending, would the ordeal be worth it?
Unhappy Endings
  1. Why does God permit bad things to good people?
  2. Could Abel have done things any differently to avoid being killed by Cain?
  3. If Uriah had known the end from the beginning  would he have gone home to his wife and covered up David's deed?
  4. Did Eli deserve his end?
  5. Would it have been better for John the Baptist to not condemn a person who was not going to reform?
  6. Should Stephen have kept quiet to avoid getting stoned?
The Partial Restoration
  1. Why did God allow Job's children to be killed and can a new set of children replace the lost set?
  2. Was Satan prevented from taking the life of Job's wife, or did he keep her to use her?
  3. For fairness sake was it necessary for Job to find out the true cause of his misfortunes?
The Final Kingdom
  1. Does Satan still have access to heavenly councils?
  2. Can justice in the final judgement compensate for injustice in this world?
  3. Did people of the New Testament understand more about God's kingdom that those in the Old Testament?
The Resurrection and the Life
  1. Did the people of the New Testament understand the concept of resurrection better than those in the Old Testament? Is progressive revelation unfair to those to whom less was revealed? Are those who know more, more accountable?
  2. Does anything in nature suggest resurrection is possible?
  3. Does anything in nature suggest that resurrection is not possible?

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Lesson 13 (Sept 17-23), How Shall We Wait?

While We Wait For Jesus

  1. What is the connection between the destruction of the temple and the second coming of Jesus? Why did Jesus connect the two when the disciples asked about the end of time?
  2. Of what use is it when signs in the heavens (stars falling, sun and moon becoming dark) are given to  one generation and Jesus' return is several generations later?
  3. Have people of each generation imagined theirs to be the last?
  4. What did Jesus mean by the phrase "Occupy till I come," in the parable of the talents, doing our own business, or doing His business? What are those talents that he has asked us to multiply?  How can we balance living a successful life, and doing His work?
Revival and Reformation While We Wait
  1. Did the five wise virgins fail in any way because they went to sleep while waiting for the bridegroom? Should they have helped keep the others ready? How much are we responsible for helping others get ready for Jesus' return?
  2. What is the lesson from the foolish virgins? What in our lives distinguishes us as wise or foolish?
  3. Does the bridegroom intentionally delay his coming to help separate the wise from the foolish? How can we keep from getting complacent?
The Mission of the Church While We Wait
  1. How many members are aware of the mission statement of the Adventist church? Is the statement for the administrators, church employees, or for all members?
  2. If we had to make a mission statement for the Adventist church based on the reality of what we are actually doing, what would the statement look like?
  3. Does our local church have a mission statement? How successful have we been in keeping it uppermost in our minds? How effectively have we lived it?
Preparing For the Final Harvest
  1. Is sowing seeds of the gospel enough are are we expected to bring in a plentiful harvest? Is the Adventist emphasis on numbers justified?
  2. What about the talk about the number of stars in a person's crown, how much credit should a person get for the salvation of another person?
  3. In our zeal for the church do we drive some members away? Can we be held accountable for the departure of some members or is that their own responsibility?
  4. Why does God involve humans in the gospel commission when angels could have done it?
The Wait is Over
  1. How correct is this statement: "If you accept Jesus as the bridegroom, you have to accept the church as his bride? Can you reject the church and still have Jesus?
  2. Why are tears wiped away only in the new earth and not in heaven?

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Lesson 12 (September 10-16) Urban Ministry in the End

The Nature of Cities

  1. What makes a place a city?
  2. Why did Paul begin work in the cities with Jews when it got him into trouble every time?
  3. Are we really reaching the cities when our work in them results in regional language churches that may not be the language of the state the city is in?
  4. What makes city people harder to reach with the gospel?
A Hurting Place
  1. Is it true that there is more suffering in the city? If so why do people keep moving there?
  2. Is the criticism against Mother Theresa justified that her motive was conversion?
  3. Should Adventists keep their churches open to the public everyday? What will it accomplish?
Sowing and Reaping in Cities
  1. Does the parable of the sower instruct us to not waste seeds on ground where the yield is less? 
  2. Since our resources (human and financial) are limited, isn't it prudent to use them where results are highest? Aren't Adventists justified in avoiding evangelising cities where results are less in number than in the rural areas?
  3. How can bad soil be worked so that it will yield better?
  4. Is witnessing enough or do we need to press people for a positive decision for Christ?
Make it Personal
  1. Why are people in cities more impersonal than in villages or small towns? Why are people in the US less friendly with neighbours than in India?
  2. Do divorcees have the same claim to our attention and care as widows? What does the silence of the Bible on this say to us?
  3. If Bible authors were writing today would they include children from broken homes as deserving of equal attention as orphans? What other categories of people might they include as needing our personal care?
Reaching Out to the Cities
  1. Should Adventists live in the cities also or witness from outside?
  2. Can't we witness to people who live in cities more easily through TV and the internet? Do we have to contact each one personally?
  3. Are some excused from witnessing personally? Is praying for the cities and supporting the outreach through our offerings enough?

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Lesson 11 (Sept 3-9), Jesus Bade Them, "Follow Me"

They Know His Voice

  1. Was it reasonable for people like Mahatma Gandhi to reject Christianity because of the lives of Christians?
  2. Isn't it unwise for anyone to start attending a church just because the members were helpful in time of need? Is there anything more to that?
  3. How can we distinguish the voice of Satan from the voice of Jesus knowing that Satan will do his best to imitate Jesus?
  4. Did the multitudes follow Jesus for the wrong reasons?
We Are to Seek
  1. Is it reasonable to pray that God would send honest seekers either to our church or to us as individuals? Or are we expected to go out and hunt for them? Where should we look?
  2. How can we identify a lost sheep? Since we do not know th heart, how can we tell if it is really lost?
  3. Why does God distinctly send some people to the Adventist church through dreams or visions, and others have to be sought out?
The Bridge
  1. How should a visitor to church be welcomed without being over welcomed?
  2. How can we discern the motives of a person like Zachaeus who might be just inquisitive?
  3. What makes some people hunt out a new church to attend?
The Bidding
  1. Did Jesus ever heal people just for the sake of healing, or was spiritual healing always the objective?
  2. Is it infringement on other people's religious liberty to evangelise?
  3. Why was what God did to Jonah or Paul on the road to Damascus not an infringement of their liberty?
Seek And You Shall Find
  1. Are the thousands who die every day without a knowledge of Jesus, guilty of not seeking Jesus adequately?
  2. How does Jesus knock at our door?
  3. Is it acceptable to use emotions such as a song or impassioned appeal in evangelism?

Monday, 29 August 2016

Lesson 10 (Aug 27-Sept 2) Jesus Won Their Confidence

Winning Confidence

  1. How did God win Abraham's confidence?
  2. Why did the Israelites lose confidence in God repeatedly?
  3. Does the presence of a little doubt mean that one does not have faith?
A Careful Balance
  1. Why did members of the Corinthian church take pride in being of Apollos or of Paul? Has there always been and will there always be factions in the church? 
  2. How should one address a problem in a church? Is there any merit in reporting this to the higher organisation?
  3. What problems in our local church might deter visitors from returning after one or a few more visits?
Social Capital
  1. What behaviour of Adventists makes deductions from goodwill with our neighbours? In other words what are obstacles to good relationships with our neighbours?
  2. What can we do that builds up good relationships? Or in other words invests in social capital?
  3. Is our community service aimed at conversion?
The Value of Social Capital
  1. How can we contribute to the community without spending much money?
  2. Why was the king willing to support Nehemiah's project of rebuilding the wall?
  3. What makes corporate businesses willing to support ADRA and our ingathering (welfare projects)?
Favour with All People
  1. How useful is our health message in an Indian community? How much respect would Indians have towards our Adventist lifestyle?
  2. How much would our community miss us if our church and its members were removed to a different location?
  3. If prejudice against Adventists is based on misinformation what can we do to correct their understanding?

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Lesson 9 (Aug 20-26), Jesus Ministered to Their Needs

Interruption For Ministry

  1. When Jesus had demonstrated that he could heal from a distance without going to the home of the sick, why did he follow Jairus to his home to heal his daughter consuming much time?
  2. Why did Jesus stop to discuss the matter of the woman who touched the hem of his garment? Wasn't it embarrassing for her? Didn't it delay his mission to Jairus' daughter?
  3. How do we handle a situation where a person in need comes to us when we are busy?
How Can I Help You
  1. Why did Jesus ask questions such as "Would you like to be healed?" or "What can I do for you?" when it was obvious to everyone especially Jesus? What did the questions accomplish?
  2. Should we also ask people in obvious need if they need help or how to help them?
The Deeper Needs
  1. How did Jesus know what people were thinking, or what they had done in the past? Will God be willing to help us know about people we want to help?
  2. Was it appropriate for Jesus to forgive sins when the person had not asked for forgiveness? Should people have to apologise before they may be forgiven?
  3. If we do not feel forgiven does it mean that we are not forgiven? Is it possible that even after asking forgiveness in prayer that one may still feel unforgiven?
Dorcas in Joppa
  1. Why are men not included in our Dorcas societies? Should our churches have another society for men? What about young people?
  2. How much help do our Dorcas societies render to people not of our church?
  3. How active is the Dorcas society in our church?
The Church at Work
  1. Do members neglect their duty to the community because there is a Dorcas society to care for it? Should every member be made a member of the society?
  2. Is social service better left to the Sabbath school classes to organise or is that against the purpose of classes?
  3. By saying we have to hate father and mother and follow Him, did Jesus intend to convey that serving Him and others comes first in life?

Monday, 15 August 2016

Lesson 8 (Aug 13-19), Jesus Showed Sympathy

Hearing the Groan
  1. Why did God wait till the Israelites groaned before raising up leaders to deliver them? Doesn't He hear the groans before they are uttered? Do parents ever wait till their children groan? What benefits are there in letting them groan first?
  2. What does God do when he sees the tiny sparrow fall?How does that comfort us when we sorrow?
Our Sympathetic Saviour
  1. Did Jesus heal all the sick people he encountered?  On what basis did Jesus decide whom to heal?
  2. Why does God need our assistance to help people in dire circumstances? Can't he help them directly?
  3. Is it enough to use our available resources to help poor Seventh-day Adventists or does God require us to use some of that to help non-Adventists in need?
Walking in their Shoes
  1. Does walking in another's shoes require me to sacrifice the interests of myself and my family? Did the good Samaritan do that?
  2. Would the relatives or general public approve of all the forgiveness and generosity the prodigal's father bestowed on the undeserving son?
  3. Does real life work like the above two parables or are they not realistic?
Jesus Wept
  1. Why did Jesus weep when he knew he was going to raise Lazarus? Did he weep when other people died?
  2. What are things we can do besides weeping to show that we care when people lose a family member?
  3. Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? Does he weep for other cities too?
Another Kind of Comforter
  1. Why did Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter? What is his main role today?
  2. What do we have to do to be know in our community as a comforter?

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Lesson 7 (August 6-12) Jesus Desired Their Good

Jonah in Nineveh

  1. Why didn't God pick a more sympathetic and mission minded person than Jonah to preach to Nineveh?
  2. What made Jonah so effective? Why did the Nineties respond to Jonah's message?
  3. How effective is preaching hell for converting people? What made Jonah more effective than Noah?
  4. Did Jesus also use Jonah's approach for Jerusalem and Israel?
The "Anyway" Principle"
  1. How much should we expect a sinner to change before baptising him or her?
  2. Is it possible to preach effectively without love?
  3. How can we identify hate?
Love Never Fails
  1. Why is love more important than specifics of commandment keeping?
  2. Is rejection of Christianity on the basis of the nature and character of Christians justified?
  3. How much can love do and what can love not do in winning people for Christ?
The Second Touch
  1. Why did Jesus use saliva and touch when His word alone was adequate to heal?
  2. Why was the blind man of Mk 8:22-25 not healed completely after the first stage of saliva and touch? What made the second touch work?
  3. What makes some people who have eyes, blind?
  4. What makes touching so effective?
The Other-centered Church
  1. How can we harmonise the following Bible passages: Do nothing out of selfish ambition; Love your neighbour as yourself?
  2. In what ways can Jesus be our model for concern for others when He had no family such as we have to give priority to?
  3. Is humanitarian work that does not result in baptisms a poorer way to use resources than work that results in adding members to the church?

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Lesson 6 (July 30-Aug 5), Jesus Mingled With People

Christ's Method Alone
  1. Why did the Jews not mingle more with their neighbours? Had given them any instruction that they understood or misunderstood?
  2. Was Jesus interested solely in the salvation of people or did He treasure friendships for any other reason?
  3. What will be the response of church leaders when members mingle with people of questionable characters? How can possible criticism be handled?
Lost and Found
  1. Can lost people be found without mingling with them?
  2. Why do people get lost inside the church?
  3. Can we blame the shepherd if sheep get lost on the way?
  4. Had the father neglected the prodigal's older brother?
Eating with Sinners
  1. Should we wait to be invited by sinners or should we be inviting them home? Did Jesus ever invite people for meals?
  2. Why are people reluctant to invite others to their home for meals? How can one overcome such reluctance?
  3. Is Sabbath a good day to invite people for meals or is it making too much work for the host?
Mingling Wisely
  1. Did Lot make a mistake in choosing to settle in Sodom? How successful was their decision?
  2. Why did Israel keep falling into idolatry when they mingled with non-Israelites?
  3. Should more Adventists be studying in non-Adventist institutions? 
In the Midst of a Crooked Generation
  1. Is there any community that we should avoid because they are too bad?
  2. Can we be lost because we failed to witness? 
  3. Has the Adventist church wasted too much energy and resources on internal issues which could have been used in witnessing?

Monday, 25 July 2016

Lesson 5 (July 23-29) Jesus on Community

Jesus Mission Statement 

  1. Why is a prophet not accepted in his own home?
  2. Did Jesus say something that provoked the people Nazareth?
  3. Why didn't Jesus launch his ministry in a friendlier town?
  4. How can preachers present provocative topics?
Loving Your Neighbour
  1. How much are we to love ourselves if we are to love our neighbours as we love our own selves?
  2. Are there times when we might need to put others ahead of ourselves?
  3. Should concern for safety of family control how much to help others?
  4. Should all neighbours be loved equally? Why are people more anxious to help a wealthy-looking lost child than one in rags?
The Whole Recipe
  1. How can salt lose its saltiness?
  2. Is passive witness, that is, living a good Christian life, enough witness?
  3. Is it possible to over-salt the community?
On Being a Farmer
  1. Is it enough to "sow the seeds," or should we be concerned about the number of baptisms?
  2. How does one prepare the ground for sowing the seeds of the gospel?
  3. How did the ministry of Jesus mirror his model of sowing and reaping?
Church Planting
  1. Why did Jesus send out his disciples empty-handed?
  2. Should religious workers be self-supporting, or should they be paid a salary? If yes, should be salary be commensurate with that of the country?
  3. Should community service be have the motive of soul winning? 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Lesson 4 (July 16-22), Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament 2

Alive in Christ
  1. Why would being in exile kill the spirit of the Israelites? Was it better to be in Babylon or back home in Israel? Like the Israelites in the wilderness at times longed to go back to Egypt, so you think those who returned from Babylon often wished they were back in that nation? What is there about home that keeps drawing us back?
  2. What are characteristics of a living vibrant church? What score would you give your church on a scale of 1-10, 10 being full of life to the maximum?
A Flowing River
  1. Why does the river of  Ezek 47 flow east up and down the Kidron valley, instead of west down towards the Mediterranean?
  2. Who are the "dead" that we are to bring to life, Christians or non-Christians?
  3. How much has our church refreshed the community in which it is?
The Church-- A Source of Life
  1. Why is the Dead Sea dead and in what way is our church like the Dead Sea?
  2. Why are God's people so slow to share Him with others?
  3. Can witnessing bring revival or does revival have to come first?
Jubilee Promises
  1. What could be the possible reasons why the Bible record is silent on any actual observance of the Jubilee year?
  2. Who are benefitted by the provisions of the Jubilee year? Is there anyone who does not benefit in some way? 
  3. What blessings do the ones who carry out the instructions of binding up, releasing, etc., receive?
The Church--a Change Agent
  1. Why does God prefer quality worship to quantity? 
  2. What is the highest worship that can be offered to God? 
  3. What is the biggest sacrifice that can be made for God?
  4. What does it mean to "walk humbly with your God?"

Monday, 11 July 2016

Lesson 3 (July 9-15), Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part I

Mercy and Justice

  1. What did Satan do to give humans the idea that God is not just?  How does he succeed in perpetrating that concept?
  2. What does Satan accomplish by convincing humans that God is not just?
  3. Was God more merciful to Israelites than to gentiles? 
  4. Was the Sabbatical year and the Year of Jubilee unfair to the masters of servants who had to release them?
Universal Concerns
  1. Why are humans responsible for children' rest on Sabbath but not for spouse's rest according to the fourth commandment?
  2. Why are people responsible for allowing rest for their servants and their visitors?
  3. Why is the fourth commandment still binding but not the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee? Should Adventists observe those, or would it be wrong?
Prophetic Voice 1
  1. Is it a sin to ignore social injustice, turning a blind eye when the rights of the poor and needy are trampled?
  2. Do we have the same obligations to single mothers as the do to widows?
  3. Why do the Israelite prophets have so much to say about the "fatherless," but nothing about those that are "motherless?"
Prophetic Voice 2

  1. What is the connection between worshiping God and helping the oppressed? Why does God refuse to accept our worship if we are not helping the needy?
  2. Does all philanthropy stem from a religious faith or can an infidel be helpful and caring to the poor? Will God reward such a one who doesn't believe in Him but helps the poor?
  3. Why does Isaiah end his chapter on helping the poor with an exhortation to keep the Sabbath properly? Is there any connection?
A Force for Good
  1. How much time and effort are we expected to devote to the cause of social justice?
  2. What injustice  do we see around us that calls for our intervention?
  3. Should the church get involved as a church or is it better for the members individually to get involved in civic matters?
  4. How does the Adventist church compare with other denominations in community development and organising programs to aid individuals in various needs?

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Lesson 2 (July 2-8), Restoring Dominion

Created for Dominion
  1. How does the ability of humans to exert dominion over all creation bring glory to God?
  2. Did the entrance of sin make any difference to the purpose of life?
  3. What would be the purpose of any individual's life if there was no plan of salvation?
The Privilege of Dominion
  1. What would have been the responsibilities of human beings over the rest of creation before sin? In what ways could they have been expected to exert their rulership over animals?
  2. In the absence of sin what could have threatened creation that necessitated a ruler?
  3. Is trimming hedges and plants into various shapes and sizes responsible or irresponsible care?
  1. What is the purpose of boundaries? Who benefits from them? Why do people like to cross boundaries?
  2. Does Satan have any boundaries? Could he have roamed Eden freely or was he restricted to the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
  3. Why does power corrupt?
Care of the Earth
  1. Why did God use two words, "tend/dress" and "keep?" What is the difference between those two?
  2. How much rulership over creation by humans  remains? How are we doing?
  3. What more can Adventists do to protect the resources of the earth?
Restoring Dominion
  1. Why did God require the Israelites to be more humane to fellow-Israelites than to gentiles?
  2. Do we have any obligations to the beggars around us?
  3. Why did we as Adventists ask between Sabbath School and the Divine Service during a Home Missionary time such questions as "how many persons helped," "meals given away," "articles of clothing given away," etc? Why have we stopped taking that survey?

Monday, 27 June 2016

Lesson 1 (June 25-July 1) The "Restoration of All Things"

The Image of God
  1. If humans are in God's image, how far away are chimpanzees?
  2. Why did God make one human and then divide it into two instead of making male and female at the same time like he did for animals?
  3. Why would God desire to make humans in His image rather than something totally new?
The Fall and its Aftermath
  1. Could Satan argue that he didn't tell Eve any lies?
  2. On what grounds could Eve say that the serpent deceived her? 
  3. What did the serpent say that made the fruit desirable?
  4. What is the connection between sin and nakedness?
  5. What is common in the curses for the woman and the man? 
  6. Why did God select those particular areas that He did for their punishment?
Enmity and Atonement
  1. What did the snake do that a curse fell upon all innocent snakes?
  2. Did God intend to put enmity between biological snakes and humans or only between Satan and humanity?
  3. What kind of enmity is there between the devil and humans?
  4. Is it just for one person to take the penalty and punishment of another person?
Restoration in Jesus
  1. How much remains of the image of God in humans? How much does it vary from one to another?
  2. How much of the restoration of the image of God in humans did Jesus accomplish in his first advent?
  3. Are any aspects of the image of God in humanity lost forever or will we be fully restored?
The Restoring Role of the Church

  1. How much of the lost image can be regained on this earth before Jesus comes again?
  2. What can we do to help restore the lost image in others?
  3. Are we expected to assist others as a church or as individuals?

Monday, 20 June 2016

Lesson 13 (June 18-24), Crucified and Risen

Jesus or Barabbas

  1. How could the crowd be persuaded to choose Barabbas over Jesus? Why do so many people today not choose Jesus?
  2. Did Pilate's wife's dream have any effect on the Pilate's decision?
  3. Do you think that releasing Barabbas had any effect on his life after that?
  4. What did the washing of his hands accomplish for Pilate? Was he innocent or guilty of the death os Jesus?
  5. In the end who killed Jesus--Pilate, the soldiers, the crowd, or the priests? Can you and me who live today be responsible in any way?
Our Crucified Substitute
  1. What made Jesus feel forsaken by His Father?
  2. If one does not feel forsaken by God is that indication that there is no sin in the life?
  3. Was everything going according to the plan of Salvation? If so, why was Jesus troubled? If not, why not?
Torn Veil and Rent Rock
  1. What could be the purpose of God sending an earthquake at the moment of Jesus' death?
  2. If Jesus' death was to signify the end of the sacrificial system, why didn't God knock down the whole temple at that time? Wouldn't that have been more convincing?
  3. What kind of persons were the "holy people" who came forth from the dead at the time of Jesus death?
The Risen Christ
  1. Could the disciples have stolen and hid the body of Jesus as the priests alleged?
  2. Is it possible that Jesus did not really die and recovered from his wounds?
  3. Is it possible that grieving disciples hallucinated and thought they saw Jesus?
The Great Commission
  1. Why did Jesus entrust the spread of the gospel to undependable human beings when He could have used angels?
  2. What makes us think that the gospel commission which was given to the eleven disciples applies to all of us?
  3. Are all who teach and make disciples authorised to baptise? Why does the church decide who can baptise?

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Lesson 12 (June 11-17), Jesus' Last Days

A Beautiful Work

  1. Why do you think only John of the gospel writers mentions the name of the woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus and the name of the disciple who grumbled? What is the effect of knowing the names as one reads the story?
  2. Why did Jesus label the anointing with expensive perfume a "beautiful work?" Can one do a beautiful work without going through great expense?
  3. Why was it better to use the perfume for Jesus than to give the equivalent money to the poor? Wouldn't Jesus have said "ye have done it unto me?"
The New Covenant
  1. Did Jesus choose to be crucified at the time of the Passover or was that a coincidence? Did it make any difference when He was crucified?
  2. Why is there no reference to a lamb at the last supper? Didn't the passover meal include a lamb? Would't that have been a nice time to draw the connection to Jesus?
  3. What is the connection of salvation from sin to the Exodus?
  4. How often should Christians celebrate Communion?
Judas Sells His Soul
  1. How can we prevent Satan entering us as he did to Judas? Is the thought to do something wrong indication that Satan has entered us?
  2. Why was it necessary for Judas to identify Jesus? Didn't the others who came to arrest Him not know him well?
  3. What causes one to betray a trusted friend? What is the best way to deal with a hurting conscience?
Peter's Denial
  1. How does Jesus' fore-knowledge of Judas's betrayal and Peter's denial not impinge on their free will?
  2. In the light that all the disciples abandoned Jesus why is Peter singled out for failure seeing that he had at least followed Jesus at a distance?
  3. What gave Peter such courage that he could draw a sword in Gethsemane and such fear that he denied knowing Jesus?

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Lesson 11 (June 4-10), Last Day Events

When is the starting of the "last days?"

Blind Guides

  1. Who appointed Pharisees and Saducees and gave them authority? Why did Jesus tell the people to obey what they said even if they should not to do what they did?
  2. Do traditions in religion serve any good?
  3. Why did Jesus instruct the people not to call anyone on earth"father"or "teacher?" Do we need a special term such as "pastor" for ordained ministers?
Signs of the End
  1. Why didn't Jesus tell the disciples how many years would have to pass before the last days would begin? What are the benefits of signs if they come to one generation and Jesus comes in another?
  2. Since there are always famines and earthquakes how will we know which one is a sign of the last days?
  3. Is it worth living through the last days or would it be better to die before the time of trouble and be resurrected later?

The Demise of Jerusalem
  1. How was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 a sign of the nearness of Jesus' second coming?
  2. Why should one pray that "flight" will not be on Sabbath or in winter? What disadvantage is there?
  3. How will Christians know when to flee to the mountains? What will be the sign for us in these last days?
The Second Coming of Jesus
  1. How will we know which is the real anti-Christ? Why do so many believe that he will come on Aug 30, 2016?
  2. Since Jesus did not come as expected can we expect the sun, moon to become dark and the stars to fall again?
  3. How is it possible for every eye to see Jesus when He comes again?
Keeping Watch
  1. What do people get out of setting dates for the second coming?
  2. Is it possible to be prepared for a thief?
  3. Can the second coming of Christ be delayed by humans or hastened or is the date fixed?
  4. How can Christians balance being prepared and preparing others with the duty to "occupy till He comes?"

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Lesson 10 (May 28-June 2), Jesus in Jerusalem

A Prophesied Coming

  1. Did Jesus intentionally try to fulfil the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah to come, such as by riding a donkey? 
  2. Why do you think Jesus permitted the people to proclaim Him as king? Would that not create misunderstandings as to the nature of His kingdom?
  3. Why do you think the owner of the donkey so readily agreed to let the disciples have the donkey? How did Jesus know the owner would release it?
Jesus in the Temple
  1. Why do you think the system of animal sacrifices has been abolished after the crucifixion of Jesus? Won't the practice of sacrifices continue to remind us of the awful cost of our salvation?
  2. How successful was the sanctuary system in terms of understanding salvation?  How much did the Israelites actually learn from the sanctuary service?  
  3. What practices and customs in the Adventist churches could lead to similar commercialisation as money changers and animal sellers engaged in at the temple?
No Fruit
  1. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? Did He experience frustration? Why didn't Jesus use the cursing of the tree to teach them about the importance of bearing fruit in our lives? Why did Jesus tell the disciples at this time only that they too could do such things, even to moving mountains if they only had faith? Would they not misunderstand that with faith they could do such things without reason?
  2. What is righteous indignation? Is it justified?
  3. What can lay members do to address perceived corruption in the church organisation?
The Stone
  1. Why would tenant farmers not treat the son as they would the owner?
  2. Why did the owner risk sending his son when all the servants sent earlier were beaten and stoned?
  3. Why did Jesus speak in parables rather than speaking directly?
  4. Was there any way that Jesus could have appealed to the chief priests and pharisees with more results?  Why were they so resistant to the teachings of Jesus?
The Cost of Grace
  1. When Jesus taught that the chosen people were rejected and that people in the highways and byways would be invited, why did He still persist with them? Why not go to the gentiles?
  2. Why do you think God loves humans so much when they do so much to reject Him?
  3. Why would people insist on wearing their own garments when wedding ones were provided?

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Lesson 9 (May 21-27, 2016), Idols of the Soul (and Other Lessons From Jesus)

Do some people have an advantage over others because of where they were born and brought up?

The Greatness of Humility

  1. Is pride evil or just dangerous?
  2. When does ambition become wrong?
  3. What is the difference between childishness and childlikeness? What qualities of a child are desirable and make one a good candidate for heaven?
  4. What makes doing a favour for a child superior to doing one for an adult?
The Greatness of Forgiveness
  1. Why do so few people follow the instruction of Jesus to approach a person directly when he/she sins against you?
  2. Is saying " I forgive you enough?" Can one know if he/she has truly forgiven someone else? How can one know?
  3. What does Jesus mean by saying that an unrepentant person should be treated like a pagan or tax-collector?
  4. Can some people forgive more easily than others?
Idols of the Soul
  1. Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler who wanted to know how to enter eternal life "to keep the commandments?" Can one go to heaven by keeping the commandments?
  2. Who do you think was more sad at the end of the encounter--Jesus or the young ruler?"
  3. Does Jesus expect each of us to give all our possessions to the poor and follow Him? Or did He say that because He knew that the young ruler had an inordinate love of money?
What's in It for Us?
  1. Is renouncing worldly possessions to follow Jesus a guarantee of heaven? Is it commendable to become a hermit or a wandering monk?
  2. What did Jesus mean by saying "the last will be first and the first will be last?"
  3. Why should the disciples be greater in heaven than others?
We Are Able

  1. What made James and John think that they were eligible to sit on the right and left hand of Jesus in the Kingdom?
  2. Is it wrong to approach an officer to ask for a certain appointment in the church administration?
  3. Can Jesus choose or not choose who will sit on his left and right?
  4. What challenges are in the cup that Jesus was asking if they could drink from?

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Lesson 8 (May 14-20), Peter and the Rock

You Are the Christ

  1. When talking to the disciples why did Jesus refer to himself as "the Son of Man" instead of just "I?"
  2. Didn't Jesus know what people were saying about him without being told?
  3. Why did Jesus instruct His disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Messiah?
"On This Rock"

  1. Was Jesus intending to start a new religion rather than refocus Judaism?
  2. Is it a problem to understand Peter as a rock and part of the foundation of Christianity? Can we not all be such rocks as we confess that Jesus is the Messiah?
  3.  Was Peter the leader of the disciples or just their spokesman, or just the quickest to speak?
"Peter as Satan"
  1. What was wrong with Peter not wanting Jesus to suffer and die? Why did Jesus get so worked up by Peter saying that?
  2. For those who still pray with "thee and thou," Why did Jesus say "Get THEE behind me Satan?" Similarly, why did Jesus address Satan as "thou?"
  3. What is wrong with trying to save our lives?
Encouragement from Heaven
  1. What made Elijah and Moses better comforters and supporters than angels?
  2. Why did the transfiguration do for the disciples' faith?
  3. Why would the disciples be afraid when Jesus was with them?
Jesus and the Temple Tax
  1. Do you think that Jesus really paid tax, or was Peter bluffing?
  2. Why do pastors have to pay tithe if the tithe is coming to pay their salaries? 
  3. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to get the coin from a fish rather than from under a stone?
  4. Is it okay to allow people to continue in their misconceptions when we condescend to avoid controversy?